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Lunch was finally here thank god and I got to spend time with Todoroki!
Since we were in the same class we walked together up the the stairs to the roof to have lunch.
This area was restricted but knowing that no one would go into a restricted area was good.
Once we were on the roof I decided to ask what I been wondering all class.
"Did Midoriya talk to you about something?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Yes, he asked me a question." He said not taking his eyes off of the view.
"Mind if I asked what the question was?" I said looking at him.
" if you tell me what Uraraka asked you." He smirked
My face went red and I looked down.
"Okay. You win." I giggled nervously.
He then looked at me and smiled
"What?" I laughed.
" your cute is all." He said still looking at me and smiling.
I blushed and looked down.
"Thanks haha." I was acting so god damn awkward and I hated it because he made me so nervous and I couldn't get over the feeling that I was starting to like him, not in a friendly way, but in a love type of way and I couldn't help it.
He then got closer to me and faced me I then did the same and faced him. He was so close I didn't know what to do, and that stupid cute smile wouldn't go off of his face.
Then suddenly the words that I never thought I would speak came out of my mouth. I looked up to him with a smile.
"So... are you going to kiss me or what?" I didn't know why I said that. It just felt right in the moment like the perfect time.
His eyes then went wide but quickly went back to normal. He smiled and leaned in while putting his hands on my waste.
I did the same but put my hands around his neck then we both leaned in.
He kissed me gently holding me close like he been wanting to do this for a while. his lips were so soft. I wanted to stay like this forever.
This kiss went on for a good minute. It was soft, gentle, it was the perfect first kiss.
I then smiled in the kiss and pulled away looking at him still with a big smile on my face. He smiled back still holding me by the waste and I still had my arms around his neck.
I then laughed nervously and buried my face into his chest. He then slid his arms up from my waste to my back rubbing it slightly. Then he let out a little chuckle.
" I been wanting to do that for a while." He smiled.
I laughed at his statement and hugged him while my head was still in his chest. My knees were weak and my stomach was exploding with butterflies.
"Uraraka asked if we were dating." I said in a soft voice still hugging him.
"So did Midoriya and the rest of the class." He stated.
He then pulled away from the hug.
"Well I guess it's the perfect time to ask." He laughed to himself.
He got close to me again.
"(Y/n)... will you be my girlfriend?" He asked getting close to my face lips almost touching knowing what my answer was going to be.
" of course" I said looking at him in the eyes while he was looking at me back in the eyes.
He then smiled and leaned in giving me another long passionate kiss.
" wow." I said taking a breath giggling a bit.
" this been and eventful day." I said looking at him.
" It definitely has." He said smiling at me.
"Are we still going to the hospital after school?" I asked him.
" yes." He simply said.
" I haven't heard from my mom since yesterday." I said and sadly looked down.
"What happened?" He gave me a concerned look touching my shoulder .
" we were at the dinner table and we were talking about stuff.. and my brother came up in the conversation and she just sorta broke down and went to her room.. I haven't heard from her since." I said with a sad look on my face. It almost brought tears to my eyes because I missed him so much as well. I just could never forgive myself for what happened.. In my eyes it was all my fault.
"(Y/n)?" He said my name.
" hm?" I hummed looking down.
"What exactly happened to your brother?" He asked curiously and also worried.
"Of course it's up to you if you want to tell me or not." He said in a caring voice.
" okay. I might as well tell you." I said with a sigh


It was a year ago on a Friday night. My brother was yelling like usual telling my mom to shut up or me to get away from him. He was difficult, but we still loved him. My mom told us to go to bed (we share a room). I was secretly going to a party with a friend that night. She was a pretty bad influence on me but I didn't care to listen at the time. Her name was Toga. And so when I thought (b/n) was asleep I started to sneak out the window.
"Hey what are you doing!" He whispered yelled.
I froze into my place then sighed.
"To a party." I stated making it sound like it wasn't a big deal.
"Your going with that Toga girl arnt you?" He said with anger and tired in his voice.
"Maybe." I said in a quiet voice.
" where is it dummy." He then took my phone and went to her texts.
"You know this is a sketchy area right dumbass." He said while I snatched back my phone.
"Yes.." I mumbled
" god dammit I'm coming with you then." He then angrily got up and grabbed a jacket walking over to the window.
"What ever makes you feel better." I said while hopping out of the window.
My brother just groaned and hopped out after me.
He was sure a pain but he cared for his family.
"Why do you even go through with this shit." He said annoyed while we were walking.
"What shit?" I asked bluntly.
"Hanging around dumbass people." He stated
"they don't even do shit for you."
I thought about it...... They really didn't do shit for me..
So I just stayed silent.
"Yeah I make a lot of sense don't I." He said in a cocky voice.
I gave him a dirty look.
"I'm still going." I said stubbornly.
He just rolled his eyes and followed me.
Once we got there the address was in a dark alleyway.
"(Y/n) this doesn't look right.." He said with an unsure voice.
"It's fine stop being scared." Even though I was pretty scared myself.
"What the fuck this doesn't look like a party." He yelled at me.
I was starting to get nervous myself when I heard Toga's voice.
"(Y/n) hey you made it!" She said excitedly getting closer to us.
"And you brought your brother?" She said in a high voice.
"That just makes this even better." She then pulled a knife out.
"T-Toga?" I stuttered starting to back up along with my brother.
"What the fuck!" My brother yelled. Pulling on my sleeve signaling me to run. So I did just that. Me and (b/n) started running down the alleyway just to be stopped right at the end seeing a guy with a hand on his face? And a guy with black spiky hair and what looked like burns.
"You 2 are not going anywhere." Toga said putting her hands innocently behind her back.
"FUCK THIS." (B/n) yelled and started running torwards the villians using his electric quirk making him run fast. He tried to out smart the villians but then he got stabbed in the stomach and slowly fell to his knees holding his wound and started coughing up blood.
"(B/N)." I yelled running torwards him and kneeling down to his dying body.
"Oh goody!" Toga yelled.. How could she be so cruel. I fucking trusted her.
He then slowly got up and took my arm and used his electricity to make him run fast with me by my side.
He then stopped by a wall far away from where we were from and immediately he collapsed down holding his stomach again.
"I-I told y-you." He said slowly going unconscious.
"I-Im sorry i-its all my fault." Tears started forming in my eyes threatening to come down which they eventually did.
"You couldn't know." He said trying his best to not show the pain.
"Tell mom I love her.. And please (y/n) make b-better choices." Tears starting coming from his eyes.
"I-I don't want to die." He said softly hoping I wouldn't hear him but I sadly did.
His eyes then shut his breathing got slower by the second as I was trying to apply pressure to his wound.
"Please, don't go!" I yelled out now sobbing.
I checked for a pulse to see if there was one.. There wasn't. I looked at his blood on my hands barely believeing the situation.
Just 5 hours ago we were neck and neck and now hes... Dead..

End of Flashback.

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