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Allmights POV
After I was done fighting all the villains I looked behind me and I seen (y/n) in young Todoroki arms. My eyes instantly grew wide. That was my daughter and she looked like she was on the verge of death! Who would have hurt her so badly?
I went up to young Todoroki and looked at (y/n) in his arms. I gentley took her into my arms and flew away back to where recovery girl is.
"What do we have here Allmight." Recovery girl turned around and looked at me with and looked at (y/n).
"Oh my! This doesn't look good at all! I can't heal all of it but I'll do the best I can and then you take her straight to the hospital!"
I set (y/n) down on the bed and I went back to my original form. Recovery girl gave a big smooch on her forehead healing some of the wounds but they were just too severe.
"Take her to the hospital now!" She said rushing me. So I picked her up and rushed her to the hospital. They gave her a room and immediately started to do emergency surgery on her. I then seen Young Todoroki walk in the hospital. How did he know she was here? I couldn't go up and talk to him because I was in my weak form. But he looked really hurt and sad. Was something going on between them? they have been close since they started going to UA.

Todoroki's POV
When Allmight took (y/n) I instantly started running to UA. Some of my classmates tried to stop me but it was no use. I used my right side to get there faster. After I got there I ran to the nurses office looking for recovery girl. I found her and didn't see (y/n) laying on the bed or anything.
"Where's (y/n)?" I said in panic.
"Oh Todoroki it's nice to see you. I told Allmight to take (y/n) to the hospital. I healed her broken bones and what not so her recovery should be faster than what it would normally take for those horrible injuries, but sadly I still think she will need surgery because I could not heal some of her internal injury." She said sadly.
"Oh okay thanks for telling me." I said and walked out.
I ran as fast as I could to the hospital. I needed to get to (y/n).
When I was at the hospital I walked in. There wasn't much people there just a scrawny guy with blonde hair and a couple of more people. I went up to the front desk and asked for (y/n).
"Oh sir she went into surgery just now you can visit her tomorrow. Would you like us to alert you right when she wakes up?."
"Yes Definitely." I told the lady at the front desk. She typed some stuff on her computer.
"Okay! Will you be staying here then?" She asked.
"Yes." I said nodding my head.
"Okay we will make sure to tell you when she's out of surgery." I then nodded and walked into the waiting room.
I sighed I really hope she was okay. I thought about going to see my mom but visiting hours were over sadly, so I just sat in the waiting room and put my face in my hands stressed. I really hope she was okay...

About 1 in the morning.

Someone was shaking me awake, I was confused at first but then realized it was a doctor. I instantly shot up from my seat.
" Sir are you Shoto Todoroki?" The nurse asked.
"Yes, yes that's me." I said quickly.
"Okay (y/n) is out of surgery you can go see her if you'd like."
I got up quickly and went to see (y/n) she looked restless in her sleep. She was connected to all types of machines.
"She might be asleep for maybe 30 more minutes." The doctor informed me.
"Okay thank you." I said.
I waited patiently by her hospital bed for her to wake up.

Your POV
My eyes slowly opened and closed but I was still extremely tired.
"(Y/n)?" I recognized the voice to be Todoroki's
I looked over to my right where he was.
"Shoto." I said tiredly.
"It hurts." I held my stomach where I got stabbed.
"I know I know." He took my hand stroking it softly.
"You want me to get a doctor?" He asked.
"Y-Yeah." I stuttered in pain.
"Okay I'll be right back." He quickly walked out the hospital room to get a doctor
About 2 minutes later he came back.
"Okay (y/n) I'm going to put some stronger medicine into the IV." She sweetly said
"Okay thank you." I said in a tired voice.
The nurse then left the room and left me alone with Todoroki.
"Feeling better?" He asked me in a soft voice.
"A little."
All the memories of what happened came to me all of a sudden.
"M-My brother." I sadly said.
"I know I swear when I find that bastard." He sounded really mad.
"No, please don't hurt him he's still my brother. He's just brainwashed right now." I looked away
"(Y/n)... he tried to kill you."
"Yeah but he's my brother.. my twin brother. We used to be so close.. I don't know what happened. And then he mentioned my real mother and something that she did. I don't know just promise me you won't kill him... please." My voice was on the verge of tears.
"Okay. I won't kill him." I smiled.
"Thank you."
He then leaned down to my lips and hovered over them for a minute while putting his other hand on my waste gently making sure not to hurt me.
"I love you." He whispered still hovering over my lips. He then kissed me passionately like it was the last time he was going to see me. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back the same way. I guess in his eyes I did almost die. He pulled away slowly.
"I love you too." I whispered back while he was still close to my face. He smiled at my words.
"I didn't think our first I love you's would be in a hospital. He chuckled and I giggled as well.
"Did they tell you when I can go home?" I asked Todoroki.
"No, but hopefully soon. I'll be right here until you do though." I smiled.
"Thank you Shoto. Isn't your dad going to get angry though?" I asked worried. I didn't want him to get in trouble because of me.
"Maybe he will, but it's nothing that I can't handle."
All of a sudden one person came into the room. It was Bokugo.
"Bokugo?" I questioned.
Todoroki looked back at the door. Bokugo looked angry. He wasn't hurt at all just a few scratches which is good I guess.
"What are you doing here?" Todoroki asked standing up from by me and walking towards Bokugo.
"I'm here to see your stupid girlfriend I'm sure she has questions." He said with a snotty tone.
"Fine." Todoroki Sat down in the chair next to my bed.
"When did my brother go and talk to you?" I asked weakly since I was still in pain.
"I was walking late at night to go home after we fought Deku with that hero and villain crap apparently your brother been watching you since you been going to UA so he came up to me when I was going down the alleyway and told me to tell you that he was still alive and that he would be coming for you. I don't know why he came to me but that's what happened." Bokugo explained.
"Oh." Was all I could get out.
"I see your brother fucked you up pretty badly too bad you were too weak to beat his ass." I frowned. He wasn't wrong I did get my ass kicked. I had to run that's how weak I was. I was probably the only one who ended up in the hospital.
"Bokugo, that's enough." Todoroki said angrily still sitting down with his head in his hands.
I stayed quiet.
"I mean look at this loser she's the only one who ended in a hospital bed." He laughed.
Todoroki then got up and walked torwards Bokugo.
"That's enough I think you should go." Todoroki looked intimidateing but so did Bokugo.
Bokugo Tsked and left with a smirk on his face.
"You know he's not wrong." I said sadly after Bokugo left.
"What do you mean? You fought hard and you were in shock." Todoroki seemed surprised at my comment.
" I know but I should have trained more like you. I'm sure you fought those villain no problem, I mean look at you, you don't have one scratch"
Todoroki looked down.
"(Y/n) don't think like that. I will train with you if you want. I'm going to be here for you and we're going to get through this whole situation together." He said very reassuring. I smiled at his comment. I'm so lucky to have him.

A few days later

"Okay (y/n) I think your good to go! Your wounds recovered good enough. Just take it easy."
Thank God I could finally get out of this place I couldn't wait to go home so I can sleep in my own bed. My mother visited me right when she heard I was in the hospital she had to leave so she can go to work though. She had no idea about (b/n) ever so what, and I wasn't planning on telling her.. Since my mom wasn't here to take me home Todoroki decided to do it! I got on my regular pair of clothes and picked up my bag of clothes and walked out the hospital room to see Todoroki.
"Here let me take that bag for you" He said taking my bag out of my hand.
I wobbled a bit when I walked since it been almost a week that I last had. Todoroki put his arm around my waste and let me lean on him since my legs still felt weak.
We walked to the front of the hospital and called a taxi. Todoroki made sure I got in first then he came in after me. I told the driver where we were going and then the ride begun. Half way through the ride I got tired and leaned my head on Todoroki's shoulder. I been tired a lot lately probably from all the IV medicine they been giving me. I felt him look down at me.
"Tired?" He asked me
"a little." I said slowly falling asleep.
I heard him chuckle and then I passed out.

Todoroki's POV
We got to (y/n)s house and she was completely passed out. I decided I didn't want to wake her up and picked her up bridal style out of the taxi. I carried her bag on my shoulder and paid the driver. I then walked with her in my arms to her bed. I sat beside her stroking her hair as she was sleeping. I could have lost her. The thought of losing her was making me want to be closer to her, so then I got under her covers and layed her on top of me. She then snuggled up into my chest and I put one hand on her head gentley and the other around her waste. I havnt slept very well in a while either since I been sleeping in a chair at the hospital and also worried about (y/n) but all that mattered right now was that she was still alive and with me.

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