A new school

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Me and Todoroki started walking towards UA. to be completely honest I wasn't really sure what way UA high school was, I only visited there once with my mom.
"So what do you like doing?" Todoroki said putting me out of my thoughts.
"Well, I like drawing and art I guess." I said
"you guess? How good are you?" He asked.
I'm still confused on why he shows so much interest in me, we just met.
"Well I can bring something I drew tomorrow."
I said
"good idea." He said looking at me.

Once we got to UA Todoroki showed me to class 1A and everyone seemed to be talking to friends, I just kinda Sat down in a seat and waited, but then Todoroki Sat next to me.
"Is it alright if I sit here?" He asked
"fine with me." I said looking down at my desk.
Then all of a sudden this guy with green hair, a big smile and some freckles came up to us with a girl with brown hair to her shoulders and brown eyes.
"Hi! I'm Midoriya! This is Uraraka!" He said very excited.
"I'm (y/n), nice to meet you." I said nodding my head.
"Nice to meet you." Urarka said with a big grin on her face.
"Hey weren't you in the recommended? You must be pretty good if you are." Midoriya said to Todoroki.
"Oh, well, yeah thanks." He said in a monotone voice.
It's weird Todoroki was so talkitive around me but when it comes to talking to other people he never dragged out the conversation.
"Your welcome he said smiling."

"Okay, Okay, sit in your seats now schools starting, I'm Mr. Aizwa." He seemed boring great this will be fun.
"Our first competition will be today, person who comes in last will be kicked out of this school."
I looked at Todoroki and he didnt have one worried look on his face, at least i get to see his quirk. Hopefully I'm not the one to get unlimited, I wouldn't want  that on my first day.

We headed out to where we were training and there was a lot of events we had to do, I didn't win all of them but Todoroki was always in the top, I found out his Quirk was half ice half fire ironic.
I turned around to see someone with blonde spiky hair and he looked angry.
"Why are you yelling." I asked with a confused voice.
I then punched him in the face
"I would watch your tone next time." I said turning around only to be met by Todoroki
"you sure do like punching people." He said laughing, kinda cute.
" I just don't take crap from people." I said laughing with him.
"AHHHHH YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS." Whatever his name is said walking towards me.
"That's enough Bakugo." Todoroki said getting in front of me. Guess his name is Bakugo.
" What is she your girlfriend or something." Bakugo said stopping in front of Todoroki. I blushed a bit when he said that.
"No. But your overreacting."
"SHE PUNCHED ME." He said shoving Todoroki and then punching me in the face. I then pushed him and punched him immediately, and I found a vase to float over to hit him with. Then suddenly ice formed around Bakugo.
"That's enough Bakugo." He said in a Stern voice, I noticed my nose was bleeding. Great. Todoroki then unfroze Bakugo.
"Let's go (Y/N) I'll walk with you home." He said coming up to me.
"Okay." I said starting to walk.
"Is your nose okay?" He aked concerned
"I'll be fine it won't kill me." I said not looking at him.
"What a good first day though." I said sarcasticly.
"Hopefully tomorrow will be better."
Before I knew it I was in front of my house.
"Well this is my house, see you tomorrow." I said walking towards my house.
"Bye" He said walking away.
I opened the door greated by my mom
" Okay 2 questions! Who was that boy and why is your nose bleeding??" She said in concern.
"One I met him today, and Two I got into a fight."
"ON THE FIRST DAY." She said shocked.
"Yup I go to one eventful school."
" Did you at least kick his ass???" She said laughing.
"Haha oh yeah." I honestly don't know who won but his face looked more messed up then mine so I'll take it as a win.
" That's my girl." She said smiling and hugging me.
"Dinner will be ready soon, go clean up" she said patting me on the back and going into the kitchen.
" Oh and that boy is pretty cute."
"Omg." I said rolling my eyes and leaving.
"HEY ITS TRUE." She said yelling from the kitchen, then I shut the bathroom door and turned on the shower.
(Your friend can read the future, and she's powerful.)

When I got out the shower I quickly texted my bestfriend.
You- hi!
Friend-Hello. How was your first day?
You- eventful
Friend- hm what happened
You- got into a fight
Friend- on the first day?
You- yup believe it or not
Friend- funny, meet anyone?
You- yeah a boy he helped me with directions
Friend- haha, guess I was right
You- what?
Friend- just wait, TTYL

Well that was weird, I thought to myself. Might as well go and eat dinner. Then I headed my way to the kitchen.

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