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"Alright, the results came back and it turns out you are pregnant (y/n). Congratulations!"

I was so shocked and speechless, everything was happening all of a sudden.

"But I also have some bad news." The doctors happy look turned into a sad one making my heart stop.
"You might want to sit down." That never meant anything good.

Shoto took my hand and squeezed it while looking at me leading me to sit in one of the seats. I still had a shocked look on my face trying to process what the doctor had told me.

"What is it?" Shoto asked the doctor as he still had my hand in his.

"Well... due to past injuries it would be a rough pregnancy, there's also a 50% chance that the baby won't make it. And when it comes the time for childbirth and the baby does make it, it will be difficult, I'm sorry." The doctor looked up at us, but everything was too hard to process for me right now I continued to stay silent.
"Of course you still have your options, I'll give you two a moment to talk while I go get the pamphlet." The doctor gave us a pity smile and left the room.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Shoto looked at me with concerned eyes.

"Shoto.... I don't know what to do." My voice was cracky and my eyes were watery, tears falling uncontrollably down my face.

"Come here.." he said pulling me into a tight hug. Shoto himself was overwhelmed with all of this, but he wanted to be strong for you.
"We have time to think, whatever you choose, I'm going to stand by you.. I'll always stand by you."

Shoto's POV

Once we got home, (y/n) immediately went and sat on the couch. I  went to put a few things away and joined her shortly.

"We have a month to decide what to do.." I said softly, while rubbing (y/n)'s back.

"It's just a lot." She responded.

"We also have to think about you in all of this as well. I mean delivery the baby can possibly kill you.." I was trying to be as nice as possible about this, but deep down inside I didn't want the baby if it meant losing  (y/n), or both (y/n) and the baby, but at the same time I was also trying to block those thoughts out of my head.

"I know, but what if the baby does make it?" (Y/n) looked up at me with hopeful eyes.

"It's possible, but 50% chance can go either way." (Y/n) sighed and looked down at the floor.

"Shoto, I want you to be honest, do you want this baby?" Her question shocked me, I didn't know what the right answer was right now.

"It's not that I don't want the baby, I just don't want to lose you.." I looked at her, but she was still looking at the ground, then all of a sudden she put her hands on her stomach and ran to the bathroom.

"(Y/n)!" I quickly followed her to the bathroom, walking in as she was puking. I kneeled down and held her hair back.

Once she was done she held her stomach and then leaned back into my chest.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow, for now let's go get something to eat and rest, maybe watch a show or something. I do have work tomorrow , so I can't stay up too late, I'll try to get off early though, I promise." I said as I was running my hand through her (h/c) hair.

"That's okay, I feel tired anyways." She looked at me and gave me a weak smile. It looked like she was sweating and very tired.

"Alright love, brush your teeth and I'll make you some food."

I went into the kitchen to make some food for (y/n) (The food can be whatever you want) and had some time to think to myself. I was honestly scared and didn't know what to do, I would go ask one of my friends for advice but I know none of them would know what to do either, it was all so stressing.


It was a rough night, (y/n) was constantly getting up and throwing up, she had a temperature and had chills all through out the night making her move around a lot, which kept me up. It was okay though, I know it's not her fault, all I wanted to do is be there for her, I hate seeing her sick.

"I'm sorry if I kept you up Shoto, I feel bad." I was getting ready to go to work, and (y/n) was standing by the door saying goodbye.

"It's okay love, it's not your fault." I tiredly smiled at her and gave her a kiss goodbye.
"Please Don't hesitate to call if you need anything." She nodded and then I left heading to my hero agency under my dad.


Once I was at work I walked in the doors and was met by Midoriya.

"Hey Todoroki, is (y/n) doing okay?" He covered for me yesterday, so he knew about (y/n)'s Doctor visit.

"If I tell you something can you keep it a secret." I sighed. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I didn't know what to do or where to start.

"Well of course anything." He said with a closed eye smile.

"Well...(Y/n)'s pregnant" I hesitantly told him.

"Wow.. thats... well that's great!" He was shocked and definitely not expecting what I said.

"Well, let me finish, She's pregnant but there's a 50% chance the baby won't make it. There's also a chance that having the child can kill (y/n)." My eyes were tearing up, I was never one to sit back and cry, but I still didn't know how to take in everything.

"Oh my god, todoroki I'm so sorry." Midoriya looked down sadly.

"I just don't know what to do, I don't want to lose her." I wiped away the tears that were about to come down my face.

"I know I never experienced this, and probably will never, but I think that you and (y/n) need to think about every possibility and accept the risk and consequences, maybe talk it out more.. I'll take another day for you, go home and be with (y/n), I'll make sure everything runs smoothly here." Midoriya was crying unlike me trying to keep it in, but his words and action meant a lot.

"Thank you so much Midoriya."

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