Reaction: Fans

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Sophie: Well. It's getting hot in here.

Keefe: Yes, it is

Sophie: Be right back. I'm getting a fan.

Sophie: *Leaves in search of a fan*

Fitz: What does she think fans will be useful for?

Keefe: Unless they use palm leaves to cool us off. I'd feel like a QUEEN

Tam: You wish

Dex: I wish it's technology. Sophie never gave me that mouse.

Biana: I found it. Right here. Iggy has it.

Dex: Time to play tug-of-war, then. Toodles!

Linh: How long does it take to find a fan or two?

Keefe: FOREVER, because I have SO MANY that Sophie will get TRAMPLED

Wylie: I sure hope not

Marella: I also doubt there will be a parade waiting outside Havenfield

Keefe: *pouts* Thanks for your support, guys

Marella: You're very welcome

Fitz: Hey, she's back!

Keefe: With my fans?

Sophie: FAN, singular, Keefe

Keefe: They didn't trample you?

Sophie: What?

Biana: Are you sure that's a fan?

Sophie: Yes! I had to get Amy to smuggle me one!

Fitz: ...Smuggle?

Sophie: Yes! I don't know why you guys don't have them! It's an unsolved mystery of the world!

Everyone else: ...

Tam: Well, Keefe, good luck trying to get that thing to wave palm leaves around

Sophie: What are you talking about?

Linh: Just the fans

Sophie: Seriously, what fans? I have one right here

Keefe: You know, fans. Like those girls fangirling Fitz at Foxfire. Fans.

Sophie: *face palm* Not THAT fan. A FAN is some human technology—


Biana: Today you're making the weirdest noises. First 'toodles' and then 'yippee'

Dex: *Turns away and pretends he didn't hear her*

Keefe: Aww, Dexy, don't you want your fan?

Dex: *mumbles* I have a mouse

Sophie: ...Okay...

Marella: What does Dan do?

Sophie: It's a fan

Marella: Nope. Dan is the name the fan. Me and Linh and Wylie made it up while you were arguing. Unlike SOME PEOPLE, we can FIGURE THING OUT *gives Keefe a look*

Keefe: *whined* What did I do?

Tam: Just about assume Dan was a living, breathing, person

Sophie: You like Dan too?

Tam: Why not? Better than Keefe

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