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"I know, just hang in there okay? Try to stay conscious." She didn't speak after that but she kept a tight grip onto my shirt, probably from the pain.

I sighed and quickly ran off to try and get some help.

Todoroki's POV

I was running back over to where Midoriya was, hoping that everything was going okay over there. I made sure that I was careful with (y/n) even though she wasn't speaking, the grip on my shirt told me that she was still awake, and every time her gripped loosened I would try to talk to her about something to keep her up.

A couple seconds later, I seen Midoriya in the distance he was sitting down waiting it looked like.

"Midoriya!" I yelled from afar.

"Todoroki!" He smiled, and I quickly ran over to him still being careful. My hero suit was stained with blood, but it was fine, as long as (y/n) is still alive.

Once I got to Midoriya he looked down at (y/n) and his eyes started to tear up.

"I need you to do me a favor." Anger was written all over my face and I knew Midoriya could tell.

"Take (y/n) to and ambulance or hospital just Get her help quick... I'm going to take care of (b/n)."

Midoriya's eyes widened.

"No! You'll end up killing him out of anger!" Midoriya's face went from shocked to mad.

"I DONT CARE!" I yelled back at him.

"S-Shoto.. p-please don't... hurt... (b/n)." (Y/n)'s breathing was starting to slow down.

I gritted my teeth in anger.. why after everything he put her through... why would she still not want to see him hurt. Either way, I ran off with (y/n) in my arms trying to get her medical attention. I left (b/n) to Midoriya, I'm sure he will figure something out.

Midoriya's POV

I could barely hear (y/n)'s words but when I did, I was as shocked as Todoroki, but I can see why she said that. It would hurt seeing someone you grew up with and lived with getting hurt even if they hurt you. That's how I feel about Kacchan. I smiled to myself. Todoroki then ran off with (y/n) resisting the urge to hurt (b/n) which was still conscience but didn't say anything. He actually was looking down with a sad regretful face.

"Wait todoroki!" I yelled. But I knew he wasn't coming back.

I turned over to (b/n) with both of my fist in a ball.

"Why...? Why did you have to hurt so many people?!" I turned around to look at him. Even though I had an angry face on, I still had tears dripping down my face. I just couldn't hold the tears back.

"Revenge I guess." (B/n) looked away

"REVENGE FOR WHAT? She didn't even know you were still alive." My voice went into a whisper.

"Because, no one looked for me, no one caught on. No one heard my yelling! And all because of (y/n)s stupid decisions I was put into this situation. My mother was always annoyed at me. I didn't have real parents and Allmight did nothing but abandon us! Everyone saw me as a villain anyway, so why not just become one." (B/n) said angrily.

"That isn't any excuse for you to become a villain! That's only an excuse for you to try harder and prove everyone wrong! And Allmight would never abandon his children he just wanted to follow his dreams, he would have done anything for you guys if you asked." I pointed at him and wiped away my tears on my face with my other hand.

(B/n) chuckled, which made me even more angry he was laughing at such a serious situation.

"So what is it, Midoriya? your saying that one day when your the number 1 hero and have kids that you are going to abandon them to follow your dream, and then come back years later then offer support to your children who needed you?" He questioned me. I took a moment to think about what he said and shook my head no.

"No, that's not what I'm saying at all, I'm going to be better than Allmight! Everyone makes mistakes, but your too busy living in the past than in the present." To my surprise tears started to run down (b/n) face but he didn't dare look at me.

"I wanted to be the number 1 hero. That was always my dream, but only a dream in my past now. Things worked out for the worst.. I guess you can say." (B/n) coughed up blood some blood.
"Ya know, I'm trying not to die too." (B/n) started to close his eyes. Maybe he was starting to see through the darkness. Could he have actually missed his old life?

"W-w-w-wait don't go to sleep." I waved my hands around.

(B/n) smiled and then closed his eyes.

I quickly went to pick him up and hurried to get him help. Although his punishment isn't going to be anything small. I hope that (b/n) finally found the light in the darkness.

Todoroki's POV

Half way back I ran into Momo and Kirishima.

"Todoroki!" Momo yelled, and stopped when they saw me, but I on the other hand kept going, I didn't have time to talk I needed to hurry and get help.

"Wait Todoroki!" Kirishima yelled my name. I stopped and turned to them.

"What? She needs help and Fast!" (Y/n)'s was no longer gripping my shirt, I knew she wasn't going to be able to stay awake for that long, but I still tried, and I knew she was still fighting, like the fighter she is.

"I'll go ahead and get help to come here, you shouldn't move her anymore she looks pale." Kirishima said in a worried tone.

"I'll make some bandages!" Momo hurried and turned around to make bandages.

"Okay, fine." I set (y/n) down on the soft grass making sure I didn't hurt her in the process.

Kirishima ran off and momo turned back around with the bandages.

"Here you start wrapping them around her stomach, I'll focus on her arms." I nodded

After wrapping the bandages on (y/n) I put my ear to her heart and counted the beats.

"She's still alive, but I don't know for how much longer." I put pressure on her stomach wound and Momo put pressure on both of her shoulders.

"At least we're stopping the bleeding, that's a start." I nodded, then there was an awkward silence.

"You really love her don't you?" Momo looked up at me with a sad smile.

I looked at her. I knew she liked me, our parents arranged a marriage for us when we graduate, but I'm in love with (y/n) and that's that.

"I really do, she's always been here for me, yes we may have gotten together a little fast. But the days I would talk to her felt like I knew her for years." I smiled down at (y/n) even though she wasn't doing too good, I just couldn't help at smiling at the memories we shared together. Our first kiss, how we met when she punched me out of panic. I let out a small chuckle, then all of a sudden my eyes got really watery. I just couldn't hold back the tears. They started to come down my face silently.

"I just really don't want to lose her."

Thank you for the votes and reading my book :) I'm thinking about starting another fan fiction, so let me know what other anime's you want me to make an x reader to :)

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