Reaction: Vaseline

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Sophie: Hey guys, look at this. A big, fat, tub of Vaseline. Just what I needed!

Tam: Is that sarcasm

Tam: What? It sounded like sarcasm.

Linh: Oh, Tam. 

Tam: What?

Linh: Never mind

Biana: What's Vaseline?

Biana: Looks like cheap human makeup products

Biana: Ew

Fitz: Oh, Biana

Biana: What?

Fitz: Never mind

Sophie: Actually, that was close, Biana

Biana: What? Is that oily thing really a makeup product? Don't tell me it replaces foundation or something. That would be horrible. 

Sophie: Umm. . . I think I should know what that is but I don't. Anyways. . . 

Sophie: Vaseline is a CREAM

Keefe: Ooh, that cream you put on food? That's a human thing too. Whipped cream or something of the sort? Except it doesn't literally get whipped. 

Sophie: Yes, Keefe. You don't really whup whipped cream with a whip.

Sophie: That's absurd.

Keefe: I want whipped cream

Marella: What's that Vaseline for then?

Wylie: Hold up, that Vaseline is the stuff you put on food?

Dex: Is it human technology?

Sophie: Okay, slow down. Forst. . .

Sophie: *lightleaps away and returns with whipped cream for Keefe* Here

Keefe: Thanks!

Marella: What's Vaseline for? 

Sophie: It's just a cream. To moisturize.

Biana: Looks yucky

Sophie: You can try some. . . *takes out a bit and pokes Biana*



Fitz: Overreact much?

Dex: I guess it's not technology then.

Sophie: No. Maybe next time.

Dex: Ah well. That frog was a smart one for humans, anyway

Sophie: It was a frisge

Sophie: Oh, yeah, and Wylie, Vaseline is for the skin. You don't eat it

Keefe: What?

Sophie: The thing Keefe is slathering on his skin is the whipped crea, which you can eat

Sophie: Waiiiiit. . .

Sophie: Keefe!

Keefe: What? Oh, yeah. Oops.


Keefe: What? Vaseline tastes good.

Keefe: And this whipped cream is really foamy. Like a bubble bath. It's nice, you should try it. 

Sophie: *facepalms and walks away*

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