The plan (part 2 )

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School was over and me, Shoto, Kirishima, and Bakugo were walking together. I could see how confused the class was at this, but we had to act quickly we didn't have much time.

"So where do I meet him?" I ask asked Shoto as we were walking. Bakugo and Kirishima were following slightly behind us.

"He never said." Shoto's gaze was looking at the ground, but his hand never let go from mine.

"You know this isn't going to be the last time you see me." I chuckled.

Shoto finally looked up from the ground and squeezed my hand tighter.

"I don't know that. I don't like this plan at all."

I stopped walking and turned torwards Shoto, taking his other hand into mine. His hands were sweaty, probably because he was afraid of losing me which I completely understand, I would be the same way if it was Shoto in this situation.

Bakugo and Kirishima stopped behind us and gave us a look.

"Go ahead, give us a minute." I gave them a smile.

"Don't take too long with your lovey dovey shit." Bakugo then walked passed us, Kirishima nodded to us and followed behind Bakugo.

"Listen Shoto, I know your scared, I would be just as scared if it was you in this situation, but you have to understand that this is my mom, and I need to help her. I spent enough time waiting around just for nothing to happen. I can't promise you that everything will go to plan, but I know the moment I need you you'll be there to help me." I gave Shoto a small smile and a peck on the cheek. I was waiting for him to respond but I was only pulled into a warm hug.

"I love you (y/n) you know that?" His voice was muffled into my neck.

I of course returned the hug.

"I love you too Shoto."

He gave me once last squeeze before pulling away and looking into my eyes, he caressed my cheek and gave me a gentle loving kiss. One that was telling me everything will be alright, that after all of this he will be right here standing with me.

"We should catch up before Bakugo starts yelling at how long we took." I giggled making Shoto laugh.

He started walking and held a hand out to me and I of course gladly took it.

Once me and Shoto got to the park that we were going to before I stopped to talk to him. Of course we got yelled at by the one and only Bakugo.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TAKE SO LONG." He yelled only making me laugh.

"Sorry, just got distracted I guess."

"That's not important right now, we need to go through with our plan before it's too late." Kirishima whispered to us.

"Are you sure it's a good idea drugging someone though? I mean we're suppose to be training to become hero's." I nervously said.

"It's the best thing we got you idiot, it's that or nothing." Bakugo said in his usual grumpy voice.

"You can do this (y/n) it doesn't make you a villain, your not killing anyone." Shoto tried to comfort me, but instead only bringing back the memories from my brother telling me how I killed Stain.

Shoto quickly caught on and started apologizing, Kirishima and Bakugo clearly confused but decided they would question that later.

"Alright guys, I think I know where my brother might be. Just one more question, there obviously going to make sure I have nothing up my sleeve when I get there so where am I hiding this?" I held up the tiny bag with the dust like substance in it.

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