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Another AMV I recently made :)

"Shoto... I want to keep the baby"

Shoto's POV

I stayed silent for a moment. It's not that I didn't want to keep our baby, there's just so many risks...but I can't say no I want to keep it as much as (y/n) does.

"Are you sure thats what you want?" I asked her, trying to make sure she is positive before we go all out buying baby stuff.

"Yes, I'm sure." She said wiping away tears from her face.

"Don't cry, we'll get through this, just like we got through everything else. Okay?" I pulled her into another hug, and I knew that it was going to be a rough 9 months for both me and her.

"How are we going to tell people? I mean we're still young, and then eventually the outside world is going to find out too, and-"

"Hey, don't overthink it okay, you can tell whoever you want, you will have to tell your agency right away though." (Y/n) worked in the same agency as Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, and Kaminari. So that means they would be one of the first people to know, since people would have to be covering (y/n)'s shifts.

"I know you probably don't want me to work, but I can still patrol around the city, and to make you feel better I'll take someone with me. I don't want you to be the only one bringing money in the house." She gave me a soft smile.

"(Y/n) you are too caring."

After our talk we didn't do much but relax for the whole day. (Y/n) had a temperature and wouldn't let go of me. I'm really going to need to be home more while she's pregnant, the thought of her staying home by herself like this makes me worry.

The night flew by and before we knew it, it was morning. (Y/n) insisted on letting her go to work today. I didn't completely agree because you never know what could happen on duty, but I ended up letting her go, since she was getting a tad bit moody about it.

"Okay love, just please be carful, call me if you need anything and I'll be right there." I gave her a kiss on the forehead as I headed off to work, I went in earlier than her today, so she would be driving herself, that also worried me, what if she got sick? A car crash? Anything could happen. But I knew that I was worrying way too much, I just never know what I would do in a world without (y/n).

"Hey Todoroki!" I was greeted by Midoriya again at the door.

"Hey." I said in a monotone voice, not really interested to talk right now.

"So, is everything okay? I mean with (y/n) and everything?" He scratched the back of his head, clearly nervous to bring up the topic.

"Well, yes, and no, she wants to keep the baby, but she has not been well." I kept walking straight to my desk, I wasn't trying to be rude, there was just too much on my mind.

"Wait did you say a baby?!" Iida popped out of nowhere waving his arms around. Great. I just sighed.

"I think I did hear you say baby Todoroki, is (y/n) pregnant?" Tsuyu and Uraraka came out of the door way. It felt like everyone was cornering me.

"Are you sure you kept it a secret Midoriya?" I asked with my head still looking straight.

"Y-y-y-yes?" I sighed and walked away from everyone getting ready for work, but I was so distracted, I wanted to know how (y/n) was doing, but I know she would be upset if I said anything, the hormones must be kicking in already. So I came to the conclusion to text Bakugo, I know him and Kirishima were on duty today.

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