Reaction: Paint

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Sophie: It's time I personalize my room.

Biana: YES!

Dex: You should make a corner of your room dedicated to Iggy!

Linh: Ooh! I know! You can P-A-I-N-T it!

Sophie: Paint?

Linh: You don't know what it is?

Sophie: No, I do, where did you—

Sophie: Oh

Sophie: That dictionary

Tam: Ugh, I hate that thing

Linh: *gasps* What! 

Tam: *rolls eyes and mutters something incomprehensible*

Fitz: What's paint?

Keefe: I bet four Prattles it's a human thing!

Biana: No one's going to bet with you

Ro: *clears throat*

Dex: I don't think she has Prattles though

Ro: *holds up a small sack of pins* I stole this from Keefe, if that counts


Keefe: The bet is ON!

Ro: Well, too bad, because I bet it's a human thing too

Wylie: So is it?

Sophie: Sure

Ro and Keefe simultaneously: AHA!

Marella: You bet on the same thing

Wylie: So who keeps it

Ro and Keefe simultaneously: ME!

Sophie: I'll keep it

Sophie: *snatches bag away with telekinesis*

Biana: What's paint for?

Sophie: I guess to paint my room

Biana: How do you do that?

Sophie: Well, first I need paint. And also a brush. 

Dex: On it!

*ten minutes later*

Dex: Here!

Sophie: Blue?

Dex: I don't know, what's your favorite color?

Sophie: Oh, never mind

Ro: *eyes Sophie suspiciously*

Marella: What's that brush for?

Biana: Obviously not for combing hair

Sophie: Wait, Biana—

Sophie: *sighs*

Biana: *hands Sophie back the brush* So now what?

Wylie: Ooh, so we get to splat Sophie's walls?

Keefe: I'm game!

Fitz: Wait, blue?

Sophie: No, wait, don't splat it—

Wylie: *dips brush in paint and flings it (the brush, not the paint) at the wall*

Sophie: Even if you were supposed to fling it at a wall, it would be the paint, not the brush

Wylie: Oops

Sophie: ANYWAYS, Dex, mind getting a few more brushes

Sophie: At the jumbo size?

*five minutes later*

Sophie: Wow

Dex: You said jumbo

Sophie: Yeah, but I can't even hold the thing up myself

Keefe: I call painting with Foster!

Biana: I call planting with Tam!

Linh: Wait, what?

Biana: I mean painting?

Linh: Not what I meant

Sophie: Okay, so we BRUSH the paint on the wall this time

Fitz: Blue?

Dex: I can do it myself, Marella!

Marella: Psh, yeah right

*one second later*

Dex: Ow

Marella: TOLD YOU SO

*seventeen hours later*


Sophie: I know, right?

Wylie: Looks nice in here

Keefe: I'm so tired I could just sleep against this wall—

Sophie: WAIT—

Keefe: *puts back against wall and slides down to sit on the ground*

Sophie: Nooo, not again

Keefe: Hrm?

Sophie: Keefe, get up

Linh: Oh, no, it's still wet, isn't it?

Sophie: Correct

Keefe: What's still wet?

Sophie and Linh: The paint

Keefe: *yawns* And?

Biana: You ruined a perfectly good tunic

Keefe: How?

Tam: That guy is as oblivious as Sophie

Sophie: What?

Linh: Look at your back

Fitz: And the back of your hair

Keefe: *tries to turn head 180 degrees around but fails*

Sophie: Long story short, it's blue

Keefe: Huh?

Sophie: Blue. Please tell me you know what I'm talking about

Keefe: Wait, so you painted me?

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