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None of the pictures I post above are my art or belong to me. The only thing that are mine are the AMV's

Enjoy the chapter! Sorry it's been awhile!

Shigaraki...dammit why now.

"What do you want Shigaraki?!" I yelled out through all the commotion.

"You know what I want." He smiled evily and started to scratch his neck.
"Now, disintegrate." Suddenly the buildings around me and (y/n) started disintegrating making the floors violently shake and making Akari cry from the loud noises.

"W-when did he gain the power to disintegrate stuff without touching them?" (Y/n) asked with wide eyes and a shaky voice.

"I don't know." The floor then started to crumble below us. I held (y/n) and Akari close.

"I WONT LET MY FAMILY DIE!" I yelled out. I started to use the force of my fire quirk to keep me in the air, while I was holding (y/n) and Akari.

"Wait." (Y/n) floated up a big part of debre for us to stand on.

"Its heavy but I think I can bring us down safely." (Y/n) squeezed her eyes shut as she started focusing on bringing the big piece of debre to the ground.

"How cute." I looked over to Shigaraki, he still had that stupid smile planted in his face.

"Dont you dare!" I used my fire quirk to the best of my ability to blast a flame at Shigaraki.

"AHHH." He screamed out from the heat.
"Heh, don't think that's going to stop me from using my quirk! HAHAHA." He evil laughed while quickly disintegrating the platform we were on making (y/n)'s eyes open widely. Luckily I was able to catch her by the waste as she grunted out in pain, since she still had stiches.

"I-I think you broke my stiches." I looked at her and instantly felt bad seeing blood start to spread around her hospital shirt. As I was distracted I caught from the corner of my eyes blue flames making there way to me. I instantly activated my ice quirk getting burnt a little in the process.

"There too hot." I grunted in pain. Akari was still crying through the whole thing making the situation a bit harder, but I promised myself that I would let nothing hurt her.

"Touya." I gritted my teeth.
"Just stop this now!" I yelled out

"It looks like your struggling little brother, burnt arm, can barely hold up yourself and your family with your pathetic fire quirk.

Touya then  held up both of his arms which were engulfed in his blue flames.

"Goodbye Shoto." Touya then blasted his flames towards me. I didn't have time to think, or to block his flames, my power level simply never matched his. My life started flashing through my eyes. (Y/n), the newborn little girl that I couldn't  protect in the end.

"SHOTO" Deku came flying through the air at full speed right before the flames could hit us taking us to the ground.

"Deku." I said in shocked.

"Thank you so much!" (Y/n) cried out hugging Deku then me.

"Its not over yet. You better take Akari and run (y/n)."

(Y/n) looked at me with a sad look but then slowly nodded soon after.

"Here."  I took off the baby carrier I had on and put it on (y/n).

"Stay safe please." I then gave her a slow and loving kiss, as if I was saying goodbye. We both knew that this could be the end for either one of us.

"You too, I love you Shoto." Tears started forming in her eyes, but she held them back.

"Dont worry I'll see you after battle."I smiled at her reassuringly, but we both knew the truth behind that statement.

Suddenly more blue flames came in our direction.

"Go." I whispered to her as she started running away with Akari.

"Ah so your plan is to run? Good thing I want your child and not you Shoto."

Touya was about to fly past me, but me and Deku quickly got in front of him.

"You'll have to get past us to get to her."

(Y/n)'s POV

I ran and didn't look back. It was hard to run because of the broken stitches but that was a thing to worry about later.

"Calm down Akari." I huffed, out of breath from running, trying to calm down the little girl.

"(Y/n)!" Katsuki came running towards my direction.

"Katsuki! There fighting that way. " I stopped my running and pointed behind me.

"I see." He cracked his knuckles.
"I think I'll be your body guard instead, there's other villains, and you seem beaten up anyways."

"Hmm" I looked down to Katsuki's pocket and seen a knife.

I then used my floating quirk to grab the knife out of his pocket and I quickly took a hold of it and put it to his neck.

"Cut the act Toga." Katsuki then smiled as he slowly turned into Toga

"Looks like you caught me hehe." She giggled

"Good thing I have a back up knife. " I quickly dodged back as the knife sliced my cheek.

Toga then licked the blood off of her knife and pulled out 3 more knifes and threw them towards my direction. I covered Akari's small head with my hand as I stopped the knifes from flying toward my direction and reversed them to face Toga and threw the knifes back at her using my floating quirk. As the knifes were about to hit Toga, a body shielded her to block her from getting hurt.

"Are you okay Toga~Chan?!" Twice of course. Suddenly the body the knifes flew in popped like a balloon. A clone of course.

"Just fine twice, now since your here mind helping me get this child?" She smiled evily picking back up her knifes... two of them great, my body is in no condition to fight, but I've gotten stronger over the years. I can do this, especially if it's for protecting my family, I'm prepared to die.

"Anything for you Toga~swan." Twice then started duplicating over hundreds of bodies.

"W-what? I thought you could only duplicate 2." I backed up a bit as I started getting circled with clones.

"As you get stronger, we also get stronger." Toga smirked.

"Looks like I have no choice." I activated my electricity quirk quickly running over stealing Togas knife and then back to my original position. I looked down to Akari and it seems like she was having trouble breathing. It must have been too fast for her, she is only a day old. If I use my electricity quirk as I planned it might harm her. Dammit.

I floated the knife in the air as I went around trying to kill the twice clones with them. But there were just too many, and they were getting closer and closer.


I jumped as I looked behind me

"Need some help? "

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