Control Your Emotions

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"(B-b/n)?!" I stuttered out of disbelief.

"Heh, I'm glad you still remember my name"

Your POV
"W-what are you- How is this possible, am I dead?" My eyes widened from the last statement I made.

"Way to ask 3 questions in one sentence." He rolled his eyes.
" and no, your not dead, but me? Yes, I'm still very much dead."

"Oh." Was all I can manage to say.

"Wait, Shoto and Dabi, (b/n) as much as it's nice to see you, I really don't want my husband joining you, I need to go back!"

"Calm down (y/n), I'm here right now because your too panicked, too angry. You lost control of your quirk, if anything there's a chance  you could have killed your friends." My eyes widened once again.

"What do I do? I feel so weak" I looked down at my hands. They were shaking. Maybe I wasn't meant to be a hero.

"Your far from weak (y/n). You also have to remember, you just gave birth, so of course fighting at full power would be painful, but yet you let out a new power." I looked up and (b/n) was smiling at me.

"I really miss you." I finally said, tears forming in my eyes.

"I know, but sometimes, you have to let go. Me and mom are doing fine up here, and it's not your time to join yet (y/n). Trust me when I say that. Control your feelings, control your anger."

"You talk like it's that easy." I pouted.

"I understand, just know, we're watching over you. Don't lose hope" (b/n) body then started to fade away slowly.

"Wait! Don't leave yet!" I pleaded, I want more time, I don't want to be alone in this place.

(B/n) started walking towards me with open arms, and hugged me, I of course hugged back.

"Remember (y/n), your not alone anymore, your old family may be gone, but you have a new family to care for now. Remember what I said, control your feelings and emotions." With that I felt the warmth of (b/n) body leave for good, making tears roll down my face.

"Right.. I'll remember." I said in barely a whisper. With that, I closed my eyes again, but when I opened them, everything was blurry, I blinked a few times, and noticed I was back to reality, I slowly sat up and wiped away the blood leaking down my nose.

What happened? I thought to myself.

I then noticed Shoto... he seemd to be tired, but angry he was fighting Dabi, and he was not winning. Dabi himself was injured, but he was stronger.

I need to do something, anything. But what? I started thinking again.

Control your feelings and emotions

(B/n) voice rang threw my head.

But what does that even mean?

I got up, all that I was feeling was pain around my body.

Control my feelings. Control my emotions.

I started to get closer to the fight, close enough for Shoto to notice.

"(Y/n) get back!" Shoto yelled out as Dabi shot more flames at him, he have gone complete insane.

I ignored Shoto's words and kept walking forward.

Dabi then took the notice of me.

"Still walking huh? You really think you being in this fight is going to change anything?" He laughed hysterically.

That's when anger started to build up inside of me. Shoto took this time to use his fire but this time it seemed like his flames were changing colors. Instead of being orange, it was slowly getting darker almost to a blood red.

"Nice try, but still not hot enough." He fired flames back at Shoto which Shoto tried to freeze. But only being a second late, his arm burnt in the process, so he quickly used his ice to cool down the burn.

"STOP IT" I yelled out having enough of this nonsense.

"Just stop." I whispered this time.

"Heh, and what are you going to do?" He fired more flames at Shoto and Shoto was desperately dodging them or freezing them, but he was quickly running out of energy and Dabi's fire his him in the stomach making him scream out.

"SHOTO" I desperately yelled.

"Let me tell you something, my sister in law... you are too weak." He looked over at me and smiled, Shoto was now kneeling on the ground exhausted, hurt,, and trying to put his ice on his burns but at the same time still fighting, there's no way he would be able to dodge the next blow that Dabi was about to shoot.

That's when I felt all my emotions gather up at once. Anger, sadness, guilt.

Control your feelings

I heard (b/n) voice in my head again.... I get it now. I took a deep breath, as the wind started to blow harder, then thunder was heard in the air. I looked at Dabi once again and I seen fire flash out of his palm, Shoto looked up in fear knowing that he couldn't dodge the fire, not this time. That's when I controlled my quirk. A lighting strike hit the ground right in front of Dabi, making him deactive his fire and jump back.

"Oh?" He smiled.

Shoto looked over to me with wide eyes.. he was bleeding and holding his wound.

"(Y/n) you have to run.. please, this is my fight."

"Shoto. "I sternly said.

"You don't have to fight alone, you shouldn't fight alone."

"This is different now (y/n)! We have a child, one of us at least needs to be there for her!" He yelled at me. That was the first time I really seen him angry.

"Shoto, I'm not letting you die!" I screamed out.

"You think I want you dying either?" His voice was broken up. Tears streamed down Shoto's face, is this really going to be the last time?

"Shoto..." I whispered in the same broken voice as him, I ran over to his side to hug him. He was bleeding badly in the stomach from Dabi's fire.

"How sad of story." Dabi walked up to us, but stayed a good distance away.

"One of you, or maybe both of you are for sure to die here" He smiled evily.

"How cruel."

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