We Meet Again

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Not long after the incident, I seen Aizawa, Endeavor, and Hawks running up to where I was.

"Shoto, are you okay?!" My father asked walking up to me in a panic.

"Yes." Was all I said. There wasn't much to say to be honest.

" sorry we were late kid, technically we thought you were still at the hospital, until we realized what actually happened." Until they realized what happend?

"What do you mean?" I questioned Hawks

"Well we ran into Yaoyorozu she was waiting for you but you never came."

"What do you mean? I talked to her on my way out of the hospital."

"Thats just it. That wasn't Yaoyorozu." Aizawa sensei said.

"What do you mean." I asked confused. Who else could have it be-

Then it clicked. They were right, that wasn't Momo.

"It was Himiko Toga, wasn't it?" I looked down to Akari. Thank God I didn't let Toga hold her.

"You got it. She somehow got Yaoyorozus blood, were not sure when she did but the fact that she got into the hospital means that at this point she could have anyone's blood." Hawks explained.

My eyes widened. This was apart of there plan... maybe Dab- I mean Touya? I don't know anymore, but whoever he really is might have been telling the truth.

"We need more security at that hospital." I was starting to panic. Why? Why couldn't things just work out for once?

"I know Shoto I'm working on tha-"

"That is not what I'm talking about." I spoke back harshly to my father.

"Touya was in the car with me. He warned me about there plans, and tomorrow (y/n) may be in danger." All 3 Hawks, Endeavor, and Aizawa looked at each other.

Only Endeavor seemed more down about the whole situation. I mean why wouldn't he? He failed as a father and now soon he may have to fight his own son. Sometimes it's just too late to forgive. For Touya at least.

"I'm on the security part, I'll also try to dig deeper into this while I can." Hawks then turned around and left getting back to work.

"Just focus on your kid Shoto, shes going to need you right now. " Aizawa then turned around and left as well, I'm guessing either to help Hawks or to sleep. That then left me with just me and my father.

"How would mom feel about this?" I asked My father. Maybe be had an answer, but I also doubted he was even thinking about mom.

"I-I don't know Shoto." I sighed. Of course he wouldn't know.

"We'll figure this all out." He said as I turned around to walk back into my house.

"I'm sure we will."


The whole night I couldn't sleep. Akari slept in a crib by mine and (y/n)'s bed. She woke up all through the night, I barely got any rest, but she was a newborn I couldn't blame her.  After I dressed Akari, I went over to the hospital. There was going to be some kind of battle today, and I was prepared. I had my hero clothes on and I had Akari
in a baby holder so that she was resting on my chest, and she then shortly after fell asleep.

At the hospital there seemed to be heavy security and more pro heros then usual. Mostly In (y/n)'s section of the hospital

"Hello sir, are you Todoroki Shoto?" A nurse asked me as I walked up to the desk.

"Yes, I am." I said.

"Well it looks like (y/n) is out of ICU and in a regular hospital room, here's the number." The nurse handed me a paper with a card since her room had more security.

"Really? Thank you." I started fast walking down the hallway excited to see (y/n) again. She could also see Akari now which was great. Before I knew it I was at (y/n)'s door.

"Ready to see your mommy?" I looked down at a sleeping Akari as I opened the door.

"Shoto?" I instantly heard as I opened the door.

I didn't say anything back. Instead I just smiled as (y/n) looked down at the healthy baby in the baby holder.

"Is that Akari?" She put her hand over her mouth.

"Yes, shes beautiful just like her mother." I took Akari out of the baby holder and handed her to (y/n).

"She is beautiful." (Y/n) looked down at the newborn in awe.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her in a soft yet worried voice.

"Haha, everything hurts, even holding Akari kinda hurts, but at the same time I don't want to let go." (Y/n) said looking at Akari the whole time.

"I'm sure." I then went to sit down on the hospital bed by (y/n) just admiring my own little family and talking some more.


All of a sudden fire alarms started going off in the hospital building.

"Whats going on?" (Y/n) asked in a scared tone holding Akari closer to her chest.

"I'm not sure. But we need to get out." I started to panic and quickly took Akari away from (y/n) and placed her back into the baby holder I had on, I then helped get the hospital equipment off of (y/n) and she painfully got up in her hospital clothes (Not a hospital gown, but like the hospital clothes in Your Lie in April)  Once I opened I was hit with hot flames of fire and instantly put one arm up to cover my face, and the other arm guarded Akari.

"Alright I can handle this." I touched the wall and started to make the building into ice making the fire go out in this area.

"Shoto look." I looked to where (y/n) was looking and seen a huge hole made in the hospital wall some distance from where we were all standing. 

"Shoto Todoroki. We meet again."

Thank you for all the votes, comments, and reads, much appreciated :)

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