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I woke up and the room was still dark. It must be the middle of the night. I thought. Hm it seems I was in my room... Weird I thought I was with Todoroki. I got up and went to the bathroom. I decided to get in the shower clear my mind a bit. All of a sudden a loud knock was on the door.
That voice.. Was that my brother?... I immediately opened the door then all of a sudden the scenary changed to a destructive sight and he was on the floor bleeding out.
"(Y/N) this is your fault.. Look at what you did! Look at me!" He said while bleeding out.
" No, no I'm sorry I didn't mean to." I said kneeling down to his bloody body crying trying my best to stop the wounds.
"You did this! You did this!" He said and slowing choked on his own blood and eyes slowly closing.
I looked at my hands and saw his blood all over them.
"NOOO WHY NOW." I screamed to myself.
"Why now.." I followed up with a whisper.

I shot up from the bed breathing heavily, my eyes were watering and I was shaking. I looked over and noticed Todoroki was siting next to me.
"Hey, hey are you okay?" He said in a soothing voice. Putting his hand on my back.
" Yeah.. Just a nightmare." I said a little bit shaky.
" Do you want to talk about it?"
"I-It was just about my brother." I said looking down.
" Oh. Are you going to be okay." He said in a concerned voice.
"I'm going to have to be." I said laying back down.
Todoroki looked down then looked back up at me.
"It's going to be okay (y/n) I'm sure whatever happened it will get better soon." He said with a smile.
" Thank you." I said closing my eyes once again.
Todoroki got up and went back to the chair he was sleeping on. And just like that we were both asleep again.


I woke up to the sound of Todoroki's alarm. I slowly got up as I saw Todoroki get up as well.
"Good morning." I said to him with tired eyes.
"Morning.. It looks like you didn't get much sleep." He said looking at me rubbing his eyes and getting used to the light.
"That's because I didn't." I laughed a little at the end.
" I'm sorry." He said getting up and yawning.
" It's not your fault." I said while going into his bathroom.
" Im going to go to the bathroom, If that's okay." I asked looking back at him.
" Of course go ahead." He said gesturing to go into the bathroom.
I walked into the bathroom did my morning routine. I tried to make it quick so Todoroki had time to get into the bathroom.
Once I was done Todoroki did his morning routine while I waited with my uniform on by his bed.
"You ready?" He asked walking towards the window.
" Yeah, I'm ready." I said following him down the tree onto the ground.
" Arnt your parents going to wonder where your at?" I asked looking at Todoroki.
" probably not." He said bluntly not explaining why.
"Oh." I wasn't sure what to say.
" So are you ready to tell me what happened yesterday?" He said stopping on the sidewalk towards UA.
" I guess.. Well.. I-I found out who my father Was." I said nervously..
"My real father."
"Real father?" Todoroki questioned.
" I was adopted.." I said looking down, I never minded being adopted, but all the kids at my other school would make fun of me for It, so from then and on, I kept it to myself.
"Your.. your adopted?" He said looking back at me.
"Yes." I said still looking down.
"It's nothing to be ashamed of you know." He said in a calming voice.
"That's the first haha, people at my old school always made fun of me." I said looking at him.
" Really? Well if I ever see any of those people I promise you I will talk some sense in them." He said making me laugh.
"Why thanks." I said while laughing.
"So who is your real father then." He said
I wasn't sure if I should tell him or not... I trusted him obviously even though it was this early but all this time he had my back. Like I said it's almost as if I met him before.
" Allmight." I said in a small voice almost a whisper.
" did you just say Allmight?!" He said stopping in his tracks. Looking at me with wide eyes.
" maybe." I said quickly walking away.
I was stopped as he grabbed my shoulder.
"Wait wait wait. Don't walk away, we're going to figure this out." He said looking at me straight in the eyes.
" I can see how this is a lot to take in for you." He said in a gentle voice.
"how are we going to figure it out." I said
" your going to talk to him today." He said taking my hand and dragging me toward the school.
"Woah woah." I said snatching my hand back.
" no." I stated while getting in front of him walking towards the school.
" you can't just hold it in. I'm sure he'd like to know your his daughter." He said catching up to me.
" he obviously doesn't care because he left!" I said snapping.
" He- he could have stayed! He could have taken care of me, but I don't see him and I don't see my real mom." I yelled walking away angrily. I really wanted to be left alone at this point. I didn't hear Todoroki following me, he probably thought it was best to leave me be for now.
So instead of going to class I walked to the back of the school and sat on the benches. I just enjoyed the view and was lost in my thoughts. I probably shouldn't have been skipping class, but I was far too upset and worked up about the whole situation.
Just then I heard footsteps and a door open from the school.
" (y/n)."
It was Todoroki.. of course he would come back after a while.
I didn't look at him instead I just kept looking at the view.
" you really shouldn't be skipping class." He said sitting down next to me.
"Bokugo was surprising asking where you were." He said sounding a bit jealous
" I guess you grown on him."
"Ha." Was all I said.
" but seriously.. come to class, I told Aizawa that I would look for you before he sent teachers to look for you." He said standing up putting a hand out.
" fine." I said taking his hand.
With that we walked back to the classroom.
" there's the moron." Bokugo said not yelling but angry sounding.
" I will talk to you after class (y/n)." I just nodded my head and took my seat.
Bokugo being in front of me turned around and said.
" I need to talk to you too." Then turned back around.
I looked over at Todoroki who was sitting next to me and he looked at Bokugo with jealous eyes.
"And don't worry icy hot I'm not stealing your girlfriend." He said in annoyed voice turning to Todoroki.
I saw Todoroki blush a light pink then look the opposite way form me.
I giggled a bit and started paying attention to what the teacher was saying.


After class, most of the people walked out of the room and Todoroki said he would be waiting for me outside of the school.
I went up to Mr. Aizawa to see what he wanted to talk to me about.
" you said you wants to talk to me?" I asked.
" yes. It seems like you were a little bit down in class today. And your mother called asking if you were in school and told us what happened." He said in a monotone voice
"Oh." Was all I could get out.
" Would you like to talk to him?" He asked.
" Um.. I don't think I can today." I said looking down.
"Okay. But if your not going to talk to him today you have to talk to him by the end of This week." He said excusing me from the room.
Great, I don't want to talk to him by the end of the week but, I guess I have to now.. I wouldn't want to be on the teachers bad side.
I left the room and started walking down the hallway.
"HEY." I heard a angry voice say from behind me.
Oh yeah. I completely forgot I was suppose to talk to Bokugo.
"Oh crap Im sorry I completely forgot." I said to him with a forgiving voice.
"Of course you would..." He said annoyed..
"Anyways, I wanted to apologize to your dumbass about yesterday." He mumbled.
"None of it was your fault. Don't worry about it. I'm just hoping we don't always have to fight anymore. " I said with a smile.
" Yeah. Whatever. You should get back to that little boyfriend of yours he's been waiting." He said pointing outside of the window at Todoroki who was sitting on the benches outside.
"He's not my boyfriend you know." I said with a eye roll.
"Sorry, soon to be." He said and walked away.
Well at least were friends now? I think. Well let's just say we're on good terms now.
I went outside and walked over to Todoroki.
"Hey." I said with a smile.
" Hello." He said smiling back.
" So what did Aizawa have to say?" He asked looking at me while we started walking out of school grounds.
" That I need to talk to Allmight by the end of the week." I said rolling my eyes.
" They know." He asked with a questioning look.
" Well my mother called the school because she wanted to make sure I was here and apparently told them the whole situation." I said in annoyed voice.
" Are you going to go home today?" He asked me.
" I don't want to." I mumbled
"(y/n) you have to go home.. Your mother must feel terrible." He said giving me a serious look.
" Talk things out with her and tell me how it goes.."
"Fine." I sighed.
"Okay good. I will still walk you home though." He said ruffling my hair.
"Hey!" I said laughing.
And on that note we both left walking towards my house.

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