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I was waiting patently for my match with Bokugo. Everyone was nervous for me, I mean even Todoroki was showing all that worry on his face. All I could do is try my best like Midoriya and Todoroki!

I was at the entrance to go into the arena now waiting for my name to be called.
I got this right?
Nope nope I totally don't got this. Great now I was doubting myself. It sorta hurt how no one believed that I had a chance at beating Bokugo but I guess it was the time to prove them wrong.. Right? What am I thinking, I don't even think I have a chance against him.


"Huh?! Oh hey Todoroki!" I said in a panic, I must have been lost in thought when he came up to me.

"What are you thinking about?" He got closer to me and pulled me into a hug.

I liked how he only showed an emotional side torwards me, it was cute.

"OH ummmmmmmm its nothing really!" I waved my hands around in the air. Man was I bad at lying or what?

Todoroki pulled away from the hug and looked at me.

"Okay... If it's nothing why do you look so nervous." I sighed in defeat.

"Well I know Bokugo's way stronger then me, but I feel like everyone wants him to go easy on me." I looked down rubbing my arm nervously.

"Show everyone that they underestimated you then, prove them wrong." Todoroki always knew what to say to make me feel better.

I smiled at him making him slightly smile back.

"Okay for our next match we have.. Katsuki Bokugo from class 1A! Vs (y/n) (l/n) his classmate! Who I personally want to win." Present mic mumbled at the end making me chuckle as I walked out to the arena.

"You should have just dropped out of this fight, I'm no match for you!" Bokugo yelled jumping in the air coming torwards me with a big explosion.

Without thinking I used my electricity to get behind him. I was about to use a lightning strike but damn his reactions were quick he turned around with another explosion blowing me back, I thankfully stopped right before the out of balance mark and used my quirk to make me run fast again ending up behind him.

"Don't you go easy on me!" I yelled to him. I didn't want him or anyone to pity me.

"Tsk, if you say so." A big grin came up on his face and he came at me with full force only for me to move away quickly. Dammit I was already tired.

"I see your beginning to get tired." He scoffed

I then thought of an idea, I was going to run around him no matter how much it hurts and I'm going to try my best to float him out of balance, even though I will be extremely tired, but hopefully I'll have enough adrenaline to not feel anything at that moment, so I did what I planned.

I started running around Bokugo fast, I think this is actually the fastest I have ran with my quirk. I could see him turning around confused not sure what he could do. I then gathered up a big electric bult and striked it in the middle of where he was, I then tried to float him but I couldn't see him. In fact I was awfully dizzy. I then stopped running and instantly fell to the floor. I seen Bokugo was on the floor as well. But he was slowly getting up, and his uniform was ripped all over and he had burns on him, some bad some not so bad.

"prove them wrong." Todoroki's words started echoing in my head.
I started getting up I was on the verge of passing out but I still stood up. I started walking torwards him.. All I need to do is float him now. Fight your sleep dammit! I yelled at myself internally.

"You thought it would be that easy!" Bokugo yelled running torwards me. I floated him in the air before he could get to me, but it took both hands and I fell to my knees, apparently that didnt stop Bokugo from making a huge explosion, I threw him back the same time he made the explosion.

I felt myself hit a hard wall and ringing came to my ears... No no no no, I lost.. I looked up with my blurry vision, and I seen Bokugo was out of balance too.. Just barley, just half of his foot.

"(Y/n) and Bokugo are out of balance! But with watching a quick replay, (y/n) was out first! Bokugo wins!" Midnight yelled, and the crowd was cheering. That was the last thing I heard before I passed out.

Todoroki's POV

I was waiting at the exit of the arena for (y/n) to come out, I was watching the whole fight and she was actually putting up a good fight against him. She looked extremely tired but she kept going. I was surprised by her new attacks, at this point even if she lost, I would be so proud of her.

"(Y/n) and Bokugo are out of balance! But watching a quick replay (y/n) was out first! Bokugo wins!"

I looked at the arena and seen (y/n) past out on the wall. My eyes grew bigger, she looked like she was in so much pain. I looked over to Bokugo and even though he won he looked.. Defeated. He was barely out of balance just half a foot, and he walked out the arena angrily.

I looked back at (y/n) and she was being carried to recovery girls office, so I quickly rushed over there to see if she was okay.

Once I got there she was laying in a bed not asleep but she looked tired.

"(Y/n)!" I ran up to her. "Are you okay?!" I kneeled beside her bed, and she looked over to me with tired eyes and gave me a soft smile.

"I'll be alright, just tired." She looked like she was fighting her sleep.

"Get some sleep then." I said  running my fingers through her hair.

"But I want to watch your match." She mumbled. Probably because she was tired.

"Don't worry about watching my match. I rather you get some rest." I planted a kiss on her forehead and before she could get another word out she was asleep. I took a second to admire how cute she was while she's sleeping. A slight smile came on my face from looking at her, it was crazy what this girl could do to me. I thanked recovery girl and walked out to the arena for my match against Bokugo now. I was still confused of I should use my left side or not. Everything that (y/n) and Midoriya was saying made me realize it is my power but.. (Y/n) wasn't awake, and I havnt sorted anything out with my mother.. I was still confused, should I use it or not?

They announced mine and Bokugo's name and the match started.

I decided to do a giant ice wall attack only for Bokugo to defend himself with his explosions.

"Powerful attack but terrible aim." He scoffed

I tried to reach out and grab Bokugo but he used his explosion and grabbed my left side.

"Don't underestimate me." He smirked and used his explosion that sent me to the edge of the arena.

I quickly used my ice to surf around the arena to avoid going out of balance.

I then grabbed Bokugo with my left arm, I thought about using my fire but I just couldn't.. So I simply tossed him to the ground.

"AM I NOT WORTHY OF YOUR FIRE?!" Bokugo yelled at me annoyed.
"You need to stop holding back! I need to beat you at your full power to prove I'm the strongest!" He yelled at me some more
"WHY EVEN FIGHT IF YOUR NOT TRYING TO WIN!" It sounded like he was begging me at this point.. I'm sorry Bokugo.. I apologized in my head.

"YOU CAN DO IT TODOROKI." I heard Midoriya yell from the stands encouraging me. How can he motivate me so much? I started to ignite my flames.

Bokugo then came running at me and jumps up to the sky. I aim my left arm at him, but then the memories come back to haunt me once again. I sighed and put my left arm down and let Bokugo hit me with his huge explosion breaking my ice and sending me out of balance passed out. The last thought I had in my mind was
"I'm sorry (y/n)... And Midoriya... And Bokugo, I let you all Down."

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