Reaction: Math

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Sophie: I am so bad at math

Sophie: A few years in the Lost Cities. . . 

Sophie: . . . And I barely remember how to do calculus!

Keefe: What's this mess?

Sophie: *without turning away from her paper* Do not tell me you made a mess of my room

Keefe: I actually didn't

*Everyone looks at him suspiciously*

Keefe: No seriously

Keefe: Sophie said Mess or something

Sophie: MATH

Keefe: Ah

Fitz: Is calculus those things that do hte math for you?

Sophie: That's a calculator

Keefe: Then what's calculator?

Keefe: I mean calculus or something

Sophie: Calculus it s type of math

Biana: What's the math thing, though?

Sophie: How do I explain that?

Dex: Is it related to technology?

Sophie: Well, not quite

Sophie: Maybe coding but I don't do coding

Sophie: So I don't know

Dex: Well

Dex: That's too bad

Keefe: Math

Sophie: Yes. And?

Keefe: I was asking what it is

Linh: I was reading the dictionary

Sophie: Ah, using your newfound human knowledge

Sophie: Smart

Linh: *bows* Thank you

Linh: *flips to a not-so-random page* It says, "calculus: the branch of mathematics that deals with the finding and properties of derivatives and integrals of functions, by methods originally based on the summation of infinitesimal differences. The two main types are differential calculus and integral calculus."

Keefe: That just made me more confused

Sophie: Well, too bad

Sophie: I can't not practice anymore

Sophie: In three years I'll forget how to add!

Marella: And that is. . .?

Wylie: Ooh, I know this

Wylie: It's that thing where two plus two equals five

Sophie: Actually, it's four

Wylie: Ah well

Wylie: Same thing

Fitz: Not really

Sophie: Eh, leave me alone

Everyone else: *gasps* How DARE YOU

Sophie: Then fine

Sophie: You can stay if you do this too and be QUIET

*five hours later*

Keefe: What's two plus two again?

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