Go to sleep

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(Y/n)'s POV

I know Shoto's intention was to never kill me, but I never felt like this before...

I was really trapped, I was panicked but there was nothing I could do. Then I hear voices and people faintly yelling my name.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!" It was Yaoyorzu and Kirishima.. They arrived.. Maybe they could save Shoto and Bakugo! Maybe there was still hope!

I tried to speak but when I tried I coughed up blood making my wounds more painful. I looked up with my blurry vision and Kirishima was shaking badly. I don't blame him. It wasn't a pretty sight to see.

"Oh (y/n) who did this to you!" Yaoyorzu was crying.. Help me dammit there so in shock that there just standing there.

Then there was a big boom that hit the ground.... Midoriya?

"(Y/n)!" He yelled.
"guys we need to get her medical attention, Yaoyorzu go find help!" Yaoyorzu nodded and started running.

"We need to pull out the spikes." Midoriya was trying his best to look like he knew what he was doing but even I knew he was at a loss.

"A-are you sure that's a good idea maybe we should get pros." Kirishima said with a shaky voice.

"It may be too late if we wait.." Midoriya put his head down but then instantly put it back up with a determined face.
"We have to try, I'll do anything to save a friend."


I was breathing heavily from the pain, Kirishima and Midoriya were trying to take the ice spikes out of my wounds and fast but careful at the same time, and every time they did I couldn't help but scream out in pain.


"I'm so sorry (y/n) this is the last spike just hang in there. Kirishima keep holding her down and putting pressure on each wound." Kirishima nodded his head in a determined way.

I was sweating but yet I felt like I was freezing, I guess that's not a good sign. I finally got the strength to look down at my body, and that's when I seen midoriya pull out the last spike and seen blood ooze out of my body.. It made me sick.. Literally, I puked.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay!?" Kirishima asked in a panick.

All I had the strength to do was nod my head. Midoriya put preasure on my wound where he just pulled out the ice spike. This pain was agonizing, I couldn't move a mucle I was paralyzed at the moment... I just really hope that my body can go back to how it used to be. I don't blame Shoto for any of this either, he hurt me to try to protect me. I'm sure if he saw me right now he would be beating himself up about it apologizing a million times while giving me a lot of hugs and kisses. I giggled at the thought but as soon as I did I immediately regretted it, then I remembered the trouble he was in...how I might not even see him again. Tears started to run down my face silently, that's all I could do at the moment. God I felt so weak..

"(y/n), I know you don't have the strength to talk or to even move but.. Do you know where Bakugo went? He sent out his location to here and I thought there might be trouble so I came here as fast as I could." Midoriya said with a saddened face.

It took a second for me to even process his sentence, I mean I could barely even move my lips, at this point I was in and out of consciousness. I was really questioning if I was going to die, or if the pain just made it feel that way.

I finally got the strength to talk, just a little though, just enough so they would have a clue.

"Shoto." I mumbled, weakly pointing my finger at the building that stood not too far ahead from us.

"Shoto... (Y/n) you mean Todoroki's in trouble to?" I couldn't stay awake anymore, my eyes were getting heavier.

"(Y/n) please stay awake, who knows what would happen if you go to sleep!" Kirishima exclaimed.

This had to be hard for them, there 2 friends were in the building in front of us, and could be dead, but there staying here with me, when Shoto and Bakugo probably need there help more.

I opened my eyes once again, I was really fighting my sleep, even though all I really saw was black at this point, I knew if my eyes were opened or closed, I was just so tired... So very tried. Shoot, I'm starting to fall asleep again.

"(Y/n) come on you can do it, I know you can! Your stronger than most of us, Yaoyorzu is getting pros and you can rest then." I seen Midoriya smile a little but I could just barely see it with how things were going.

"Yeah (y/n) even though your a women your far more manly than me." I giggled at Kirishima's comment, I could almost hear his smile.

"Let's talk about something you like! Oh like Shoto, you must really love him." I smiled thinking of him, man I hope I see him again.

"I-I l-love him." I whispered since it was hard to speak through the pain at the moment, but somehow the topic of Shoto gave me some strength to speak.

"Yeah I bet you do." I heard Midoriya giggle and Kirishima chuckle.

"What else about him?" Kirishima asked, probably still determined to keep me awake.

"I-I h-hope I see h-him again." I whispered once again. It was silent for a few moments, they were probably trying to think of what to say, but it was the truth, I really do hope I get to see him again, this is not how I wanted my story to end, not this way at least.

Then I remembered.. Midoriya said Yaoyorzu is going to get pros... (B/n) said to not even think about getting them involved, but then again Bakugo was his messenger, I love my mother, with all my heart, and I would do anything to save her, but this whole thing have gone too far. Way too far then it should have.

"Of course you will see him again (y/n), no doubt about it! Your too strong to die right here." It sounded like Midoriya was holding back tears, but trying to put a smile on his face for me, even though I couldn't see it, thats how it sounded like. You can tell a lot from a person's tone of voice, and I'm just realizing that now... Heh.

Suddenly I heard running coming our way.

"Have no fear.. Because I am here!"

"Dad..." I mumbled, I don't usually call him that but I think I can get used to it from here on out.

"(Y/n)!" I heard him panick. But I knew everything would be okay now, as long as he's here and my friends, I think I can go to sleep now.

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