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Todoroki took my wrist and led me out the classroom quickly. When we were out the classroom there was a huge crowd of people and everyone seemed to be panicking. Todoroki held my hand tight so that I wouldn't get lost or hurt. I was still in complete shock at what Bokugo had said. How would he even know? He can't be alive I watched him die and get buried. I looked out the window and realized that it was just reporters. It seems like Todoroki realized this as well.
"Wheres the teachers?!" I heard Lida yell.
All of a sudden Lida started floating in the air probably from Urarka.
"EVERYONE EVERYTHINGS FINE ITS JUST THE PRESS." He yelled to try and get everyone to calm down.
Thank God someone stopped this.
After that we all went back to class. Todoroki kept looking at me worried and wanted to know if I was okay but I was just so lost in my thoughts it was a lot to take in. I had to talk to Bokugo.
During class Midoriya decided that Lida was better suited to be class president so he then Gave him the role which was nice.
School was over  and I was walking with Todoroki down the hall to the exit of the School, but before we left I seen Bokugo. I left Todoroki and ran up to Bokugo.
"Bokugo wait!" I yelled putting my hand on his shoulder turning him around to face me.
"What." He said annoyed.
"H-how do you know he's alive."
" He talked to me."
"He what? But I don't understand."
"Don't you get it moron! He never died he's a fucking villain!"
"THEN YOUR IN DENIAL." He yelled back.
"(Y/n)." I heard Allmights voice... How great this day couldn't get any worse.
"I need to talk to you." I looked down and then looked at Todoroki. He gave me an reasurring look.
"Fine." I sighed.
I then followed Allmight. At the corner of my eye I seen Bokugo angrily go up to Todoroki and started talking to him about something. I brushed it off and continued to follow Allmight.
Allmight took me into the teachers lounge and sat me down.
Then all of a sudden Allmight went into a weak form and started coughing up blood.
My eyes went wide confused on what happened.
"You look like your mother." He said while still coughing.
"Wha- ho- huh?" Was all I can get out.
"Oh yeah. This is my original form, since your my daughter and I havnt been here all these years you deserve to know. I can only stay in my hero form for about 3 hours these days. The only student that knows in young Midoriya I actually gave him my quirk since he was quirkless." He explained.
I was completely speechless. There was so much information I just found out today.
"(Y/n) wheres (b/n) I for sure thought he would be a hero by how your now mother described him."
Then the realization came to me he never knew about my brothers death? Or my now alive brothers death? I don't know this day is just too much for me.
"You don't know." I said looking down in a sad voice.
"What do you mean young (y/n)?" He asked full of concern in his voice.
I stayed silent and looked down.
"(Y/n) I may not have been there all these years but I was still protecting you both NOW WHERES YOUR BROTHER." He raised his voice a bit at the end.
"HE'S DEAD." I copied the exact tone as him. Tears then started to fall down my eyes..
"He's dead." I said almost with a whisper.
Allmight then pulled me into a tight hug.
"I have so much questions." I said pulling away from the hug
"but right now I just need to be alone." I walked out the teachers lounge with tears in my eyes.
Todoroki's POV
It was not (y/n)s day ever so what. Shes in shock and denial and now she has to talk to her dad.  When (y/n) was following Allmight Bokugo angrily came up to me.
"You need to get your Girlfriend out of denial because then we will all end up dead."
"She's going through a lot give her a break."
He then pushed past me and walked out of the School. I decided to wait for (y/n) I thought I should let her come to my house like she wanted to because it been a rough day.
About 15 minutes have passed and I was still waiting for (y/n) outside the school when she came out with tears in her eyes. I instantly went up to her.
"What happened?" I asked concerned but she just kept walking
"I need to be alone right now." She said sadly her hair covering her face.
I grabbed her hand.
"No?" She questioned and looked at me.
"Your sad. Why would I leave you alone? Your coming to my house."
A small smile formed on her face.
"That's the smile I like to see." I gave a her a peck the lips.
"I thought your dad would get mad."  She said looking up at me with her big cute (e/c) eyes.
"I'll sneak you in." I said looking down at her.
"The same way we did before." I added on
"Okay I'll text my mom."
"Good." I said.
We made our way to my house and I had (y/n) climb up my tree as I went through the front door.
I went in quietly hoping my father wouldn't hear me. In fact I hoped he would have hero work and wouldn't be home at all. Thankfully I didn't hear anything and I went up to my room where (y/n) is.
"Can you talk to me (y/n) I feel like your not telling me something you been acting weird all day, and don't give me the I don't understand it talk. Just give me something please. I want to help." I said with emotion in my voice. I cared about her but it just felt like I couldn't help her.
"It's just all stressing. I'm sorry for not telling you everything Im just trying my best to make everything work. My friend was telling me stuff that just had me thinking." She looked at me and her eyes were red from crying earlier. It made me sad to see her like this.
"Is it something about us?" I asked worried. I just got her. I don't want to lose her.
"Yes, but nothing bad, she was just telling me that there's bad news but she can't tell me and stuff along those lines, then telling me to hang in there and not to mess stuff up with you." I was confused how would she know about stuff about us?
"(Y/n) Whats your friends quirk?" I went to sit next to her on my bed.
"S-She can read the future. That's why it has me worried." I took her hand and looked at her but she wouldn't look at me.
"Why can't she tell you." I said in a calm voice.
"I don't know." Great she seemed stressed. I was suppose to help her but instead I'm flooding her with questions.
"Okay let's just forget about everything and relax for a bit okay?" I rubbed my hand on her back.
"Okay." She simply said. She layed down on my bed and cuddled up in thr blankets. I couldn't help but smile she looked cute. I went to put on a movie then went back to my bed and sat down. She looked tired. I guess this day really worn her out. I let her lay her head in my lap and I leaned against the wall by my bed. I looked down at her and her eyes were now closed. I started stroking her hair and I soon fell asleep myself.

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