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I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I took a warm shower that was pretty refreshing, then I got dressed. My mom slept in so I grabbed a banana and left out the door. While I was walking I heard someone running toward me.
"Hey (y/n)!" He said out of breath
"Oh hey Todoroki." I said looking towards him and stopped walking.
" Why are you out of breath?" I said turning towards him.
" Isn't it obvious? I was trying to catch up to you." He said kneeling down. Trying to catch his breath.
" How long have you been running?" I giggled a bit.
" I didnt want to miss walking with you." He said standing back up looking at me in the eyes.
"O-oh alright, let's walk then." I said starting to walk.
" So is this going to be a everyday thing then?" I asked still looking forward.
" I wouldn't mind." He said looking towards me smiling.
I looked back at him smiling, his eyes sparkling, he's kinda cute now that Im looking at his face.
" Going to keep staring?" He said with a chuckle.
"U-uh no." I said looking away blushing a bit.
What is this feeling it been 3 days. I guess hes just cool.
" Well how about those drawing you promised to show me?"
"Oh shoot! I forgot about that." I said looking down.
"Don't worry about it, maybe I can go to your place after school have a look?"
"Well yeah, I'm sure my mother wouldn't mind."
"Okay, cool, can't wait." He said with a tint of pink on his cheeks.
We eventually arrived at school to be greeted by a screaming Bokugo
"THERE YOU ARE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Bokugo said walking up to me fast.
Then Todoroki put a hand to his chest.
" Oh, ITS YOU AGAIN, HERE TO SAVE YOUR LITTLE GIRLFRIEND, ICY HOT." He said getting in Todoroki's face.
"Hey stop! What's your problem Bokugo?"
"OKAY, that's it suspension for the 2 of you." Mr. Aizwa said with his scarfs going up indicating he was mad.
I started walking angrily towards Bokugo and then I was stopped by Todoroki?
" Hey, calm down, that's just the way he is." He said looking at me in the eyes.
"Ughhhh." I said and walked out the door.
"Hey!" Todoroki came up and grabbed my shoulder.
" I'm starting to hate this school because of him!" I said sliding down against the wall.
" All I ever wanted was a school where people wouldnt mess with me for God's sake." I put my face into my hands.
"Im sorry" He said and put a hand on my leg.
" It's not your fault." I said with my voice muffled into my hands.
"Just, try looking forward to after school, okay? We'll talk then."
"Okay, I'll get going now, before I get into more trouble" I mumbled and got up to go to suspension
I walked to the suspension room and Allmight was in there and also... Bokugo.. Great.
" all right young (l/n) and young bokugo for your suspension you guys will be in this room until the end of the school day, maybe you guys can learn to get along." All might said pushing me into the room and closing the door.
Bokugo just put his head on the desk and groaned.
I went to sit at the seat farthest from him.
" So childish." He said with his head Still down. "Sitting at the farthest seat from me."
"I'm the childish one. Ha. Funny." I said leaning back.
"Hey you started the conversation." I said rolling my eyes.
"Look can we just come to good terms so we don't have to be in this damn room anymore."
I said getting up and walking towards him.
He looked up at me with angry eyes.
"And why should I do that."
" I just said why, so we can get out of this room dumbass!"
" HEY WHO ARE YOU CALLING A DUMBASS!" He said standing up with steam coming out of his head
"WHO ELSE!" I said giving back the same amount of anger.
"Were never going to get along and you know that." He said turning away from me.
" It's been 2 days! And you started talking shit yesterday!"
"And you punched me!" He said turning around again.
" What do you expect from someone talking shit!?" I said in a high voice.
" Ugh! This is going to be a long ass day." He said slamming his hand on the desk.
" I'm trying to make piece, but you keep arguing!" I said following his actions.
" Okay you want to make piece? Then let's make piece dammit!" He said yelling in my face
" Okay!"
We both turned around and faced away from each other. It was silent for a while
" you know you remind me of my twin brother." I said not looking at him.
"You have a twin? Why isnt he here then? I bet I could kick his ass." Bokugo said laughing.
I just looked down tears started to form in my eyes.. But I wasn't going to cry in front of him.
" WHY ARNT YOU YELLING AT ME YOU MORON." Bokugo said walking towards me only to see my sad mood.
He then kneeled down.
" Really, ugh I didn't mean it if that's what you want to hear." He said rolling his eyes
I got up and went towards the Door, knowing it would be locked. Bokugo just starred
"why'd you mention him if you don't want to talk about him?" He said still crouched down where I was last sitting.
" You just do, I wanted to say it."
All of the sudden the bell ring and All might opened the door
" I sure hope you 2 did find some peace in each other."
I just rolled my eyes and walked out the school. I was met by Todoroki and the front.
" Hey, how was suspension?" He asked
" not good, I was in a room with Bokugo the whole time." I said with my face getting mad.
Todoroki's eyes went wide.
"Oh. That couldn't of been good" He said looking at me concerned.
" Ha, no, he kind of reminds me of my twin brother though." I said with a slight smile
"You have a twin?!" Todoroki said with shock.
" Well had." I said looking down.
" Oh, I'm sorry." He said also looking down.
" Hey, don't worry about it, let's go to my house and I'll show you my drawings." I said on a more happier note, I didn't feel like thinking about the whole situation.
" Okay, yeah that sounds good." He smiled and looked up at me.
" Well let's get going." I laughed and started running.
" Hey! Wait." He said running after me.
And just like that we ran to my house

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