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I opened my eyes when the phone started buzzing for the third time; I couldn’t believe Ashton was still sleeping when I felt like a helicopter was taking off on my bedside table. I stretched my arm out and took the device in my hand; it was Ashton’s and the name on the screen read ‘mom’; it could be important.

I gently turned around on the bed; my boyfriend’s arm was resting on my waist and I circled mine around his torso; burying my head in his neck as I started leaving small kisses on the side of his Adam apple.

“Ash, your mom’s been calling you for the last twenty minutes” I murmured as I felt his grip tightened around me; indicating that he was slowly waking up. He took his phone out of my hand and opened one eye before pressing his thumb on the screen and bringing it to his ear.

“Hi, mom” he said in a sleepy voice; a small grin appearing on his face before his whole face turned into a panicked expression; “shit” he cursed, his eyes now widely opened. “Mum, I huh… Okay a lot happened last night and I completely forgot… Can you-” I could hear his mother’s voice through the phone but I couldn’t understand what she was saying; “no, no I don’t wanna let them down can you tell them that I didn’t hear my alarm and that I’ll pick them up in half an hour?” he bit down on his bottom lip as he waited for answer. “Thanks mum, you’re the best” he smiled before hanging up and putting his phone on the side of the bed.

He rolled us over; burying his head in the crook of my neck as I giggled; his hair was tickling my cheek.

“I was supposed to have breakfast with Lauren and Harry an hour ago” he groaned.

“Your siblings?” I asked, not remembering ever hearing those names before.

“Oh, yeah… I have to get ready; I promised them eggs, bacon and pancakes but I’ll barely have the time to get dressed and my apartment’s a mess right now, so it’s probably gonna be cereals and orange juice… I hate to disappoint them like that, they were so excited when I mentioned it” he confessed and I remembered him telling me that their dad left them when they were all really young and that he had tried to be the best big brother they could ever have since then.

“Do you… Maybe they could come here?” I offered and he stilled before lifting his head up so that he was looking at me in the eye; “I could try and cook something while you pick them up?” I added.

The tiniest knot had formed in my stomach as I spoke; as casual as I was trying to make that sound; I knew it meant meeting a part of his family, and that was something big, especially for me. I didn’t know whether we were ready to take that step; but it was also my way of telling him I wanted to move on from what had happened and try and make it work.

“You… You sure?” he asked; a small frown on his face and I didn’t know if it was because he was surprised I was offering that, or if it was because he thought that it was too soon.

“Yeah I mean… You don’t have to if you don’t want to… I mean, I’ll completely understand if you just wanna spend some time with them alone I just… I mean if I can help-” he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine and I immediately placed my hands on his shoulders and pushed him off of me.

“What?” he asked; his hands in the air and his eyes wide as he didn’t seem to understand why I’d just rejected him.

“Morning breath, Ashton! That’s just gross!” I answered as if it was the most evident thing in the world. If there was one thing I didn’t like, it was definitely morning breath, my own, or someone else’s; it didn’t matter.

“Seriously? Kat, we’ve been… Nevermind” he said before getting up from the bed and walking toward the bathroom; “wait!” he suddenly exclaimed before turning around to face me again. “Does that mean you’re going to reject me every morning?” he inquired and I tried not to get too distracted by his tones chest as I looked at him up and down.

The Sweet Silver Song || An Ashton Irwin fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now