I Will Protect You

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Shoto's POV

Why would he go that far, just to get to a newborn child? None of this makes sense. For power?

So many questions flew into my mind. My hands were balled into a fist from anger, but as soon as I looked back down at (y/n)... they seemed to soften, and all of my anger suddenly turned into tears that just couldn't be held back.

"(Y/n)... please wake up, I'm so sorry I let him get to you." I held her unconscious body in my arms, in a tight yet soft hold. Her face looked troubled and her body said all that she been through today. Blood around her lower stomach area from giving birth to our beautiful newborn baby girl that neither of us got to spend enough time with. Dirt spread across her face, and a cut on her cheek, yet she still looked so beautiful.

"Please wake up." I repeated in barely a whisper.


"(Y/n)?! Hey, you don't have to say a word just relax."

Even though I told her to relax, (y/n) quickly started to look panicked.

"Akari? W-where is Akari?" She winced up in pain. Her voice sounded so broken, so defeated.


"Shoto... where is she?! Y-you've found her right? Y-you took her away from Dabi?" She held her stomach as tears ran down her face, and her body slowly turned into a ball.

"I'm sorry." Was the only words that came out of my mouth, but that was enough for (y/n) to break down.
"I'm going to find her, I swear to you (y/n). Look at me" I put my hands on her shoulders and unfolded her body from the ball she was in.

"I'm going to get her back, I swore I wouldn't let anything happen to her. So no matter what it takes, I will get her back." My voice was stern, but cracky at the same time. I then pulled her into a tight hug, not ever wanting to let go. Just taking in this moment with (y/n), sometimes you just never know when it's going to be the last time.

"Its going to be okay, alright?" I attempted to calm her down as I heard her sob into my chest.

"No, I failed, a big peice of debre fell on me and.. and I wasn't strong enough. Dabi saved my and Akari's life, but with the price of taking her to the league." She sobed some more as I rubbed her back. She must have been caught in the middle of Shigaraki's destruction.

"Its not your fault (y/n), I could sit here and blame myself all day too, but right now, our main priority is to stitch you up again and find Akari.

Instead of a yes, (y/n) just nodded, but that was good enough for me. I then stood up helping (y/n) stand up in the process, she winced a little, but I continued to support her while she leaned on my arm to walk.

"Are you okay?" I asked in worry, this girl just could never get a break from the bad luck in her life. It always seems like whenever stuff is going too good, it's just a set up for something bad to happen.

"I'll be fine." Her voice was still cracky signaling to me that she wasn't, but honestly how could she be? I'm not even feeling 'fine' right now.

After a while of walking, it began to fall dark. Theres no where really to go home to seeing that the whole city was destroyed, not even the hospital was an option at this point.

"Here this store looks a bit run down, but it'll have to do for now" I helped (y/n) sit down next to a wall. She winced again. It looked like her wound was getting worst.

"I'll find something to stitch your wound. If It gets infected that will be a lot of trouble." I kissed her on her forehead and went to look around the store to figure out how to do this.

First, It would be a good idea to clean the wound. I immediately went into the medical section of the small store and found some peroxide and bandages. Perfect. The next thing I need to find is something for the stitches. Her wounds just can't be left unopened. I searched the store until I found some needle and thread. I think that's all I need.

"Okay (y/n) , I never done this before but, your just going to have to trust me."
She nodded and closed her eyes getting ready for the pain.

"Okay here goes nothing." I poured the peroxide onto the wound on (y/n)'s stomach.

"Ahhhh" Her hand went up to grab my arm and she squeezed it hard trying to tolerate the pain.

"I know, I'm sorry." I said with sadness in my voice, I hated seeing her hurt.

After I poured the peroxide on her wound I waited a second for her to tolerate the pain.

"Okay I'm going to stitch it now." She opened her eyes. She looked so tired.

"Okay, I'm ready."

I then put the thread in the needle which took a second since it was so small, then I positioned the needle where the open wound was and started to poke it through her skin until the string came through.

(Y/n) squinted her eyes in pain as tears ran down her face from pain.

"Are you good?" She took a second to answer

"Just keep going, Just get it done fast.. please." Her grip on my arm tighten as I continued to stitch up the rest of her stomach.

"Okay, all done." It wasn't exactly professional stitching, but it was enough to hold for now.

"Can we go look for Akari now?" She said with a crack in her voice.

Before I answered her, I looked outside. The city was destroyed, it was a bit chilly, and not to mention dark. There's no way we would be able to walk into the league of villains hideout with no plan, we also would have to start with looking for where there exactly hiding out.

"(Y/n)... you know I want to find our daughter just as much as you. But please understand that going right away isn't a good plan. We should stay here for the night then in the morning find Katsuki, Deku, and whoever else is near by, then I swear we will act right away." I tried to be as calm and smooth as possible with (y/n). She just have birth and separating a mom from her newborn is probably hell.

"B- but what if they... do something to her, and were too late?" She questioned.

"I know for a fact that they won't harm Akari. They want to train her then use her... this is why I swear to find her, you have to trust me. " (y/n) just stared at me fire a second before she slowly nodded.

"Okay... but straight in the morning we start looking." Her voice was stern and serious.

"I promise we will"

Thank you for all the votes and comments! I really enjoy seeing them all haha and my hero season 5 is out now yay!

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