Twenty five.

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"Why didn't you invite him yesterday?" Linda asked as we were both sitting on my sofa; half an hour after Ashton's loud departure.

"I don't know... I just... I don't know" I said as I placed my head in my hands.

"It's fine; it's just a fight, it happens" Jon tried to reassure and I weakly smiled at him but my heart clearly wasn't at it.

It wasn't just a fight. It was the beginning of the hell I was going to live. It was the first fight of what was going to be our great fall; and no one could really understand that.

"Yeah" I weakly let out.

"Just call him and tell him you're sorry; that boy's crazy about you, I'm sure he can't stay mad at you... Have you seen the way he looks at you?" Emma said and I threw my head back in frustration as a loud sigh left my lips.

"Yeah, I'm probably just going to apologize" I said without much conviction.

Truth was I knew that it wasn't going to be worth it; that even if I apologized and he decided to forgive me; it was just a matter of time before something bigger was going to hit us both square in the face.

"Anyway; I planned on writing a bit for my blog today; I already got a few views and comments and they're all super supportive!" I added a little bit more excitedly and they all seemed to relax as we started talking about lighter things.

Everybody left around four in the afternoon and my apartment felt really empty all of a sudden. I sat in front of my computer and started typing. Everything I had written in the past week was so dark; so sad. I didn't want my blog to be such an unhappy place but I couldn't pretend when it came to writing; which was weird considering the amount of acting I had been doing lately.

My phone buzzed and I closed my eyes tightly and threw my head back as I enjoyed my last seconds of peace. It had come to the point where that noise alone was enough so scare me to death and make me want to hide under my desk.

We'll be at yours in 10 minutes xx -Greg

I saved my work and closed my laptop before lazily going to the living room and sitting on my sofa. I didn't really have the energy to freak out. I didn't know what they wanted this time; maybe they were going to burn me again; maybe they were going to call it off... After all, Ashton was mad; maybe that was going to be enough for them.

"The door's opened" I yelled as I heard them knock on it and they both walked in before closing the door behind them. Just looking at them made me want to throw up.

"Hey Kat!" Chris cockily said and I didn't roll my eyes.

"Hey, Chris" I answered with the same tone.

He chuckled and they both sat in front of me before looking at me with the fakest smiles on their faces. We sat in silence as I waited for them to speak; they probably thought I was going to ask what they were here for... Truth was I didn't really care.

"We're just here to see how things are going" Chris eventually said and I nodded, still not opening my mouth. "So... How's Ashton?" He asked.

"He's mad" I simply said and they both looked at each other with a frown.

"Why?" Greg asked and I leaned back against the sofa as I answered.

"Because he came in this morning and saw Jon, one of my friends, here, when I had told him that it was going to be a girl night out" I stated and Chris crossed his arms above his chest as he seemed to think for a second.

"Hmm... That's interesting..." he absentmindedly said; "Good; now you're going to apologize and have him forgive you" he added.

"I can't force him to do anything" I said and Chris raised his eyebrows at me before placing his elbows on his knees and leaning forward.

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