One more chance

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I know I said they were graduating that night, but I'm going to change it to tomorrow night

I was standing in front of Bakugo's door and knocked. Hopefully he didn't think it's too weird if I ask him to hold on to the ring.

"What do you want" He harshly said while swinging his door open.

"Sorry to bother you, but can I come in? I don't want (y/n) to see me." I asked nervously. He rolled his eyes and opened the door wide and turned around signaling I could come in.

I closed the door behind me when I walked in and looked at Bakugo.

"What is it you want icy hot, you didn't fuck something to did you?" He looked at the ground angrily.

"No, it's not that I just have a request." I reached into my pocket to pull out the beautiful and expensive diamond ring that sat in the small black box perfectly. Bakugo eyes widened once he seen it.

"Okay, your not proposing to me right? So what do you want." He scoffed and looked away from me.

"I just want you to hold onto it, (y/n)'s staying in my room tonight, and I didn't want to take the chance of her seeing it." I said nervously.

"Fine. But one question." Bakugo looked back over to me.

"What is it?"

"Have you and (y/n)..." I already knew what he was implying and my face instantly went red.

"Uh- well no.. why do you want to know anyway?" I asked shaking my head trying to get the thoughts out of my head.

"You've been together for a long time and you said she was spending the night in your room. Thought I'd ask."

"Just hold on to the ring." I quickly walked out his room without another word. I took a big breath as I closed Bakugo's door and then let it out.

"Shoto?" I looked up and rolled my eyes.


"Um sorry I don't mean to bother you, I just, um" Momo looked hesitant.

"Hurry and say what you want I have plans." I started to walk away from her, then all of a sudden she grabbed my wrist.

"I'm sorry okay, I was stupid and I should have never kissed you those years ago, I was jealous, I just can stand you hating me!" She kneeled down to her knees and bowed.

I thought for a second while looking at her.

"The one you should be apologizing to is (y/n), you betrayed her trust for you more than anything, and hurt her. You were a bad friend to both of us. Talk to (y/n) and then we can talk about forgiveness." With that I walked away. Too much stuff happening and too much stuff to think about.

Your POV

I was walking down to the boys dorms rooms over to Shotos dorm of course, I've slept in his room many times before, especially after what happened to my brother and mother and everything. I guess you could say I just always felt safer in his arms, like nothing could get to me or hurt me. I also never had nightmares about that night when I was with Shoto, so it was just better for me all together. Once everything started to calm down and I was staring to feel better about everything I eventually went back to sleeping in my own dorm, but there was still nights that I didn't want to be alone, and Shoto always made sure I wasn't, he's too good for me I don't deserve him.

As I was walking I got caught off guard by Yaoyorozu kneeling on the floor looking broken. I appreciate her for helping me with my situation, but I felt betrayed once she tried to take Shoto from me, I guess it broke whatever friendship we had because me and Shoto barely talked to her since.

"Yaoyorozu?" I questioned tilting my head.
"Are you okay?"

"Oh- um yeah just fine." She said while getting up and giving me a smile while wiping tears off her face. But the smile was obviously fake, anyone could see that.

"I doesn't look like it... are you sure?" I asked one more time.

"Well, can I talk to you?" My eyes widened in shock. Why would she want to talk to me?

"Well sure, but I'm suppose to meet Shoto soon so-"

"I'll make it quick." She cut me off and took my wrist in the direction to her dorm room.

"So what is it you wanted to talk to me about?" I scratched the back of my head nervously.

"I'm sorry, for kissing Shoto, I know it happened years ago, but stuff just hasn't been the same between us since then. I miss our friendship, and my friendship with Shoto too. I'm just asking for your forgiveness, that we can somehow be friends again." She looked down to the floor and I saw her tears hit the carpet.

"Honestly, I don't know what to say, you betrayed my trust, how do I know your not just doing this for Shoto?" I knew the only reason she would be talking to me is probably because Shoto wouldn't forgive her unless I did.

"If I'm being honest, he said to apologize to you first. I know I should have came to you first.. but I'm just asking for 1 more chance if I mess that chance up then you don't ever have to forgive me again." I thought for a moment.

"Fine. One more chance." With that I walked out of her dorm room and sighed, I hate drama.

Shotos POV

I been waiting for (y/n) to come into my dorm she was taking longer than expected but that's okay. My thoughts were interrupted when she opened my door and walked in.

"Hey." She said out of breath
"Sorry it took so long, I ran into yaoyorozu and she wanted to talk."

"Oh? About?" I asked sitting on my bed while she sat down.

"I'm pretty sure you know what it's about" and that I did.

"Did you forgive her?" I looked at her seriously.

"I told her she gets one more chance."

"That's good, well we have a big day tomorrow." I pulled (y/n) down into the covers with me.

"Wait let me get changed first!" She laughed while trying to wiggle out of my arms.

While (y/n) was getting changed, I was thinking back to when Bakugo asked if we "did it" before. And a bunch of questions and thoughts wondered through my mind. I was never one to think of this sort of thing, but I also couldn't help to think of it.

"Shoto are you okay?" (Y/n) came out of the bathroom with a tank top and shorts that hugged her figure perfectly. I instantly blushed.

"Uh- yes, why?" I stuttered nervously

"Seems like something's on your mind, do you want to talk about it?" She sat down on my bed next to me and I put my pillow on my lap.
"You know you can tell me anything." (Y/n) said giving me a cute smile which didn't make my situation any easier.

"I can tell you anything?" I asked looking away blushing.

"Mmhmm! It's been 4 years after all"

"Well... what do you think about, u-um." I looked back at (y/n) and her face went from cheerful to serious.

"What is it?" She asked in a concerned voice.

"What do you think about sexual intercourse?" I looked away from her quickly once I spat out my sentence. It was quiet for a little bit making me even more nervous.

I was surprised about what came next, (y/n) moved the pillow from my lap and sat on it facing towards me. She cupped my cheeks with her hands and made me look at her.

"I think it's not a bad idea."

Thank you for reading and voting once again, let me know what you think!

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