Not again

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Shoto dropped me off at my house and went back to doing his intership. I took about an hour nap but I woke up from a knock on the door. I was wondering who would be knocking on the door.. I wasn't expecting company.

I painfully got up leaning forward a little holding my stomach not wanting to sit in my wheel chair. I opened the door and leaned on it.

As soon as I opened the door, my eyes widened and I immediately tried to close it, but he slammed it right back open making me fall to the ground, a grunt escaped my mouth.

"(B/n?!)" I tried to get up but I think I broke my stiches because blood started to stain my shirt. I sighed in frustration.

"Come join the villains side (y/n), after all that happened now, we know you have it in you to be one." He walked up to me and put a hand out to help me get up, but I of course refused and just stayed sitting on the floor, trying not to show the pain I was in.

"I don't even know what your talking about, why are you even doing this.. I want  the brother I know back." I looked down with a sad expression on my face.

"You have no memory of your fight with the hero killer?" My brother kneeled down by me, and I looked away shocked....

"I fought the hero killer S-Stain." I stuttered.

(B/n) let out a evil chuckle.

"Yes, you did, in fact you killed him." (B/n) smirked.

I gasped when he said those words... I killed someone.. Thats not what a hero is suppose to do... Is that why no one will tell me what happened?

"So you see, your already fit to be a villain.. Just like me. Haha in fact who am I kidding, you already are a villain." His voice got deeper when he said that, I was just left on the floor shaking in shock. I'm not a villain because I killed him right? I must of had a good reason right?

"Go to hell." I mumbled angrily at him.

"Haha, speaking like a villain too, I like it. Come on (y/n), come join your dear old brother." He got up and held his hand out to me once again. I just looked away from his hand my eyes widened in fear and shock. I want all this to be over, I should have just went with Shoto and all would of been fine.

"Hmp, not coming I see... Well looks like mom is going to get it tonight." And before I could say anything he took off.

"Wait! NO." I tried to get up but I instantly went back down to the ground and held my stomach in pain. A few tears escaped my eyes. I crawled to my bedroom with my stained blood shirt.. Dammit I don't want to go back to the hospital, but it looks like I will have to get this stiched up again. I sighed sadly, and started to think of my mother.. How could he do such a thing? I'm going to get her back, with or without the pros.

I grabbed my phone off of the my nightstand. I have gotten 2 messages from Shoto asking how I was doing. Instead of texting I just called him.

"Hello? (Y/n) are you okay?" His voice was filled with worry.

"Not really." My voice had a Crack to it.. Dammit, I didn't want him asking questions.

"What happened are you hurt?"

"Well my stiches opened up.." I said painfully

"I thought I told you to rest (y/n).. I'm on my way." He let out a sigh

" I didn't do it by myself..." I let out a nervous shaky breath remembering the events that just happened not to long ago.

There was pause for a minute.

"What do you mean?" Shoto sounded worried.

"Just come over, I'll explain everything."

Shoto stayed with me on the phone until he got to my house, I told him to come right in since the door was now unlocked.

He walked quickly over to me and picked me up bridal style.

"Alright let's go and get you stiched back up." He gave me a reasurring smile.
"After explain to me what happened." I gave him a weak smile followed up with a frown. I wanted to see my mother...

"It'll be okay." He gave me a kiss on the forehead and started walking me to the hospital.


After the doctor stiched me up again and gave me a whole lecture about how I should have taken it easy, Shoto insisted to go back to his house.. It has honesty been a long day.

Once we got there we layed me down on his bed and pulled up a chair so he was sitting next to me. I was laying on my back due to the stiches and pain coming from my stomach. It was silent for a few moments as Shoto was just looking at me rubbing my head which felt nice.

"So are you going to explain what happened?" Shoto said in a sweet and comforting voice.

I let out a sigh knowing this was going to make him angry that someone hurt me.

"I took a nap and I Heard a knock at the door, I opened it and there was standing my brother. I tried to close the door but he pushed it open quickly making me fall and opening my stiches... Long story short he tried to convince me to come to the villain side... He said that I killed someone.... Is that true Shoto?" I was hoping the answer was going to be no, that this whole thing was just a big joke, but by the shocked look on Shoto's face... I had a feeling what my brother was saying was true.

"(Y-Y/n)." Was all he said.

"I need to know Shoto. Is that why no one will tell me what happened?" Shoto looked nervous and then took my hand holding it gently.

"Yes. But you were only protecting our friends, it was claimed as self defense, the only people who know about it is some pro heros and Midoriya and Lida. If it wasn't for you Lida would have died." I looked the other way..

"But heros arnt suppose to kill." I sadly looked up to him.

"You had no choice (y/n) and we all know you didn't intentionally do it, whatever your brother said to you, just remember he's trying  to get into your head, so just relax and don't think about it." Shoto's words were always so comforting, I'm so grateful to have someone like him.

"Thanks Shoto you always know what to say." I gave him a slight smile.
"But when I said I wouldn't go to the league of villains, he said that my mom is going to 'get it'." I frowned once again.

"Were going to get the pro heros there more sooner then later, I promise, just don't go off doing anything on your own. You'll end up in the hospital again." Shoto gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.
"I have to go back to the old man before he starts getting suspicious, he wouldnt like you in here. Help yourself to whatever you need, I'll text my sister to help you with getting food or what not." I gave him a slight nod as he went to the door.

"Bye Shoto." I gave him a big smile and he chuckled at it.

"I'll see you later (y/n)."

(thank you for 163 reads!)

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