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Your POV

It has been 2 days since I passed out and I was still in the hospital. The doctor wanted me to take an ultrasound before he decided when I could leave. I was excited and nervous at the same time. Shoto was here with me of course, he still had to go to work but when he got off of work, he would go home and get stuff I need and sleep at the hospital with me in fear that something else would happen.

I was on the bed getting ready to take the ultrasound, Shoto held my hand in his as the doctor started to put the jelly on my belly. People say it's cold but it was actually a warm and comfortable temperature. Alright I'm  just going to move this around where the baby is now.

I nodded and Shoto did as well as he looked mesmerized by the screen.

"Okay the baby is right here." The doctor said pointing at the screen.
"The head is right here and the feet is right here" she pointed to more places on the black and white screen showing mine and Shoto's baby.

Suddenly my eyes started to tear up, I don't know for what reason, but I just felt so happy. I felt Shoto squeeze my hand a little tighter while looking at the screen. I looked over at him and seen a smile on his face. Not a small one, but a genuine happy smile anyone could see.

"Would you like to know the gender?" She asked looking at both me and Shoto.

I looked over at Shoto and he looked over at me.

"Whatever you want love." He said and smiled at me once again squeezing my hand.

"Y-yes I want to know the gender." I stuttered, not because I was nervous, but because I was so excited to know.

"Alright then, you are going to have a baby girl! Congratulations!" My eyes widened. A baby girl? Tears started coming down my face, Shoto looked back at me to see my reaction, but put on a confused face when he seen tears running down my face.

"Did you want a boy?" He asked confused. I laughed at his comment.

"No,  no you idiot, I'm just so happy!" I pulled his arm closer to me hugging it tight. All I want was to be close to Shoto right now.

He smiled at me rubbed my head with his other hand.

"Alright, I'm going to go and print out the ultrasound, here." The doctor gave me a small towel to wipe off the jelly.
"I'll be right back." She smiled at the both of us while walking out the door.

Once I wiped off the jelly, I immediately pulled Shoto into a tight hug. He of course hugged me back.

"I love you (y/n)." He said while resting his chin on the top of my head.

"I love you too Shoto." I had my face buried into his chest, feeling tired and just wanting to go home. I was hoping the doctor was going to say that everything was fine and the baby was healthy, but of course, not everything in life goes perfect.

A few minutes later the doctor came back into the room with a small smile planted on her face.

"Okay first of all, here is your ultrasound of the baby." She handed Shoto the photos and he took the time to take in every detail of the picture.

"I also, have some bad news." The doctors small smile turned into a slight frown.

Shoto's face immediately looked up from the picture and to the doctors with worried expressions planted all over him.

"The babies heartbeat is irregular... now this is normal sometimes in later pregnancy, but to have it this early can lead to heart failure or other problems." I didn't know what to think at the moment, why couldn't everything just go right for once?

"You can go home, but I am asking you to come in regularly, at least once a week or if you feel like somethings wrong." She gave me a pity smile and left the room.

Me and Shoto went home after that of course. We were in the same position we were in when I first found out I was pregnant, we were both sitting on the couch and neither of us knew what to say.

"I don't think you should go to work (y/n)." Shoto said breaking the silence in our little apartment. That was another thing that was a problem, we would need a new house.

"But, we need the money, I mean are we going to have enough room in this apartment for all the baby stuff?" I looked over to Shoto, but he was just looking At the ground thinking hard about something.

"Don't worry about that (y/n). You need to take care of yourself and the baby, and may I remind you, hero work involves fighting and getting injured. One hard hit to the stomach then it's all over." He had a point, but I also didn't like being wrong.

"Yes, but what if I just did patrolling in pairs? That won't hurt right?" Shoto looked up from the ground and at me. His face looked a little frustrated.

"(Y/n) you were just in the hospital from patrolling, when it comes down to it and something happens and you absolutely need to fight, you won't make it long, you can't even walk long." There was definitely irritation in his voice. I started feeling bad because Shoto rarely ever gets frustrated or angry, he's usually very loving and supportive.

"How come you support me in every other decision I choose, but you think I'm too weak to patrol?!" I raised my voice a little bit, I wasn't yelling, but it was getting to that point. It seems that I also was irritated, even though I know Shoto was right, why am I even fighting him if I know he's right?

"Because this one is a dumb one! It's our baby (y/n), I just want you to be safe!" This time Shoto snapped, it seemed like he was already stressed out from all of this. I don't think he has ever yelled at me before. Now I felt bad.

Shoto took a deep breath and then pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry for yelling... I just don't think it's a great idea." he held me close to his chest like if he let go he would lose me.

"No I should be apologizing, I know your right... I'm sorry for stressing you out." There was a small crack in my voice, I've been really sensitive lately and it's been annoying me how vulnerable I've been.

"No it's fine love, don't cry." He wiped a tear away on my cheek and kissed my forehead.

"I won't go to work then, just you be careful at work though, please? I don't know what I would do if I lost you." I looked up at him with worried eyes, but all he did was smile gently at me.

"I don't know what I would do if I lost you either (y/n)... I really don't."

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