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 Your POV

It was getting close to my due date. 4 months had past meaning next month I was due. Even though i was due next month, this month seems like the hardest. It was cold outside and I was sitting in front of the heater shivering. Shoto was getting off of work in about an hour. His hours were shorter than usual, barely working 4 hours a day so he could come home and be with me. I told him he didn't have to but he insisted that everything was going to be fine and that Endeavor was helping pay off the medical bills and giving him money when he needed it. Every time the baby kicked my stomach it hurt like hell. I got used to the pain, but it was still uncomfortable.

A little bit later Shoto walked into the door. He seemed a little beat up which had me worried, and he was home early.

"Shoto, what happened to you?!" I sat up on the couch looking over at his bruised face.

"Don't worry too much about it love, ran into some villains." He put his coat up on the coat wrack and sat down next to me and gave me a tight hug while resting his head on my shoulder.

"Are you sure your fine? your looking a bit pale..." It did seem like something happened, but knowing Shoto, he likes to keep stuff inside.

"Yes, don't stress about it, its not good for the baby." He looked up at me and gave me a cute smile, making me giggle.

"Okay if you say so... why don't you go and change out of your hero clothing?"

Shoto's POV

(about two hours before he got home)

I was walking down the street on hero duty. Midoriya and Uraraka were a little ways behind me, they were dating now, so it was understandable. The only thing was, I had nothing but time to think, (y/n) was getting close to her due date and everything was so unpredictable, it was honestly stressing me out but it was too late to change our minds about not having the baby, so I could only hope everything would be okay.

"hey, Shoto, are you okay?" Deku came up to the side of me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"yeah, I'm fine." I wasn't really in the mood to talk about my feelings, I just wanted to get back home to (y/n).

"If you want to go home, I'm sure Endeavour would let you, isn't (y/n) close to her due date?" Uraraka walked by the side with Midoriya, and of course she had a caring face on.

"I would like to go home, but I'm off in 2 hours anyways, might as well go through with it." Midoriya and Uraraka both nodded at me.

"Is she doing okay?" Uraraka asked again, but this time she looked sad and concerned. I kept looking straight ahead.

"She says she is okay... but she doesn't look okay." My voice changed into a sad low tone. I know everyone was worried about there friend but, I got the same question everyday.

Uraraka stayed quiet after my comment and looked at the ground with a sad facial expression. Of course after that Deku spoke up.

"Hey guys, I'm sure (y/n) will be alright, shes very strong! After all she been through, I know she will be able to get through this!" Deku balled his hand into a fist and gave me a determined look.

"But, can you promise that." I wasn't trying to be rude, but thinking about losing (y/n) just worked me up.


Midoriya was cut off by a huge bang not too far from us.

"What was that?!" Uraraka gasped.

"I don't know but whatever it is we should get going." I said already taking off towards the explosion.

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