Reaction: Notebooks

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*Keeper crew is doing homework in study hall*

*Notebook magically appears in Sophie's hands*

Keefe: Um... what are you holding?

Sophie: I think it's a notebook. 

Sophie: * Looks closer at the phenomenon* Yeah, a notebook.

Dex: Notebook?

Biana: What's a notebook?

Stina: SHUSH.

Keefe: You're the one yelling.

Sophie: Ooh, good one.

Fitz: What does a notebook do?

Sophie: You write things in it and...

Marella: And...?

Sophie: That is like, all a notebook does.

Stina: I said, SHUSH!

Keefe: You're the one yelling.

Sophie: Keefe, it's not good to use the same burn over and over.

Keefe: Burn?

Biana: Back to the notewook people!

Dex: It's a notelook.

Fitz: Notecook.

Marella: I'm pretty sure it's a botenook.

Sophie: Guys, it's a-

Keefe: Gotebook.

Sophie: No, a-

Keefe: Notegook

Sophie: A-

Keefe: Booknote

Keefe: Hotebook

Keefe: Lootbook

Keefe: Droolbook

Keefe: Oh!

Keefe: Cookbook

Sophie: Actually, that's-

Keefe: AHA! Lord Hunkyhair is the GREATEST OF THEM ALL!

Sophie: You're wrong. 

Stina: BURN.

Sophie: Although... a cookbook is a thing.

Keefe: HA!

Sophie: But it's a notebook.

Keefe: I was CLOSE. SO SO CLOSE!

Keefe: I said Booknote.

Fitz: Still wrong though.

Biana: Lol

Linh and Tam: *Just arrives to Study Hall* What's a booknote?

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