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Midoriya's POV

As soon as I seen (b/n) go and try to stab Kacchan I had to act fast, my one for all quirk has got stronger over the months and I have been training at UA and with Allmight nonstop. I was able to push Kacchan out of the way replacing his body with mine, I was ready for the pain that was about to hit me but a strong body pushed me out of the way.... No Allmight, my eyes started to tear up... No... He stabbed him in his weak spot, Allmight is not going to be able to fight for very much longer at this rate. He's going to have to turn into his weak form soon.

There was a moment of silence.

(B/n) had a smile on his face the whole time, and it made me sick. Todoroki was still kneeled down on the floor but trying to help the best he could, Kirishima was helping Kacchan with his wound, usually he would push anyone away who tried to help him but this time he didn't even have the strength to speak, he really needs a doctor or... He might die.

"Son" Allmight said looking into (b/n) eyes, still with an angry face but yet his voice was soft. (B/n) still had a smile on his face.

"Heh." Was all he said.

"You-you don't have to do this. There's still hope for you." Allmights face soften and smoke started to come out of his body. My eyes went wide, then all of a sudden everyones attention was on Allmight. Kirishima, Todoroki, and even Bakugo with his eyes barely open was looking at Allmight. He can't, he can't give away his secret right here, in front of the villains.

(B/n) looked confused too, but all that was in his eyes was revenge and hatred. He dug the knife deeper into Allmight in response to what he said.

"What drove you to do this.. W-who put this hatred in your body?!" Allmight yelled through the pain. It was Sad. It was really sad. Allmight definitely at one point had the chance to kill or capture (b/n) but at least I could tell, he couldn't bring himself to hurt his own child.

"You wouldn't understand. Now if you will excuse me I need to get back to my business." (B/n) took out his button once again and kurogiri opened his portal sending him who knows where.

"No." Bakugo said faintly.

Before I knew it my legs moved before I could think, I ran torwards the portal along with Kirishima even Todoroki got up and started running, we couldn't let him press that button.

All of the villains started to jump in the portal (b/n) being the last. But everything seemed to be in slow motion at that point.

"I'll be going to see my sister now." He smiled devily, and there it was, my hand was in range to swap the button out of his hand... But it was a second too late. A second. I missed it by a second. (B/n) pushed the button and disappeared in the Portal.

I was shocked.. I stood there not knowing what to do, I couldn't process what just happened, did that button kill... No.. I looked down sadly.

"He's going after (y/n)." Todoroki's voice was not his normal voice anymore it was just filled with anger. I looked over to the side of me Kirishima went to help Bakugo once again.. he was starting to get pale, and Allmight... he finally let go of his strength and let his body go weak. We all looked at him. His secret was out, at least to the students in front of him.

"Allmight..." I softly said looking at him.

I looked around, thankfully and not thankfully Kacchan was unconscious but Kirishima and Todoroki were looking at him shocked.

"Wha- what is this?" Kirishima still said shocked. Allmight coughed out some blood then stood up with his wound.

"I don't have a lot of time to explain but my weak form started once I went against All for one five years ago, I passed down my quirk to young Midoriya because I'm only going to get weaker from here and on. The only other people that know about me is (y/n), principle Nezu, and recovery girl." There was a moment of silence.

"How did (y/n) know?" Todoroki asked to break the silence.

"I told her, I felt she deserved to know. Don't get mad a her young Todoroki, I told her to keep quiet." Todoroki nodded, I'm sure he would understand.

"I need to find recovery girl. Go save (y/n) please. I will take young Bakugo with me."

"But Allmight... What if-" Allmight cut me off

"Young Bakugo shall not know of any of this.. He won't be waking up anytime soon so I should be gone by the time he does, all he's going to think is that one of you took him to recovery girl. I know this is a lot to take in but please keep this quiet." Kirishima and Todoroki still looked shocked, but we had to start moving.

"Alright guys let's meet up with (y/n)." They both nodded, so from there we all went running looking for (y/n).

(y/n)s POV

I was slowly waking up.. Well I think. I could hear everything around me, but it sounded like nothing good, all it sounded like was destruction and yelling, I could barely feel my body but someone was carrying me I knew that much. I was sorta hoping it was Shoto.. How I wish I could just be in his arms right now, I miss his warmth, his comfort. I guess I just miss him. He's not going to leave my side after this is all over. I chuckled in my head since it seemed that no words would come out of my mouth. Not even a chuckle.

"Another nomu!" That voice, it was Yaoyorzu's what was going on, the last thing I remember is hearing dad's voice.

"Yaoyorzu, your going to need to take (y/n) there's too much, I'm leaving her life in your hands." That was Aizawa carrying me then. My body  was being moved around until I was placed into new arms, which was of course Yaoyorzu.

"Okay (y/n), I will protect you with my life!" I honestly wish she wouldn't have said that.. What makes me so important? She deserves a future as much as anyone, so why would she die protecting me?

Then a loud bang hit the ground.

"Hahaha, I'll take care of them."

"Endeavor!" Yaoyorzu said shocked.

"Are you kidding me there coming from all sides, your going to need help." Aizawa sounded like he was already fighting them.

"Your student, is going to need help if anything comes her way, so I'll take care of this like the hero I am, Im a higher rank remember that." That comment was worth an eye roll but can't do that if my eyes are closed. Im sure Aizawa did it for me though.

"Okay fine. Let's go Yaoyorzu." After that I felt Yaoyorzu start to run, and I'm sure Aizawa was right next to her.

They were running for a while, maybe a good 15-20 minutes, then all of a sudden there was some wind and a gasp from Yaoyorzu.

"There she is." (B/n)... How did he get here... This is bad.

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