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"All I know is that (y/n) needs me right now."

Shoto's POV

Thankfully the location wasn't too far away, it was in their hideout about 1 hour away from the hospital. But It was still far enough for anything to happen at any moment. Since we needed to get there fast Iida was called on this mission he would most likely be there before any of us. Me, Deku, and Katsuki all stayed in a group while Uraraka and Momo stayed back at the hospital just in case she was brought back some way. And Kirishima went to the police station to fill out the reports and to help get the medical team ready. He was also going to be watching us on a tracker that we all had on in a hidden place on our hero outfits. We all also had small microphones connected to our ear so we can talk to each other.

"Okay Iida you go ahead since your the fastest and we'll be behind you." I told him through the microphone while I was still running.

"Got it Shoto, I'll make sure nothing happens to her." I thanked him then about 2 minutes later Iida zoomed past all of us going at full speed.

Your POV

I was screaming in pain at this point, I had no meds to help, nothing was numbed, and worst of all no one was here to hold my hand or save me.

"I've got some towels." Dabi threw them on the floor next to me and kneeled down.

"N-no don't lay a finger on me." I said threw my teeth from the  pain. It took every bit of strength I had in my body to just sit up and support my back against a wall. My hair was sticking to my face from the sweat rushing down my face.

Dabi immediately backed off.

"Give birth to your own child then." He angrily stomped away. Maybe he was just trying to help, but if I had to deliver my own baby I would.

"Dabi wait come back what are we suppose to do!" Twice jumped in a panic.

"Figure it out or bring her back to the hospital." I yelled again in pain, making Shigaraki panic this time.

"Dabi if you walk out now your no longer apart of the league of villains. It wasn't supposed to go this way, I gave you one to many chances." He started aggressively scratching his neck with shaking hands.

Dabi stopped walking for a moment, but then continued to walked.

"You already lost your most powerful member heh. Its going to be fun to see you beg at my feet when you so desperately need my help again." Shigaraki seemed very angered by this, but he stayed silent while he dug his nails into his neck harder.

"Oh and have fun trying to escape this place." Dabi then engulfed the place in flames. There was no way I would be able to get out of here by myself.

"It wasn't suppose to go this way. IT WASNT SUPPOSE TO GO THIS WAY." Shigaraki finally snapped and yelled

"Everyone retreat, we'll find another day to get the baby, that is if your even alive (y/n)." The league of villains then quickly rushed out of the buring building afraid of getting caught in this failed kidnapping.

"No, please help me." I cried out in barely a whisper. The building started to collapse as debre started falling from the ceiling.

"(Y/N)!" I barely heard my name being called over all the flames and falling debre.

"HELP." I yelled in pain. I wasn't sure who the voice belonged to yet, but all I knew for sure was that I was in labor, and in a bad situation.

"(Y/n)!" Around the corner came Iida, he was in his hero costume, it looked like he was the only one here.

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