Forty five.

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Ashton had refused to tell me where we were going, he had just parked in front of what looked like an abandoned building with a sly smile on his face. He took my hand and led me toward the door, before producing a small, simple key from his back pocket and opening it.

He gently pushed me in front of him, and closed the door behind him, before wrapping an arm around my front. We were plunged in complete darkness and my heartbeat quickened as I extended my arms on both side to place my palms against the walls. He pressed his chest against my back and started walking the both of us forward.

"I'm sorry, it's dark, but I know the way and there's going to be light in no time at all, that's to keep it all a surprise," he murmured against my ear and a shiver ran down my spine. I smiled and turned my head to the side.

He stilled and I slowly turned around in his arms, before bringing a hand up to his face, and getting on my tiptoes to press my lips against his. His fingers tightened on my hips as I brought my hand to the back of his neck to pull him closer.

I wrapped my other arm around his back and tried to force myself against him until his back met the wall. I then started rolling my hips into his as I parted my lips and felt his tongue invade my mouth. It was completely dark and the only way to stay in the moment was to touch each other. His hands traveled to my backside and he cupped it as a small moan fell from my lips.

"Baby," Ashton started but I didn't tear my lips away from his.

Instead, I lifted his shirt up slightly and placed my palms on his lower stomach, enjoying the feeling of his skin under my palm.

"Baby, baby," he called again, whining as he cupped my face and pulled away; "I don't have any condoms right now." He breathed and I could feel his gaze on me, even though it was too dark to see. "And, I really want to show you something."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to try and calm myself down for a second before searching his face and pecking his lips. I then stepped back but kept my hand on his hip as I didn't want to get too far away from him.

"I swear it's going to be worth it," he said before letting out a long sigh, and taking my hand.

"I know, I'm sorry, I kind of attacked you with that kiss," I replied, and I was happy he couldn't see my rising blush.

"I didn't mind," he sweetly answered as he brushed his thumb over my knuckles and started walking, pulling me with him.

He suddenly stopped and I heard the sound of a lock and a door opening, before he ushered me inside what I assumed was a room on the side of the corridor. His hand left mine and I turned around in panic as I suddenly lost all my marks.

A sudden light flooded the room and I brought a hand to my eyes as I tried to adjust after being in the dark for quite a while. My eyes gradually widened as I started to understand where we were. Right in front of me was a big console with hundreds of buttons, some of them alight, some of them colored... And right above the console was a huge glass that stood as a separating wall.

On the other side of it was a smaller room; a studio microphone stood alone in the middle of it and my mouth fell open as I looked around once more, and then turned to Ashton.

He was observing me, gauging my reaction, and my face broke into a smile as I suddenly squealed and ran to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and jumping into his arms. He caught me and started laughing as he spun around in the room.

"We're in a studio!" I exclaimed as he eventually placed my feet back down on the floor.

"We're in the studio we recorded the whole album in," he corrected and my mouth fell open as I walked closer to the console and looked at all the buttons.

I was so happy to finally see it. I had wanted to know more about Ashton, and especially his music for so long and he had finally decided to take me there. In the place he spent most of his days. I brought my hands to my opened mouth and looked at him once more, my eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Wait! Do we have the right to be here?" I asked, and my smile widened as he slowly shook his head.

I started giggling and Ashton joined me as he took my hand and sat the both of us on a sofa in the corner of the room. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I curled up against him as he placed his lips at my temple.

"I have another surprise for you," he murmured and I smiled into his chest.

"What is it?" I asked, excited.

"I thought... I thought I'd make you listen to our album."

I detached myself from him to look at his eyes. He seemed both very proud, and a little nervous.

"I thought you didn't have the right to do that," I said as I gaped at him.

"I don't," he cheekily replied.

"I don't want you getting in trouble, or risking anything," I whispered.

"Don't worry," he answered as he pecked my lips and got up to walk toward the console.

He took a large reel into his hand and put it into a player, before flicking a button.

"That's the single," he stated as the first notes started to invade the room.

The acoustic was amazing. I felt like the music was all around me, in me. The song was so energetic, and I couldn't help but to focus on the drums, as I imagined Ashton playing it. He played one song after another, getting up each time before coming back to the couch to wrap his arms around me. He never sang along, but his feet kept taping on the floor, in rhythm with the music, and I could tell that he was really proud of it all.

We left the studio over an hour later, hands in hands through the dark corridor again.

"Let's go for a walk," he said before tugging me away from his car. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and placed a gentle kiss in my hair. "Which one's your favorite?" he asked as he took a turn to the right.

"I love them all, like honestly, it's such a great album! I'll be the first one to buy it!" I replied, wrapping my arm around his waist to nuzzle my face in his neck.

"Thank you, baby! Bbut seriously, which one?" he insisted and I let out a little sigh as I tried to remember the lyrics correctly.

"Huh... I wanna get lost and drive forever, we can talk about nothing, yeah nana nana..." I gently hummed, unable to remember the song title.

"Long Way Home," he said and I nodded.

I woke up in Ashton's bed, my head on his chest and my arm around his stomach. I turned around and grabbed my phone to check the time. I had one missed call and a voicemail and I quietly stood up before walking to the living room. I lied on the sofa and put the phone to my ear.

"Mrs. Barnes, detective Bartolone speaking. We're almost done with our investigation now, and we need you to file a complaint in order to send the case to the court and initiate the trial process. Please, come to the police station as soon as you can, or call back on this number."

I let out a sigh and decided that I would do it today... I didn't have much to do, anyway, and Ashton had a 'lunch date' with Marilyn... It was still pretty early and I decided not to wake Ashton just yet, as I knew he had some pretty tiring times coming with the release of the single.

I noticed Ashton's laptop on the coffee table and logged onto my blog. The comments were getting more and more frequent, and my eyes watered each time someone wrote that they could relate to what I talked about, or told me that I was very talented. I couldn't even comprehend why people would even stop for a second during their day to write such kind words to a person they had never met.

My heart swelled in my chest and I made a mental note to write about it one day. I then texted my friends, asking them how they were, telling them that we should see each other soon because I missed them...

As Ashton wouldn't wake up, I started looking up some apartments in downtown Sydney, trying to get a rough idea of the prices and the surface we could get if we decided to live together, Lydia, Emma and I.

I would have to talk to my parents, as they were obviously the ones who paid for my current flat. I couldn't tell them why I wanted to move out, but I think they would be okay with me just wanting to live with my friends. They were pretty open minded.

The Sweet Silver Song || An Ashton Irwin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now