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Shoto's POV

I was walking towards where me and (y/n) used to train at, since I failed the test to get my Provisional hero's license I've been training extra hard, I was not going to let anyone down like that again. But who I feel bad for the most was (y/n), since she was hurt and still recovering the principle decided against letting her take the exams. She stormed out when she heard that, I felt bad for everything that happened to her, she was trying so hard, but the truth was her quirk well quirks were weaker than before, she wasn't as fast as she used to be and it caused great pain in her stomach when she used her electricity quirk. And for her floating quirk, it was hard for (y/n) to lift anything from being stabbed by my ice, but she would still try until she passed out or thrown up and try to train through the pain.

I was close to the training place but I heard a noise and hid behind a tree. I peaked out to see who was there and of course it was (y/n). She was trying to float up a semi heavy rock it's one I can probably carry with my ice or Midoriya can carry with his quirk, but for (y/n) it was hard. She was sweating and really focusing on trying to lift the rock, she looked like she was in pain but didn't stop trying. I sighed and made a worried looking face. I just want her to get better. When I looked back (y/n) started yelling as she lifted up the rock into the air, my eyes widened.

"S-she did it" I whispered to myself. But as soon as the rock floated to the air it fell back down to the ground. A few seconds later, (y/n) also fell to the ground. She's really not going to get better if she keeps going this hard on herself.

I frowned followed up by a sigh. I walked towards where (y/n) was at, she's lucky I was here or she could have been here laying on the ground all night.

I kneeled down to her body, she definitely needed rest. I picked her up bridal style and held her close. She's exhausted. I walked back to my house with (y/n) in my arms... so much for training, it's fine though I understand that (y/n) needs me now more than ever.

"Oh my, what happened?!!" Fuyumi jumped in shock as she seen me walk through the door.

"(Y/n) over trained herself, she's exhausted." I looked down at her face, she was so beautiful.

"Bring her to the couch! Does she have any clothes here? And call her dad!" Fuyumi ordered me.

"I will, and yes she has some spare clothes in my bedroom I'll go get them." I said as setting (y/n) down on the couch.

I made my way up the stairs and to my room to get everything, I picked up my phone and Scrolled through my contacts until I seen Allmights name. I pressed the name and the phone started to ring.

Allmight- Hello young Todorok is something wrong?

Me- Well, (y/n) passed out from training too hard.. I didn't know if you wanted to pick her up or...

Allmight- *sighs* I'm stuck at UA right now and I'm going to be here late, as much as I don't like it, just have her spend the night at your house if that's okay.

Me- o-oh yeah of course

Allmight- No touching!

And with that he hung up. I smiled to myself and took (y/n)s clothes to Fuyumi.

"Took you long enough Shoto... I'll change her clothes.. what did her dad say?" She sighed

"If she can spend the night. Allmights working at UA late tonight, so he won't be home until later." I said casually

"Alright...give me her clothes and carry her to your room."

"I could have just carried her up there in the first place instead of bringing her clothes down here.." I said while picking up (y/n) once again.

"We also didn't know she was staying here." Fuyumi grabbed (y/n)'s clothes and followed me back up to my room.


After Fuyumi changed (y/n)'s clothes and I changed my clothes as well, it was already getting dark. I was kind of worried that (y/n) haven't woken up yet, but she was also probably exhausted. I figured that I would just lay down and go to sleep. (Y/n) was in my bed but that didn't matter, it's not like we haven't cuddled before. So I wrapped my arms around her and fell to sleep fairly quick.

Your POV

I started to open my eyes to a dark room. At first I didn't think much of it until I remembered where I was last, then I looked down to see arms around me and immediately panicked. My first instinct was to punch whatever was holding me, so that's just what I did. Dark rooms really scared me since what happened with all of the illusions, but only Shoto knew that. After I punched the person behind me, the arms quickly flew off of me then I jumped up from where I was into defensive mode. I heard a groan, and then a lamp came on. My eyes widened when I seen who it was.

"Shoto I'm so sorry." I went in to hug him but there was blood running down his nose.

"It's like the first time we met... you punched me in the face." Shoto chuckled and got up to wipe off his nose and change his shirt since it was white.

"Sorry about your shirt.. I'll buy you a new one to make up for it." I said sitting at the edge of his bed.

"No, no, you don't have to it was just a night shirt, I'm just glad your okay, you've been out all day." Shoto smiled at me and sat down next to me on his bed.

"Wait how did you know where I was?" I asked him confused.

"I was going to train, but it seems like you already were. Your lucky I came you know, you would have been there all night." Shoto pulled me back down by my waist to Laying position so that my back was facing his chest and my head was resting on one of his arms as his other arm rested around my waist.

"I'm so lucky to have you... what time is it?" I asked him looking over my shoulder.

" Around 2 in the morning, I checked when I fixed my nose."

"WAIT DOES MY DAD KNOW IM HERE??!" I suddenly shot up to sitting position in his bed.

"Yes, of course I called him and he said he was working late and to stay here." Shoto said while pulling me back down to relax.
"Oh and by the way, I seen you lift up the rock, seems like your getting stronger by the day." Those words made my whole mood lighten up, I've been trying so hard.

"Really?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes really, now quiet down my love, you wouldn't want to wake up my dad." It sounded like Shoto was really tired, so I just stayed in his arms, and despite just waking up I still felt tired, so I figured I would just go back to sleep too.

"Yeah your right.. goodnight Shoto." I smiled to myself, I wanted every night to be like this... except the punching him in the nose part.

"Just like your brother said, you'll make a great hero one day (y/n)."

Those words hit my heart, and those words also made me want to train even harder, I was not going to give up not ever.

Thank you for 3k+ reads! I really appreciate it :) thank you for all the votes as well!

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