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I woke up in someones arms. I forgot all about what happened last night. I started to panic a little until I realize the persons arms I was in was Todoroki's.
A tired smile then came up on my face. I tried to get up without him knowing but once I tried to move from his arms he didnt budge.
"Running from me?" His morning voice was so sexy it made me blush. He pulled me back closer to him.
"Ha, no." I laughed.
"But we need to get ready for school."
Todoroki Sat up and exposed his shirtless muscular body. I tried not to look but damn.
"We don't have school silly." He ruffled my hair.
"Oh yeah it's Friday." I giggled.
Then I remembered my mom.
I got up quickly without saying anything to Todoroki. I looked around the house but she was gone. Then I realized one place she might be. I quickly grabbed my jacket going outside starting to walk. Then Todoroki came out after me.
"Still not home." He asked in his usual emotionless voice.
"No. But I know somewhere she might be." I walked faster.
Todoroki just stayed silent and followed me at the same speed.
Before I knew it I was at a graveyard. The one which my brother was buried at.
"Why are we at a graveyard?" Todoroki questioned.
"My brother was buried here." I quietly said.
"Oh." Was all he could get out.
I walked to where my brothers grave was. It hurt to be back here, as much as I miss him I couldn't ever bare to go and see him, but this is the only place I can think where my mother can be.
As I got closer to his grave I can see my mother laying by the grave sleeping. Have she been staying here?
I ran up to her.
"Mom wake up!" I shook her
She slowly opened her eyes.
"(Y/n)?!" Her eye went wide and she hugged me tight.
I hugged her back.
"Mom have you been staying here?" I said breaking the hug giving her a worried look.
"I'm sorry (y/n). I guess I'm just not over (b/n)." She looked down sadly.
I looked down. I was not over him yet either but I had to be strong for her.
"I know mom." I pulled her back in to a hug and looked at Todoroki as I was hugging her. He just looked normal standing there not too sure what to do.
"Mom it's time to go home." I said putting my hands on her shoulders. We both then stood up. I took her hand and went to where Todoroki was.
"He's here?" My mom said In confusion.
"Yes mom he been here for me." I seen Todoroki do a cute smile at the corner of my eye making me smile a bit.
I took my mom home and Todoroki followed us.
As we got to the door my mom went inside and cleaned herself up.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine. Why do you ask?"
"Your obviously not over your brother. You don't have to be strong in front of me."
"I may not have to be strong in front of you but I do in front of my mother, she's hurting from the whole situation still, I need to stay strong for her." I explained.
He just nodded.
My mom then came out and made breakfast for both of us.
"I'm sorry if I worried any of you." She said with a sad smile.
"Don't worry about it mom. All that matters is that your here now." I smiled.
She smiled back at me.
"Oh and I should probably tell you that me and Todoroki are dating." I nervously told her.
She looked at me then at Todoroki. She then stood up and ran over to Todoroki and hugged her.
"Oh my gosh!! I can't believe you found such a cute boy (y/n)!!!! I knew it was going to happen sooner or later." She said in excitement still hugging Todoroki.
I just giggled at the whole situation and watched as Todoroki blushed at her words.
After that Todoroki then left and said goodbye to me and my mom.
I went to relax in my room because there wasn't much to do. I then remembered that I should tell my friend!
(B/F)- Hello?
You- hi!
(B/F)- okay what happened? Your overally excited.
You- Well I started dating that guy.....
(B/F) - Oh I see... Don't fuck it up you have to be there for him.
You- why wouldn't I be?.
(B/F)- I can't tell you everything but if you do the right things you guys will make it.
You- m-make it? what do you mean?
(B/F)- you'll see soon enough. Just trust me.
You- okay okay, it shouldnt be hard.
(B/F)- I see your brother been troubling you?
You- maybe.
She sighed
(B/F)- I have bad news.
You- huh? What is it?
(B/F)- I-I can't tell you. You have to find out for yourselve but you will find out soon.
You- okay.
She was making me nervous.
You- How are you?
(B/F)- Oh just fine same old. Well I have to go now! Talk to you later!
Then she hung up. Man she really had me thinking. She knows so much and won't tell me. It was irritating but at the end of the day she's still my friend.
I brushed off what she said and went on with my day.

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