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I said my goodbyes to my friends and they wished me luck, Shoto pulled me into a tight hug before I left. If I was being honest, I was a little shaky leaving him alone with Momo, but I trust him so I'm trying to keep that thought in the back of my head, I know he wouldn't do anything.

After I've been walking for a while, I put the small earpiece in my ear before I lose it, because dang they weren't lying when they said it was small.

"Hello?" I whispered, hoping that the earpiece would work.

I heard some ecstatic noise through the earpiece, but then soon after talking.

"Hello (y/n) can you hear us?" I heard Kirishima's voice through the mic.

I sighed in relief that the earpiece worked. I could definitely use people talking me through this, I mean I was giving myself to the league of villains, as of right now I can't think of anything scarier than that.

"Yeah, I can hear you." I said quietly to him, I kept my voice at a low sound, because for all I know someone could have been following me this whole time.

"Good! Alright where are you headed to?" Kirishima asked in his usual chill voice, which I liked, it made me less nervous.

"To my moms house, no doubt that my brother would be there." I said confidently.

"Alright great! Everything's going smoothly so far, contact us when you get there, we don't want to risk anyone hearing."

"Alright bye guys." I whispered

"Be careful." I heard a worried Shoto say in the background.

I chuckled, and it seems like they muted themselves or something because the earpieces ecstatic noise stopped. I sighed realizing that I was alone again.

I looked ahead of me and there was nothing but darkness, it looked really freaky, the whole scene screamed to turn around, but I have to get my mom back. The trees were slightly blowing from the wind making me a bit paranoid since it was dark.

After about 5 more minutes of walking, I reached the house that my family once lived in. I took a deep breath and walked through the front door.

No one was there when I walked in. The lights refused to work, probably because no one been paying the bills, and the place smelled dusty making me sneeze a few times. It's definitely going to be a pain to clean this all up.

"Hello?" I Called out through the house. No answer. I started to walk around slowly, it felt like I was in a horror movie.

I started to walk down the small hall and stopped at my mom's bedroom door. I hesitated while opening the door knob, but when I pushed it open it was nothing but a dark room. I sighed in relief. But once I turned around, I was met by a bat to the head and immediately passed out.

Todoroki's POV

"Do you think she's there yet?" I asked Kirishima worried.

"Calm down man I'm sure she will be fine, she's strong." Kirishima attempted to calm me down.

I sighed and looked around, Bakugo ran off saying "He had to use the bathroom" Momo was sitting next to me checking the tracker, and Kirishima had the headsets on waiting for (y/n) to contact him. I didn't like this at all, nothing good was coming out of this, we should have just told the pros and hoped for the best.

I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Calm down Todoroki, you looked panicked." Momos hand was on my shoulder and she gave me a small smile, but her eyes were full of concern. Then all of a sudden she started fiddling with her hands looking nervouse.

"U-um maybe we should talk about the elephant in the room." She laughed nervously.

"Really right now?" I looked at her annoyed, she had to know I wasn't interested.

"What are you guys talking about?" Kirishima looked over at the both of us confused.
"Is (y/n) pregnant or something?!" He put his hand over his mouth.

"What no! Were in high school!" I quickly said.

"It's actually that my parents and Todoroki's father wants us to have an arranged marriage." She started smiling with a blush on her face.

"Huh? But arnt you with (y/n) Todoroki?"

"Yes I'm with (y/n) and that's not changing." I made sure to look at Momo when I said that. I'm not letting the best thing that came into my life slip away just like that.

Momo's face suddenly looked disappointed and she looked back down at her tracker.

"Oh (y/n)'s at the house!" She exclaimed.

"Contact her." I ordered Kirishima, but he didn't.

"No, let's wait until she contacts us, she may be trying to keep quiet since her brother might be in there." I nodded in understanding, but at the same time sighed because I wanted to know if she was alright.

A few minutes past, and Momo looks down at her tracker again.

"Hm weird, it seems like she's being driven away." I looked over at her tracker and sure enough it looked like she was in a car driving away.

"Okay I'm going to contact her." Kirishima turned on the mic.

"(Y/n) cough once if you can hear us." Kirishima waited a second squeezing the headphones to his ears making sure he doesn't miss a sound.

"Nothing." He said worried.

"We have to go after her." I get up and start walking out the door but was met with a tired looking Bakugo. He put a hand to my chest and pushed me back down to the couch.

"Sit down loser, we go after her if the plan goes wrong." He lazily fell back into the chair by Kirishima.

"And it's not going wrong already?!" I raised my voice at him, starting to get up again, but this time Momo put a hand to my chest making me sit back down.

"Shes getting taken to the location, we knew that she might have been knocked out or blind folded when she was taken there, the plan goes wrong if they figure out our plan. Right now they think she's giving her self up to the league of villains." Momo explained to me.

"Fine." I put my head in my hand.

Please be okay (y/n)

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