
845 19 4

"Alright then, what's the plan?"

Yaoyorzu's POV

I was running with (y/n) as fast as I could. She looked awful, I really need to get her medical attention, but sadly my run didn't last that long when I felt a force of wind go passed me and then in front of me. I was met with (b/n). I started to panick because I had no idea what to do in fact I was frozen. How can I become a hero like this?

"Ha, I'll be taking her now." He said in a teasing voice.

I gulped. Come on Momo  think of your next attack! You got into UA through recommendations and you can't even think of an attac- by the time I looked down (y/n) was out of my arms.

"Wha- what was that." I looked down at my now empty hands.. How useless can I be?

"Need to think quicker." The boy my age spoke. How can we be the same age but yet so strong...

Out of nowhere a huge pillar of ice went torwards (b/n) but of course with his quirk he dodged it. The quirk of electricity can be so strong...

Todoroki came out sliding on his ice and right to brothers name. He didn't look like he was in the best shape either. It has been a long night. All I did was stand in my place eyes wide.

Midoriya came out using his super strength trying to hit (b/n) but couldn't land it on time making him smash the ground. I seen (y/n)'s hand move slightly, she was trying to fight something but I can't determine what. I need to help in some way or another.

Todoroki's POV
"Alright then, what's the plan?"

"Well everyones quirk has a limit." Midoriya put his hand on his chin thinking.

"So we just need to get him to his limits!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Sh, keep it down, I would think that's what we would have to do but.. How? He can take (y/n) in an instant it makes no sen-" we didn't even have time to come  up with a plan. (B/n) had already took (y/n) out of Momo's arms. I thought she would be able to stall a little at least, if only she didn't doubt herself so much maybe this would have gone a bit different.

Without thinking I used my right side to strike ice at him, but it missed him he's just too fast.

"Alright the plan for now is to make him overuse his quirk it's not much of a plan but we ran out of time." I glanced at Kirishima and Midoriya before sliding out into what I guess you can call the battlefield. We just got to make sure that we don't overuse our quirks in the process.

Not long after I came out, Midoriya followed along trying to use one of his smashes on (b/n) but he dodged it. Yaoyorzu was standing there looking shaken up, she's powerful but lacks confidence, but I guess we all do in a way.

"Heh, do you guys really think you would be able to catch me?" I ignored his comment but instead focused on (y/n) who I seen slightly moving. It looks like she's trying to do something, but she's in no shape to do anything. As (b/n) was still talking, all of a sudden (y/n) shot up out of his arms with the same super speed. My eyes widened along with everyone else's. She shouldn't even be able to move a muscle.

Your POV

I could still only hear everything but it seemed like the sounds started to drown out its like I'm passing out again. Proabably from blood loss that would make sense. I feel so weak, and I'm only slowing everyone down. This is all my fault.

"(Y/n) stop doubting yourself." Wait where am I? Everything was white and I was just standing in nothingness. I looked behind me to see...

"Mom.." My eyes started to tear up. After all this time trying to find her she was right in front of me, but was she dead? The thought only made me start crying.

"Don't cry (y/n)." She smiled at me. I can't do this...
"I know you have a lot of questions, and I will answer them. First off, yes, I am dead. I'm sorry.." She kneeled down to where I was and hugged me.

"W-when?" I could barely choke out the words.

"Not too long ago actually, looks like your brother wasn't bluffing when he said, he was going to press the button that set off the bombs, but don't think any of this is your fault." I shook my head and looked up to her.

"How could I not? Maybe, just maybe if I had done something different that night to keep (b/n) with us, maybe if I didn't leave him." My mom wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"You have nothing to do with the path your brother chose. But right now, you need to live. I should have realized a long time ago, but the brother you know is still dead (y/n). You don't know the person he turned into, you only remember the person he was, and you need to let it go. Your the only one that can defeat him. with your speed and floating quirk you already got an advantage, he never took the time to even realize he has a floating quirk inside of him too, since you are twins." It hurt to hear the word twin come out of her mouth, my own brother killed my mom, I can't forgive him for this..
"I was able to get your friend Bakugo's parents out alive though" She smiled at me once again with glossy eyes. It looked like she was about to cry but wasn't going to.

"That's good, but I want you to be here with me, I can't do it alone." More tears ran down my face.

"Your not going to be alone, that boyfriend of yours is going to be with you wherever you go. And your father loves you to death, and don't forget that best friend you have too, she's helping you through this too, but I'm sure she will explain to you later." I took a deep breath to try and calm down and nodded my head.

"Okay, I'll keep living." I sniffled and wiped the tears away from my eyes and stood up. My mom stood up with me and put her hands on my shoulders.
"The only thing is I can barely move my body right now." I looked down, but my mother quickly made me look up at her.

"I'll give you the strength, but just for a little bit. I can't give it to you for too long, but just long enough." She gave me the brightest smile she could and hugged me. I hugged her back tightly.

"Do good things in the world (y/n) more people believe in you then you think." She let go of the hug and I gave her a determined nod.
"Alright it's time for me to go. Remember I'm always going to be here with you." She pointed to my heart. My eyes were getting teary again, but I was more determined than ever right now.

All of a sudden everything went dark again and I could hear everything around me, I was back in the real world. I tried to move my hand and was a bit successful but it wasn't enough. I heard (b/n) talking but I wasn't paying attention. Finally I felt strength over take my body. Im ready to end this.

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