Family Bonding

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After I seen (y/n) I went back to where Akari was, and I was met with my father and Hawks.

"Shoto.." Endeavor looked more worried for once, it was new from the usual angry look on his face.

"Father." I answered back.

Dad then looked at Hawks.

"Oh I get it, I'll leave you guys to your family issues." Hawks put both of his hands up and casually walked away.

"How are you doing?" Endeavor scratched his head.

"Did you need something?" I wasn't trying to be rude but I wanted to see Akari.

" I'm sorry for the past Shoto... but please, now that you have a child and a wife, let me be there for you." I thought for a moment.

"You heard right? About Touya?" I've haven't had time to process any of this, every thing was happening so fast I didn't have time to think.

"Yes." Was all he said while looking down.

"Let's talk in the room" I signaled my dad to come into Akaris room with me. And of course when we got in there she was asleep in a small crib making a smile appear on my face.

"She has the same white hair as Touya and your mother." Endeavor smiled looking at the small baby in the crib.

"Yeah... your not disappointed?" I asked still looking at Akari.

"Not at all Shoto, I think you still haven't realized that I'm trying to change, to be there for all of you more." His comment made me a little bit shocked. Would he really be here? Or would he just go back to his old ways? It's hard to tell because after so long is sorry really enough?

"I'll give you a chance, but don't mess it up. " After that Akari started to wine a bit making me pick her up and then I  rocked her back and forth in my arms so she would go back to sleep.

"You'll make a great father Shoto, I'll talk to you about Touya later. For now take care of your family." Endeavor gave me a pat on the head and then left the room. After that, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Everythings starting to change, and I can't tell if it's good or bad. (Y/n)'s in critical condition, but out of that a new life was born. My brother who I thought was dead is alive and a villain, and out of that my father is trying to change for the better. What do I do? It's hard to just sit down and rest with so much going on.


The next day I was allowed to take Akari home. I was nervous about it, extremely nervous. Especially since there was still villains after her, but I was told that there was people who were staying close. I was also told that Kurogiri was captured, so there would be no more randomly teleporting in and out.

"Do you need any help?" I was met with Momo at the entrance of the hospital. I had all the supplies I needed for Akari and was holding about 3 bags mixed with baby stuff and (y/n)'s stuff, and some of my stuff as well. Akari was hooked onto the front of me with a baby carrier sleeping as usual. She was truly a great child, even though it has only been a couple of days.

"Actually, can you carry this?" I took one of the bags off my back and gave it to Momo.

"Of course!" Momo said with a closed eye smile.

"Where's Katsuki?" I asked her while walking to the car

"Hes on hero duty, he was telling me how he held Akari though, I'm kinda of jealous." Momo jokingly said.

"Yeah. Are you two a thing now?" I asked looking over to her.

Momo stayed silent for a minute.

"I'm not sure. He can be confusing." She nervously giggled.

"Hm, I'm sure it will work out."

After we got to the car Momo helped me pack the bags into the trunk, as I put Akari in her baby seat. I was a bit confused on how to do it at first, but I eventually ended up figuring it out.

"Bye Shoto!" Momo called out as I pulled away with the car.

I took a deep breath.. it was extremely nerve wrecking to be driving a car with a new born in the back. I wanted to keep looking back at Akari to make sure she was okay but, I knew my attention had to stay on the rode. It was almost upsetting me how people were speeding past me, don't they know that can be dangerous? Before I could think anymore, I started to hear whines come from the backseat that soon turned into a full on cry. My eyes widened. What do I do? This is exactly why I need (y/n) here with me. I sighed and put my hazard lights on to pull over.

Once I pulled over I pulled out a bottle of milk that was still warm from the hospital. The only thing was, since she's a newborn I would have to feed the bottle to her. Therefore, I took Akari out of her car seat and then sat in another seat while I fed her. How am I ever going to get home?  All of a sudden I heard someone get into the driver's seat of the car and close the door. I immediately looked up to see who it was.

"T-Touya?" My eyes widened in fear and shock, I can't fight now I have Akari with me.

"Im not here to fight." Touya said now putting the car in drive.

"Then what are you here for?" I gritted my teeth and held Akari a little tighter, no one was going to hurt her.

"I'm here to warn you. Since I'm not apart of the league of villains anymore, for now at least. I might as well leak there plans. But this is only temporarily, chances are next time we meet again I will be fighting to kill you little brother." Touya smirked, did he think this was funny?

"B-but why? I thought you were-"

"Dead?" He cut me off and then chuckled.

"You can blame our father for that, I thought you out of all people would join me with being a villain, but it looks like you took the hero path. The path where people are nothing but fakes." There was anger behind his voice, but he still spoke calmly.

"I hated him for what he did too, trust me, but that's no reason to go off and join villains!" I raised my voice causing Akari to start to cry, and I quickly tried to calm her down.

" I should just kill you right now." He then engulfed some blue flames out of his right hand, and I immediately brought Akari to my chest.
"Remember Shoto, my fire is hotter than yours and endeavors combined, and I don't think your ice had practice on flames hotter than what your used to." Touya smirked.

"What happened to you?" I painfully asked.

" I already told you. Now, Shigaraki will be attacking tomorrow to kill (y/n) once and for all, and while your busy mourning her dead body, they will take your child." By the time Touya was done talking we were at my house.

"What?" I asked in a panic.

"I told you what I needed to tell you, I'm leaving now, your 'pros' should be here soon" Touya sarcastically said and got out the car then left.

Even though I don't fully agree with Touya, he makes a point. Pro heros should have been here already if they were staying close by.

Something was off, maybe what Touya was telling me is all a set up, but at the same time, how can I be sure?

Thank you all for the votes and comments once again :)

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