You Dont Know

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Another AMV up above 😁

"Wake up my love.... please... wake up."

Shoto's POV

This couldn't be real it just couldn't... I didn't even get the chance to talk to her. Uncontrollable tears were streaming down my face.

"What am I going to do?" I whispered to myself, still (y/n) was in my arms. I wasn't ready to let go, not yet, not ever.

"OI ICY HOT." I heard from afar. I looked up but then back down to (y/n) still crying.

Once Bakugo noticed the scene in front of him he froze.

"W-What happened here?" He was holding his stomach from his wound. No telling what went down or why he's back here. But I didn't care in the moment.

Bakugo looked down at (y/n) and tears started forming in his eyes. But he couldn't hold it in as his sister like figure was lifeless in my hands.

"I-I said what happened here!?" I looked at him.

"She risked her life for me...." my sentence turned in to a whisper by the end.

All of a sudden debre started to fall down where we were. What is this world now...

"SHOTO WE HAVE TO GO." I didn't care to die right here, that's what Bakugo didn't understand.

"I'm not leaving." I hugged (y/n) tighter. Still no responses from her. I could tell at this point she was not breathing, everything that happened finally caught up to her. Especially giving birth. She still had blood pouring out her stomach from the stitches she broke countless times.

"What do you mean your not leaving?! Look I'm sad too but your not dying, you have a daughter." Nothing mattered in this moment. Hearing the word daughter just made me cry more.

" Okay, that's it." Bakugo forcefully grabbed me and that led (y/n) falling to the ground once more.

"No, NOOOO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He blasted off into the air leaving (y/n) behind.

"I'm sorry, I can't carry 2 people."the look on his face was guilty as ever.

"Shes dead, Shoto."

"LET ME DOWN." Little did I know though, tears were also coming out if Bakugos eyes too.

"If she's really dead right now, the last thing she'd want is for you to die too."

I couldn't fight, I was too weak, I couldn't protect anything in the end. I felt so hopeless, I couldn't even move.

About 5 minutes later we landed on the ground.

"Shoto." I didn't look up. My eyes were still wide in shock looking at the ground. Then I looked at my hands... blood... (y/n)s blood. I couldn't take it, I fell to my knees and hugged myself. I closed my eyes tight as tears were coming out once again.

"We- we gotta go back."I whimpered.

Bakugo walked in front of me, giving me a pity look.

I slowly got up, arms still hugging myself. And walked the opposite way, the way where (y/n) was. But I also could Barely walk.

Bakugo stopped me once again.

"Dont be stupid."

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW HUH?" I turned around and snapped at him.

"DID YOU SPEND ALL OF YOUR HIGH SCHOOL YEARS WITH HER? SLEEP WITH HER? MARRY HER? HAVE A DAMM KID WITH HER?! SO DONT YOU DARE TELL ME NOT TO BE STUPID." I punched him in the face. Somehow me punching him in the face set a trigger in my brain.

Oh yeah.... when I first met her she punched me in the face.

"Are you done now?" Bakugo asked standing up, still looking down. He surprisingly let himself get punched and didn't even bother to punch back.

I didn't say anything, I lowered my fist.

"Come inside. We don't know if (y/n)s dead for sure yet right?" I looked up at Bakugo for the first time. He still had his stab wound but it was stitched up, I'm surprised he was able to move around so much. His eyes looked very tired.

"Okay" I mumbled as I followed Bakugo inside the safe house.

As soon as we walked in I was greeted with no one. But I did notice Akari was in a crib alone sleeping.

"How could you leave her here alone?!" I immediately trekked at Bakugo and went to pick her up to see if she was okay.

"I didn't..." I looked back at Bakugo, it seemed like he was thinking.

"Well it looks like you did." I looked down at Akari.... how am I going to take care of her....

"Deku was with her and that damn nerd is too nice to leave an newborn all alone." He stated

"A mystery to find out later then. " I sighed.
"We need to go back. " I looked down once again holding Akari closer to me.

"Your in no shape..."

"That doesn't matter" I gritted my teeth.
"I swear, I'll protect the ones I love. I made a promise to myself since day one that we would make it. I'll never give up on her.. not as long as I'm still alive."

I then heard a sigh from Bakugo.

"You sure do have a way with words icy hot. "


Your POV

My eyes slowly started to open, everything was blurry, pain shooting up my body.. from what I could tell debre was everywhere around me.

Is Shoto safe?

That is the first thought that came into my head.

I tried to stand up but immediately fell right back down... I still feel like I'm on my death bed, my stomach was wet, with what I'm guessing was blood. It's too bad I'm being stubborn about dying right now. I then slowly started to lose consciousness again. It won't be long until my end comes for good. But just waiting for it almost seems like torture at this point.

Thank you for reading and for all the comments and votes, much appreciated ❤

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