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"Okay... but straight in the morning we start looking." Her voice was stern and serious.

"I promise we will."

It was a restless night. I tried my best to get (y/n) to sleep, which eventually she did, but morning hit quickly and as much as I didn't want to, I woke her up.

"(Y/n), it's morning." I carefully and gently shook her awake.

"Let's start looking." She wasted no time to get up and to start desperately looking for our child.

"Right." I already knew there was no stopping her when her mind was set to something, but I was just as desperate to find Akari, who knows what Touya would end up doing, he had lost his mind.


Dabi's POV

Crying and crying and more crying. The kid just wouldn't shut up.

"Ugh." I got up and looked at the kid laying on the ground. I can already see the resemblance to Shoto, only the girl had more feminine features. Definitely an ice quirk user, and possibly another quirk, but too early to tell.

"Your uncle is going to show you what the real world looks like Akari!"
"Father never took the time to acknowledge me! No one ever understood my pain!" I yelled making the baby cry louder.

"What am I doing talking to a damn infant."  I lowered my voice. I then took another look at the kid. And some unwanted feeling started to spread inside me. Guilt? Why am I feeling guilty? My family caused this, not me. There the ones who deserve to suffer now. Especially Shoto, he was so cocky with his quirk that he never bothered to even look at me, when I been trying to prove to Father that I'm worthy for him to train for years.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes to myself and went to pick up the baby. So tiny like Shoto was when he was first born, and fragile, just like I once was when I begged father to train with me, then went to cry to Natsuo about all my pain, that he didn't seem to understand well. Akari started to quite down. Somehow it felt peaceful to have the warmth of a child in my arms, it almost made me miss how I once wanted to be a hero, but then I quickly remembered what my intentions were and immediately took that thought out of my head.

I spared Shoto more times then I would of liked too, but it was also never the right time, and that damn girls brother got in the way more times then I can count. Dammit. Well can't stay in one spot for too long.

Your POV

Where is she? Where could he have taken her? Is she safe? The questions kept repeating in my mind.

"(Y/n)... (y/n)?!" My eyes shot up to Shoto's face.

"Sorry, I'm just thinking." Shoto then sighed.

"(Y/n)." He put his hands on my shoulders and forced me to make eye contact.
"Were going to find her. Remember the time Katsuki got kidnapped and all our friends and pro heros did everything they could to get him back?" It was silent for a moment as I thought back to that day, it was scary.

"But Katsuki can handle himself, Akari is a newborn!" I raised my voice at him in frustration. Shoto looked confused for a second, but seemed to almost immediately understand that I was frustrated and upset.

"I know. The point I'm trying to make is that, your not alone, were not alone. Katsuki is like a brother to you and me, you damn know that he will do anything to find Akari. Same with the rest of our friends. Same with Aizawa, same with my father." My eyes opened wide. He was right, we have more people on our side then those villains. They may be powerful, but our numbers are bigger.

"Your right." I went in to hug him and of course Shoto hugged me back, tightly, then I felt something wet on my shoulders.

"Shoto..." I rubbed his back.

"We will get her back (y/n), we will." He said with a crack in his voice... he was crying.

I been so upset that I forgotten Shoto is going through the same thing, plus more with Dabi being his brother, and Endeavor being injured, then me being unstable, and Akari missing.

"I'm sorry Shoto, I been making this more about me then about us." I apologized

"No, don't apologize, you've done nothing wrong." He gave me one last squeeze in our hug then let go to take my hand.

"Let's go find the others."

"Tsk, finally found you two." Katsuki, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Hawks came   walking up in a group together.

"Thank God! Perfect timing,  This makes things a lot easier." I sighed in relief.

"So, what's going on?" Hawks asked.

"Dabi... he took Akari" I looked down in shame.

"That bastard" Small explosions started to come out of Katsuki's hands.
"Well what are we waiting for, let's go find him." Katsuki started walking angrily in the opposite direction.

"Yeah (y/n), we'll get her back! Don't worry you can count on us!"

"Thank you Kirishima." I smiled.

"That goes for you too Shoto!" Kaminari added.

I looked over to Shoto and seen a small smile on his face.

"Thank you." After that the others went into Katsuki's direction to start looking for leads I'm guessing.

"Told you." Shoto leaned over to whisper in my ear before also walking ahead.

Thank you for the votes and comments, I really appreciate all of the support!

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