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Tuesdays had never been my days… People always complained about Mondays, how terrible it always was because it was the end of the weekend and everyone had to go back to either school or work; but I’ve always took it as a new beginning and enjoyed the possibility it offered. Tuesdays, on the other hand, had nothing charming to me, nothing to offer. Tuesday was also my longest day at college and this week I had a presentation, which made me really nervous.

I worked on it the whole weekend and everything seemed on point but I was still scared I was going to realize something was missing right in the middle of it. Anyway, it had to be done and now was the time so I shakily put my laptop out of my purse and started talking in front of my class about a book I’d read and enjoyed.

Everybody clapped and I smiled as I thanked the audience and went back to my seat. It all went perfectly well and the teacher seemed pleased with my work as he congratulated me and told me that I really did get the point of the whole novel.

The class ended and right as I took my first step outside of the classroom, my phone started to buzz in my pocket. I took it out and smiled as Ashton’s name appeared on it.

“Ash!” I greeted as I started walking to my next class.

“Hey, baby! How did it go?” he asked excitedly and I smiled widely before explaining to him just how everything worked out amazingly well.

“Told you you were going to smash it!” he answered after listening to me and I rolled my eyes even though he couldn’t see me. “So, does that mean I can see you now or are you going to find another excuse to avoid spending time with me?” he asked and I gasped loudly as he started giggling.

“Seriously though, I really wasn’t avoiding you, I really needed to work on that! But now that it’s done I’ll have a lot more free time!” I answered and heard him let out a small laugh before replying.

“Great! I was thinking maybe you could meet Calum and Michael? Luke’s going to be here, too!” he offered and an idea appeared in the back of my mind as I started jumping like a child in the hallway.

“Can I bring Linda and Greg? I haven’t seen them since we met and I feel like Greg’s going to kick my ass if I don’t call him soon” I chuckled.

“Yeah sure; he better not do that, though… See you tomorrow then, beautiful” he said and I felt myself blush deeply at his words as people started to look at me weirdly.

“Bye, Ash” I answered before hanging up.

The days flew by and before I knew it, I found myself standing in front of my mirror, trying to decide what to wear again as butterflies started to dance in my stomach at the thought of seeing Ashton again. I let out a heavy sigh and grabbed my phone to text Linda.

We really need to go shopping; I don’t have anything to wear anymore!!! – K

Yeah sure, your wardrobe is bigger than my apartment… But god knows I’d never turn that kind of offer down! Saturday? –L

Not my fault you have the smallest flat of Sydney! You’re perfect, Saturday’s perfect too! –K

Linda, Greg and I arrived in front of Ashton’s house and I knocked before taking a step back; Ashton had promised me his family wouldn’t be home and I was really happy about it as I didn’t want to meet them yet, it was too soon in my opinion. The door flew open and two arms immediately wrapped around my waist as Ashton pulled me into his body.

He looked at me in the eye and a smile appeared on his face as he leaned in and kissed me without hesitation. I was stunned and my heart was going absolutely crazy as I started to kiss him back.

The Sweet Silver Song || An Ashton Irwin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now