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“Oh huh, hi!” I answered, my voice shaking at the end as I tried to act normal; although I was painfully aware that Ashton was seating right next to me.

“How have you been? It’s been a while!” he said, cocking his head to the side, a small smirk appearing on his lips; the same one he had when I saw him at the milkshake bar.

“Good… Look, I’m kind of busy right now so huh…” I started, hoping he’d get the message and just walk away.

“Oh but I could seat with you, just like old times” he answered, not the least affected by what I’d just said.

“Look, Chris, I think it’s better if you just fuck off and get out right now!” Greg suddenly spoke up, trying to contain his anger and I pressed my lips together as I felt Ashton tense up beside me.

“Chris?” he murmured. I turned my head in time to see him stand up, his fists clenched to his side as he pushed the table aside as if it weighted nothing and walked toward Chris.

“You’re fucking Chris!” He repeated as he wrapped one of his hands around his neck and started backing him up against the nearest wall.

“Ashton!” I yelled; standing up, too and walking toward them. I couldn’t believe just how fast he’d moved. He didn’t even look at me; it was like I wasn’t there anymore. Chris’ back was now against a wall and Ashton was muttering things under his breath as his hands were still around my ex’s neck.

“Ashton!” I repeated as I finally made my way to him and grabbed his forearm. I tried to tug on it but he didn’t budge; all his muscles were flexed and I suddenly felt so small compared to him. “Please, Ashton just let it go” I pleaded but he didn’t seem to hear me. I stepped in front of him; in-between the two men and cupped his face; trying to force him to look at him and he eventually did.

“Ashton, don’t be stupid, please just let it go” I said, and his hand left Chris’ neck; he let out a sigh and then looked over my shoulder. I could tell he was trying to calm himself down and for a second I thought everything was going to be just fine.

“What a man!” I heard Chris sarcastically exclaim as I felt two hands grab my hips from behind. I tried to move away from his grasp but he pulled me against him so that my backside was pressed against his front.

Ashton shoved me away from the two of them; roughly pushing me; and I would have fallen to the floor if it wasn’t for Linda. I was shocked and my hands flew to my mouth as Ashton’s fist crashed into Chris’ jaw; the breaking sound making goose bumps rise on my skin.

“NO ASHTON!” I yelled again; both really mad and worried.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave the place, young people” a deep voice said from behind us and we all turned around to see a waiter standing in front of us; his hands on his hips as he looked at us in a challenging way. I went to Ashton again and he spoke as soon as my hand made contact with is arm.

“Stay out of this, Katy” he ordered; authority evident in his tone as he grabbed Chris by the collar and started walking toward the front door.

The Sweet Silver Song || An Ashton Irwin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now