Reaction: Skittles

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*In Sophie's Havenfield bedroom, doing random stuff

Sophie: Hey, guys. Look at this!

Keefe: What, Foster?

Sophie: They're SKITTLES!!! *holds up a huge bag of Skittles

Linh: Wait, what?

Fitz: Is that poison.

Sophie: *offended

Sophie: No, it's candy.

Marella: Candy?

Biana: Candy?

Wylie: What's candy?

Sophie: At least you're all saying it right.

Dex: Candy, hm...

Dex: Is it technology?

Sophie: You only care if it's technology, right?

Dex: *grins sheepishly

Sophie: *sighs

Fitz: Can you tell us what "candy" is?

Biana: And the Skitters?

Sophie: They're Skittles, and they're so awesome-

Keefe: As awesome as meee? *flips imaginary hair

Sophie: Hm... somehow I don't think so

Tam: I agree

Sophie and Tam: *high fives

Keefe: That hurt. *pretends to sniff sadly

Linh: So, what are they?

Sophie: Skittles are a type of candy-

Marella: - we already know this.

Sophie: I know. I was interrupted. Now, getting back to the Skittles...

Biana: Can we eat them?

Fitz: Aren't they poison?

Sophie: No! They're delicious, like-

Keefe: *pauses dramatically

Keefe: Me.

Tam: Do we know that you're delicious?

Wylie: Who would?

Sophie: As I was going to say... Skittles are nearly as delicious as-

Biana: - Can we try them?

Sophie: After I explain.

Linh: Hurry, please.

Sophie: I was trying to before I was rudely interrupted like 5 times.

Dex: Maybe you should just carry on. I want to see if they can make a gadget.

Marella: I want to eat it.

Biana: Me too!

Fitz: What if it's poison?

Sophie: I ate this so many times as a kid. Do I seem poisoned to you?

Fitz: *blushes

Fitz: But... they're blue!

Linh: And green!

Biana: And orange!

Marella: And red!

Wylie: And yellow!

Dex: Even I  know that they're blue!

Fitz: ... I said that already

Sophie: And they're purple.

Dex: Oh

Sophie: So... they're candies that are not poisonous Fitz and they're almost as delicious as... Mallowmelt! *says that all in a rush so no one interrupts

Everyone else: Ohhhhhhhhh

Sophie: Now we can eat it

Everyone else: YAYYYYYYYYYY

Sophie: *opens package

Biana: *overexcitedly grabs opened bag and it falls, dumping the Skittles out


Biana: Oops.

Keefe: *Picks a handful of Skittles off the ground

Keefe: *Eats all the (probably 20) Skittles out of his hand in a bite

Keefe: Mmmm... they really are comparable to Mallowmelt, Foster

Sophie: Keefe, what did you just do?

Keefe: Eat a bunch of Skittles off the ground that probably have germs all over them-

Keefe: *Runs to Sophie's bathroom to vomit out rainbow-coloured vomit

Everyone else: Uhh...

Sophie: I'll never use my toilet again. Or my bathroom.

Fitz: So they were poisonous!

Sophie: I guess to Keefe.

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