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I made sure to add bnha in this AMV :)

Your POV

The due date for the baby was now close, less then a week the baby would arrive, but to be honest I was scared. I was currently staying in the hospital just in case anything went wrong. And Shoto didn't go to work at all, he was at the hospital day and night with me other than when he had to go home and get stuff for us both.

"Are you okay (y/n), you've been looking more pale lately." Shoto was also very worried. Yes, it is true that everyone who visited me in the hospital like dad and Katsuki, even Momo came to visit, said that I was looking pale. Although, I couldn't see it myself, it seems like everyone else seen it.

"Yes, just cold." Even though I was feeling like crap, I didn't want anyone to worry more than they needed too.

Suddenly Shoto's phone started to ring, and a annoyed sigh came out of his mouth.

"What is it?" I asked in a tired voice.

"Its work, hold on a second."

Shoto's POV

"Hello?" It sounded like fighting was going on in the background once I answered the phone.

"Yeah, Shoto.. were going to need you here. I'm sorry I know (y/n) is almost due but-" the phone was cut off by a static noise.

"Great." I mumbled under my breath

"Whats going on?!" (Y/n) asked in a worrisome voice. Her emotions been all over the place lately.

"Dont worry about it love... I might have to go into work for a little bit is all." (Y/n) then gave me a sad look.

"When will you be back?" She asked me with puppy dog eyes.

"I don't know, but I will make sure that it's soon." I leaned in and gave her a peck on the lips.

"Okay, be careful!" And after that I rushed to put on my hero clothes and headed over to the location Deku sent me.

Time skip

Once I got to the location, I was met by Katsuki, Deku, Kirishima, Uraraka, and Momo.

"Whats going on here?" I asked while all of them looked back at me.

"Shoto good thing your here, its the league of villains!" Momo responded to me, she was standing next to Katsuki, honestly the two people you think wouldn't get together.

Suddenly none the other Tomura Shigaraki, Dabi, twice, and Toga walked out.

"Oh look who decided to show up." Shigaraki said with a cracky voice and started to scratch his neck, some blood started smearing due to his dry skin.

"What do you want!" Deku shouted getting into fighting position.

"Say where's that wife of yours?" Toga asked creepily jumping over to me, only for me to slide back with my ice and use my left side to make her step back.

"Oh don't be mean now."

She was about to strike back as everyone around me started to get into fighting position.

"Toga, step back." Dabi demanded her.

"Your no fun Dabi" She pouted and jumped back to where the 4 other league of villains members were standing.

"Dont talk about my wife." I gritted my teeth still in fighting position.

"Shes pregnant isn't she? Haha. Imagine the league of villains getting there hands on the retired number 1 and number 2 pro  heros children's newborn daughter, we could make quite the villain out of  her." Shigaraki then started scratching his neck harder and laughing uncontrollably.

"Shut up!" I then jumped in out of anger using my fire to try to burn Shigaraki's face.

"Shoto stop!" I heard Deku yell in the background.

"You idiot." I heard Katsuki's explosions go off telling me he left his position to back me up.

"Heh." He chuckled and put his hand out touching my wrist.

I flinched in pain as the skin on my hand started to crack.

"DETROIT SMASH!" Deku came from the left making Shgaraki let go. I've been through one too many close calls with him. But just as Deku used his quirk, Dabi's hands engulfed the area in flames, making everyone step back.

"Ah!" Uraraka screamed probably getting burned by some of the flames

"Ochako!" Deku yelled trying to get to her.

"What was that for." Shigaraki said annoyed and gritting his teeth.
"This is the second time!" He followed up with a yell.

"Childish." Is all he said.

"C'mon Dabi, just cause he's your brother doesn't mean you have to save him everytime." Twice exclaimed, then covered his mouth right when he finished his sentence.. Time seemed to freeze for me at that moment. What was he talking about?

Dabi's eyes widened then went to normal, to angry.

"You idiot!" He yelled. Shooting flames towards twice.

"Wait w-what do you mean brother?" I asked confused. But then it all started to make sense. The blue-green eyes.. same as my fathers eyes and my left eye. A fire quirk, like mine and my fathers as well.  Everything made sense, but that didn't mean I wanted it to be true.


"Shoto you know him?" Kirishima asked surprised but scared at the same time.

I didn't say a word I just kept looking at my lost brother in disbelief.

"I guess the secret is out now. Heh, don't think about it too much. Oh and congratulations, I can't wait to meet my niece." He then smirked and engulfed the place into bigger and hotter flames until all you could see is smoke.

"What is he talking about icy hot!" Katsuki growled at me.

I was still in disbelief, what is he talking about, meeting his niece?... oh no (y/n)!

"We have to go back!" I yelled through the flames, not knowing where everyone was.

"Back to where?!" Uraraka responded in a panic.

"(Y/n)! There going after (y/n)! They just lured us here!" I didn't care if the fire burned me at this point, they were not going to take my wife nor my unborn daughter.

"Are you going to tell us about the part a villain being your brother?!"

"Katsuki.." Kirishima looked at him telling him that it wasn't the time.

"No! I want to know if this half and half bastard is a trader or not!"

"NO!" I yelled out of frustration
" I've worked hard to get to this point as a hero, so don't you dare call me some damn traiter. I'm sure you understand... ground zero." I knew that would catch Katsuki off guard since he was at one point a snitch for the league of villains.

"Shut up." Was all he said and flew ahead of me with his explosions.

I was feeling so much emotions at once it made me dizzy. Fear, worry, anger, confusion, happy, sad? What was I suppose to feel. Before I knew it everything started to go black as I fell to the ground. How could this day go bad so quick?

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