The beginning

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Hello, for a while at the beginning of the story I spelled Bakugo wrong, I'm sorry for this and I'm working on changing all of it

"Please please don't leave Toshinori, think about our babies please think about our babies!"
"I've gotta go. I want to be a hero.. I'll come back one day."
" Please I'm still young! I can't do this without you."
"I'm sorry."

5 months later
"Okay take a deep breath and push okay? . Deep breaths." The nurse said.
"Okay I see the head just a little bit more."
"There they are, would you like to hold them?"
"No! I can't!" She said crying.
"I-I can't keep them." She said slightly calming down.
"Okay I'll go give them to her adoptive mother." The doctor said walking out the room.
The mother  just turned on the hospital bed and Broke down crying.


"Here you go miss Ari, the mother requested that you name the girl (y/n) but of course it's your choice." The doctor said handing (y/n) to her new mother Ari
"AWW she's so CUTE, I might as well do what the mother wishes." Ari said holding (y/n) and taking the baby boy in her hands as well.

14 years later
" (y/n) wake up, you gotta go to school."
"Ughhh, okay okay I'm up." I said.
"Breakfast is on the table I'll be in the shower."
I did my normal morning routine and went to eat breakfast it was my first day at a new school. Mom said I got to walk today because she's got people coming over. Which is fine with me.
I levetated my backpack over to me (my quirk is I can make things float) and opened the door yelled bye to my mom and left. As I was walking to school I saw a jewelry stand I thought maybe getting something for my mom would be nice but sadly I have no money, since it was almost her birthday I figured it would be alright to maybe steal a necklace, maybe a ring for her while I'm at it.
"Hello may I help you with anything miss." The guy at the stand said
" Well I was just wondering the price of these bracelets and what there made out of because my friend is allergic to a certain type of medal." I said trying to keep him distracted while I use my quirk to try and steal the necklace.
"Ah yes, Let me just get the paper..HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING MISS?" Dang it he looked the wrong way...I got caught, now I have to play it off.
"What are you talking about sir?" I said innocently
"y-you must have a quirk that floats!! How dare you!"
"I don't know what your talking about, it had to be someone else I'm quirk less." I said putting my hands up.
Then someone with half white half red hair and beautiful eyes came up to us they were different colors interesting I thought. The stranger started to speak but right as he was about to talk I punched him in the face. I looked at him for a second and ran, I didn't know this town that well but I kept on running, I looked behind me to see he was chasing after me. Well this could be bad. I ran for a few more minutes and I looked behind me for a second to see he wasn't behind me, but just as I looked in front of me, he cut me off. Well this should be fun.
"Dang you can punch pretty hard" he said out of breath with a bloody nose
"it was hard to catch you."
"Oh.... Yeah, I'm sorry about that." I said pointing to his face and thinking if I should start running again.
"Well I'm going to be late for school so I got to go..."
"Wait!" He yelled, grabbing my wrist.
"What?" I said turning around, pulling my wrist back
" I'm Shoto, Shoto Todoroki but you can just call me Todoroki, what's your name?" He said walking up to me.
"Why?" I said. I don't really like people.
"Haha So it's going to be like that, cause ya know I could call the police." He said with his voice getting higher
" one I didn't steal anything and my names (y/n)"
"Sure.. And nice name." He said.
"Well I should probably get to school now, I might be late." I said walking away, not going to lie I kinda liked him he was easy to talk to and he wasn't mad that I punched him? He complimented me instead, interesting, hm I hope I run into him again someday, I thought.
"Well what school do you go to." He said making me turn around again.
"Why does it matter?" I said, again not a people person.
" You sure are a private person, cause maybe we go to the same school." He said making a duh face.
"Oh.. True,  um I go to UA, 1st year." I said.
"See I go there too." He said
"What class."
"1A I was told." I said
" recommended?"
"No I just luckily got in I can float pretty heavy things with my quirk like buildings and what not, but too heavy can also hurt me."
Woah I never talk to anyone like that, why now? I thought to myself.
"That's cool, here let me walk with you to school." He said.
"Well I guess theres not really a reason for you not to, since we're going the same way." I said starting to walk
"let's go!"
"Alright" He said catching up to me.

This is my first X reader lol so let me know what you think!

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