Reaction: Hot glue

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*Keeper Crew is at Everglen, making a poster for an upcoming festival*

Sophie: *Tries to whip out a plan for the poster but instead whips out a hot glue gun (by accident)* Um. What is this doing here?

Keefe: Wow. 


Fitz: Um... what is that?

Biana: Ew... what is that thing dripping from the tip?

Sophie: *Looks at the tip* Oh. It's the hot glue.

Linh: Hot... gule?

Tam: I'm pretty sure she said tho luge.

Marella: She said hot glue.

Sophie: FINALLY someone that understands me. Thank you.

Marella: *Fake bow* At your service, Your Majesty.

Sophie: *Rolls eyes*

Fitz: So... what is hot gule?

Keefe: She said tho luge.

Biana: *Gasp* Did Lord Hunkyhair and Tam just agree on something?

Stina: *Gasp*

Tam: Hey, what are you doing here?

Stina: *Presses herself into a wall* I'm not here.

Sophie: Yeah, totally.

Stina: *Covers her eyes with her hands* I don't see you, you don't see me.

Fitz: LEAVE Stina.

Keefe: She probably did already. *snickers*

Keefe: So. What is this hot glue thingy.

Sophie: So you finally get it.

Keefe: Nope. I just mimicked you.

Sophie: *sighs* Hot glue is what humans use to quickly stick things together. 

Keefe: Human things again?

Sophie: I didn't bring it. 

Marella: Wow. That thing dripping from the tip is... so... cool...

Marella: *reaches out to touch hot glue dripping from the tip*

Sophie: NO!

Marella: *holding some hot glue in her hand*

Sophie: Marella! Are you okay?

Marella: Yeah. Obviously.

Keeper crew minus Marella: *confused*

Marella: I'm a Pyrokinetic, dum dums. This can't burn me.

*hot glue starts to burn Marella's hand*

Marella: Oh well...

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