Twenty six.

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Ashton's POV :

I lied her down on the couch as I hovered over her and kept my lips connected to hers. I could feel myself hardening already and the thought of her plump lips tightly wrapped around my shaft was enough to make me stir against my pants.

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and pulled me closer as I pressed my hips against hers and bit down on her bottom lip before tugging on it. She moaned in my mouth and I let out a sharp breath as I felt her nail dig into the skin of my shoulders.

"Can't we just... Shit I want you, like... All of you" I let out as I started trailing kisses down her chin and attacked her neck.

"What? No! I... I really want to try it" she replied and I closed my eyes tightly as the two sides of me started to fight inside of my head. "You... You don't want it?" she asked as she pulled away and looked at me.

She looked confused and a little bit sad, too. I let out a sigh and supported myself on my hand on each side of her small body. I looked at her and she seemed lost, like she needed me to help her understand; like she was waiting for me to teach her something.

"No, I... I really, really like blowjobs... It's always been my favorite thing" I confessed and she looked away as her hands left my body.

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me many girls have been there before" she quietly let out and my eyes grew wider as I realized what I had just said. "Why don't you want me to do it?" she asked and once again, she didn't look at me.

"What? No, it's not that! I... I want you to do it, it's just... Maybe we could wait a little?" I offered and I felt myself panicking as she gently pushed me off of her and sat up.

"Yeah, maybe you're right" she answered as she got up and readjusted her top.

I frowned as I got up and hesitantly placed a hand on her elbow but she took a step back and started tying her hair up in a ponytail. I was still highly aroused and the sight of her completely exposed neck was one I couldn't really handle. She obviously had something in her mind; I had upset her and she seemed convinced of something.

"Katy, you're... Huh... You've changed your mind?" I asked her, not really knowing what to say.

"Yes; I get it" she answered and I brought my eyebrows together as I took another step toward her and grabbed her hand, she didn't pull away this time and I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

"What do you get?" I gently asked as I pulled her toward me and looked at her in the eyes. She looked down and tried to escape from me but I kept my hands on her hips and waited for her to answer. "What did you get into your head?" I asked again and she looked so vulnerable I wanted to squeeze her tight.

But I had to get her thoughts out of her first.

"I still need to learn a lot about how to have proper sex before blowjob becomes an option" she breathlessly let out and I saw her cheeks redden as she looked down and tried to turn around.

"What are you saying?" I quietly asked as I tried to understand why she'd say something that absurd.

"I'm saying I'm probably not that good in bed and that's why you don't want my mouth anywhere near your... thing" she annoyingly answered as she grabbed my wrists and pushed my hands away.

"What?" I said as my whole face contracted in surprised.

She was walking toward the front door when her words finally started to make sense. She thought I didn't want her to blow me; and she thought it was because she wasn't good in bed. The connection she made between the two wasn't quite clear to me but it seemed to be evident to her.

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