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Todoroki's POV

Running... We been running for only 15 minutes. Why am I tired? All the training I went through I for sure ran more than 15 minutes. Was it the anxiety? The over thinking? Maybe.

"Were almost there." Momo yelled behind her.

Kirishima and Bakugo were ahead of me. In fact I was falling behind. I have to keep my composure. Im doing this for (y/n). I have to save her.

"Todoroki are you okay?" Kirishima was looking at me, I wasnt too far behind him, but far enough.

"Yeah." I simply said.

Forget it I'm using my quirk. I used my right side to slide on the ice path I gave myself.

"Todoroki we can't use our quirks in public!" Momo exclaimed

I didn't respond I was now way ahead of them.

"I AGREE WITH ICY HOT ON THIS ONE." I heard Bakugo yell from a distance followed by explosions getting closer and closer.

Momo and Kirishima didn't have the quirks to catch up, so they would be stuck running.

" HEY ICY HOT, WHERE WE GOING?!" Bakugo yelled due to how loud his explosions were.

" So much for a sneak attack." I mumbled.

"WHAT'D YOU SAY?" Bakugo yelled with steam coming out of his head.

I rolled my eyes.

"It should be straight ahead." I told him.

After a long 5 minutes we were met with an building. Bakugo stopped making his explosions even though I guarantee they already heard him from a mile away.

There was a window right above where we hid.

"Bakugo, can you lift me up to see inside that window?" I asked him still looking up at the small window Above us.

"Tch whatever."

Bakugo got down on one knee and held his hands out for me to step on. He lifted me up and I grabbed onto the ledge of the window while he held support to keep me up by the bottom of my feet.

"So what do you see?" Bakugo said impatiently.

I looked through the window, but a black certain was blocking the view.

"Were going to have to break the window."

"You can leave that to me." I looked down at Bakugo and he had an evil grin on his face.

"No your too loud." I told him monotonely.
"I'll break it."

"And how do you plan on doing that dumbass." I sighed at his comment.

"I'll freeze it then it should be easy to break through from there."

I started to freeze the window then it broke by itself.

I heard a loud gasp come from below.

"W-what? W-whos there?!" It was (y/n) and she sounded terrified, it also sounded like she been crying.

"(Y-y-n)?" I called down.

I jumped into the window and landed as quietly as I could onto the ground.

"Idiot." I heard Bakugo huff from behind me, as he climbed through the window after me.

I ran directly over to (y/n) she was in a ball and looking at me with wide eyes.

"No, no your not real." She said looking away from me.

"What did they do to you?." I kneeled down by her and stroked the side of her head then pulled her into my chest.

"We have to get out of here." I stood her up.

"Is it really you?" She asked looking up to me.

I wiped away the tears coming down her face.

"Yes, it is, now let's go."

Bakugo was still standing by the window.

"Can you help her out?" I asked him.

He looked at (y/n) for a second then me, making me make a confused face.

"I-I'm sorry, but I can't do that." He looked down to the ground, so his hair was covering his face.

" what do you mean Bakugo?! We got to go!" I yelled at him.

"I-I'm sorry." It sounded like he was trying to be tough but all that filled his voice was pain.

"What's gotten into you?"

"Look I CANT..." he yelled back.

And that's when the lights in the room came on. (Y/n) stayed silent the whole time and buried her face into my chest. I responded by putting a hand on her head stroking  her hair.

Villains walked into the room.

"Thanks for your help Bakugo." (B/n) came out the room with more villains behind him. Bakugo didn't say a word. I gave him a betrayed look.

"Please Bakugo.." I heard a hopeless whimper come from by me.
"You have to help us." (Y/n) said looking up at him.

" fuck." He whispered under his breath.

"Heh." (B/n) separated (y/n) from me.

Bakugo quickly got out his phone and did something, Then jumped in front of (b/n) pushing (y/n) back to me.

"Go." He looked at me.

I've never been more confused in my life. First he's walking us into a trap and now he's trying to help us.

"I SAID GO!" He let out his explosions trying to hold off the villains that were trying to get to us .

Well I can't just leave him, they obviously threatened him with something to do this to us.

Midoriya's POV

I was awoken from my sleep when a notification went off on my phone.

Huh? I thought I put it on silent.

12:00 am my phone read.

And the notification that popped up on my phone was Bakugo's? Why would he text me at this hour especially.

I opened the text and all that there was, was a location.

... Then it clicked. I sent everyone a location when I needed help with the hero killer, and Bakugo wouldn't just text me like that.

I snuck out my bedroom and put my shoes on, I changed into my hero suit, I have a feeling I'm going to need it and I sprinted to the location that Bakugo sent me.

Kirishima's POV

Me and yaoyorzu were running and both of our phones buzzed.

I looked at my phone and Bakugo's name popped up along with the location we were going to.

"It looks like there in trouble."

"Well were 1 minute away." Yaoyorzu told me, I gave her a Stern nod and we sprinted torwards the location.

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