Heros vs Villians

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This is my favorite AMV video and probably my favorite song gets me hyped lol

After (y/n) told me what happened all I could do is hug her tight.
"I had no idea." I tried saying with no emotion.
She slowly hugged me back tears coming down her eyes probably from the memories. It definitely wasn't something easy to talk about.
"W-what happened after?" I asked her not sure if I should be asking anymore questions.
"Well.. My mom was in denial blamed me at first. Which it was my fault, and I was in big trouble of course. I think the worst part is going into my room everyday remembering what life was like with my brother." She looked down with a frown on her face.
"Don't you dare say it's your fault." I sternly told her
"Even your brother said you couldn't have known."
" I just want him back." She sounded so sad and it broke my heart.
Suddenly the bell rang and we both had to go back to class.

Your POV

"Okay we will be doing 2v2s now. I will assign you into your groups. One pair will play as the villians one pair will play as the heros." Mr. Azwaia explained.
I got paired with Bokugo which I wasn't too excited about yeah he was strong but hes also hard to work with.
Todoroki got paired with Shoji.
Midoriya with Urarka.
Momo with mineta.
Tokoyami with Tsuyu
Kaminari with Jiruo
Kirishima with Sero
Ojiro with Toru
Sato with Koda
And then lida wasn't feeling well today and didn't make it to school.
First was me and Bokugo vs Uraraka and Midoriya.
I nervously walked to the building when I saw Allmight walk up to us.. I quickly walked away as he talked to Katsuki.
As we entered the building Bokugo immediately went off to find Midoriya.
"Bokugo wait!" I yelled to him.
"Shut up." He groaned while still running of course not listening to me. So I followed Bokugo and he did a surprise attack on Midoriya which sent both him and Uraraka flying to the floor.
All of a sudden Midoriya got up.
"I knew you'd come after me first." He angrily said.
"Bokugo!" I yelled at him hoping he would listen to me. But of course he went on doing what he was doing.
He ran up to Midoriya and was about to explode him with his quirk when Midoriya ran up to him and flipped him on the ground.
"God dammit!" I yelled again
Midoriya all of a sudden got this determination and telling Katsuki that his nickname wasn't always going to be useless and stuff like that. Me and Uraraka just sorta stood awkwardly in the background behind our own teammates.
Then Midoriya saying all of that only made Bokugo even more mad
I then ran to where the bomb was to defend it. Since we had these ear pieces to talk to each other I did.
"Bokugo what's going on?" I said loudly.
"Just shut up and defend IM REALLY ANGRY RIGHT NOW." He said in a angry voice .
I just groaned.
I then heard an explosive.
"SAYS YOU IDIOT." He yelled back into the ear piece.
Then I heard Midoriya yell to Uraraka to go so she must be coming.. good job Bokugo. I sarcastically thought.
I then saw Uraraka in the doorway. Our quirks were similar but mine was more advanced so I had an advantage.
I then felt and explosive.
"Bokugo what are you doing? Was that you?" I asked him. He didn't answer.
I then seen Uraraka in the air. I thought quickly and floated the bomb to me and floated her back unlike her I Don't have to touch anything to make it float it's simply my mind. It can give me headaches sometimes though.
Uraraka knocked into the wall.
I just got to defend this before time runs out.
Bokugo is going to end up stopping this fight for us.
I continued to try and distract until time was out until the building started collapsing. I fell to the ground.
Uraraka grabbed hold of a pole and floated right over to me before I could even look up. She then grabbed onto the bomb.
"Hero team wins." I heard Allmights voice.
They then took Midoriya to the nurses office because his arm was pretty messed up and he seemed to have no energy.
I instantly went up to Bokugo.
"WHAT THE FUCK." I pushed him back.
He seemed to be shocked about something else though.
"How could he beat me." He said wide eyed hands shaking in front of his face.
"Because you don't know what team work is dumbass. Get over it." I then walked away to see my results.
Todoroki instantly came up to me.
"Are you okay?" He put a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah.. but Stupid Bokugo threw it for us. Only if that moron knew how to work with a team." I said balling both my hands up into a fist.
"Hey calm down." He said gently taking both of my hands which instantly calmed me down.
Allmight then paired the next 2 teams which was Todoroki and Shoji.
"Go." I said and smiled to him. He then took off to the building where he was going against Orjiro and Toru.
Once Todoroki got into the place I seen that he froze the whole building.. hm smart.
After that it seemed like Orjiro and Toru was stuck to the floor.
Todoroki then walked in and unfroze the bomb. And he..won.
How could he win so easily? Me and Bokugo really had to fight.
I looked over to Bokugo and he was all wide eyed. Well he wasn't having the best day.
Todoroki came back to look at his results and of course they were good.
He then came up to me.
"H-How?" I stuttered my eyes were also wide open.
"I guess I'm just more skilled then you." He teased.
I then floated the nearest thing by me and threw it at him. He looked at me with a confused look, but I just smiled. I then ran. I looked behind me and he was running after me. I laughed a little as I used more of my quirk to throw stuff at him but of course he froze everything in his way. He used his right side to catch up to me and put his arms around my waste and pulled me close to him putting his face close to my neck. I then turned around in his grasp and put my arms around his neck. I then smiled and he did the same.
Todoroki got closer to my face and then kissed me softly and slowly. I kissed back with a smile on my face.
Todoroki quickly pulled away as I did the same.
It was Bokugo...
"Ha I see you guys are a thing now." Bokugo chuckled walking up to us.
Me and Todoroki looked at each other unsure of what to do. This was quite a awkward situation .
"When did it happen?" He asked.
"Lunch." Todoroki answered after looking at me
"Well I'm not surprised it happened, you both were all over each other from the first day of school."
A blush came on my cheeks and I looked over at Todoroki, he also had a little bit of pink on his face.
"Well I'll leave you 2 now." Bokugo cockily smiled and walked away with his hands in his pocket.
"Well that was awkward." I laughed nervously.
"Hopefully he doesn't go around making a big deal about it." He said in a monotone voice.
"I doubt it Bokugo may be a ass but he don't go around telling people secrets." I assured Todoroki.
"Well we should get walking to the hospital now." He said taking my hand and we started walking towards the Hospital which wasn't entirely too far from the school.

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