The Right Choice

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Your POV

"I'm so stupid, so stupid" I muttered to myself as I picked up my phone to call (f/n).

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked to start up the conversation.

"Just fine, a little sick."

"Oh, you too huh?"

"Haha I know your a different kind of sick." She giggled making my cheeks go slightly pink.


"So you are pregnant I see, you have to be careful (y/n)." She said in a serious tone.

"I know, the doctor said a lot of scary things, that I'm sure you already know about... but will the baby make it?" I asked her nervously, sometimes I don't know what questions she can answer and what questions she can't.

"I do see a baby, but I don't sense any death right now, it's hard to tell, because there's so much different things and outcomes that can change the future before you deliver your baby. That is if you choose to." She explained to me.

"I see." I sighed, wishing I could know more.

"Are you keeping the baby?" She asked me curiously.

"I honestly don't know." My mine was still so overwhelmed.

"Well, I can tell you that this may be your only chance to have a child. Your still young, so you can always adopt when your older."

"Wait.. what are you saying? This is my only chance to have a child?!" I asked surprised.

"Yes, it's miracle you can even get pregnant to be honest, if you have this baby, it would be the only one. Your body would not be able to handle another child, but no one knows if your body can even handle one yet either. All I can tell you is, I don't see certain death, but I also don't see certain life. I won't know until it's too late to get an abortion." She spoke to me honestly. There was a moment of silence, I was still thinking on what to do, nothing was for sure, but this might be the only chance I get to have a child of my own.

"I guess I'll have to make a choice soon." I said breaking the silence.

"Yes, you will, this is all up to you and Shoto, talk to him and agree on something. It's better to know what your going to do sooner than later."

Suddenly I felt really sick.

"Hey thank you for everything, I hope you feel better but I think I'm about to throw up." I held my stomach in pain as I felt like I was going to puke.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later, let me know what you will choose." With that she hung up as I ran to puke in the bathroom.

"This will definitely be hard." I said to myself.

A couple minutes later I cleaned myself up and went to lay on the couch with a blanket. It might have been summer but I felt really cold. So cold that I wouldn't have minded if there was a heater in front of me. As I was drifting off to sleep I heard the front door open which made me slightly open my eyes to see who it was.

"Hello, love." Shoto came through the door to see me laying on the couch.

"Hey." I said in a tired voice.

"You look pale, are you feeling okay?" He sat on the couch next to me as I put my legs over his lap.

"I just puked, so not really, you look tired." He had dark circles under his eyes, and I knew it was because of me moving all through out the night.

"Don't worry about me." He gave me a reassuring smile.

"Your off really early." I said starting a conversation.

"Yeah, Midoriya covered for me again, I told him what was happening and he immediately offered." He responded and started massaging  my legs, which felt really good.

"That's good." I was starting to fall asleep from his touch.
"I also need to talk to you about something." I had to tell him what (f/n) said, I didn't want to keep him from anything.

"What is it love." I got up from laying position to just sitting, while Shoto continued to rub my legs.

"I talked to (f/n) today, actually not long ago." Shoto's eyes widened, as he was only hoping for good news.

"Well, what did she say?" He calmly asked.

"She said that this may be the only time I can get pregnant.." I'm sure Shoto didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

"Did she say anything about delivering the baby?" I stayed silent for a minute, making him worried.

"Well, she said she doesn't see certain death, but neither certain life. She would know when it's too late." I looked down at my stomach, I feel like I was already getting attached to the baby. What do I do?

"It's a hard decision." Shoto noticed me looking down at my stomach then put a hand on it slightly rubbing it, making me tear up.

"Shoto, this may be the only chance we ever get to having a child." My voice was cracky and tears were uncontrollably running down my face.

"Don't cry love." Shoto wiped away the tears from my eyes and grabbed me by the waist pulling me into a tight hug.

"Shoto... I want to keep the baby."

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