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He drove me home, we exchanged number and shared a last kiss before wishing each other a good night. I had one of the best afternoons of my life; we talked and laughed and kissed a lot and it felt as if we’d known each other for years.

I collapsed on my bed, eyes wide opened toward the ceiling and hands crossed over my stomach as I played the day in my head once again. I sat up and reached for my purse before grabbing my phone.

I’ve just realized I barely know anything about you when I’ve already told you everything there is to know about me… Be ready for a real interrogation next time we see each other! ;) –K xx

It didn’t take him a minute to answer.

Oh! Good to know you wanna see me again ;) Can I take you out tomorrow? There’s a place that describes me better than words ever will –A xx

“So, where are we going?” I asked, squeezing his hand as it rested on my thigh. He was driving me to that mysterious place and I was really excited to get a glimpse of his world; he told me to not dress to fancy so I’d just put on a pair of tight jeans, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket.

“It’s a place that kind of looks like the ‘Brooklyn Social’; my friends are going to be here” he answered and I smiled at the thought of meeting his friends. He wanted me to meet them, which meant he wasn’t as disappointed with me as I thought he was. I laced our fingers together and looked outside for a second as my heart started to beat faster.

He parked the car and took my hand in his as soon as we were both out. The lightning sign in front of us read ‘The Owl House’ and the front looked really lovely, like the place had a real history and soul; I already knew I was going to love it here.

“Ashton!” A deep voice echoed in the room as soon as we entered the place. A very tall blond boy came into sight and he opened his long arms before giving Ashton what looked like a really good hug.

“Hey, Luke!” Ashton giggled and returned his embrace; he then pulled away and turned to me before wrapping his arms around my waist.

“This is Katy; Katy, this is Luke, guitarist and singer in the band” he made the presentation and Luke gave me a quick hug before turning to his friend again.

“I always thought you’d turn out gay; but it’s nice to meet you, Katy” he said, shrugging, before turning around and going back to whatever he was doing before we arrived.

Ashton shook his head before looking down at me and his eyes were shining with happiness and contentment. That was definitely his happy place, where he felt the most comfortable and where he met friends that became family over the years; it was so heartwarming to see him like that. I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him tight before lifting my head up; he was looking down at me with a smile and he slowly leaned in before pressing his soft, gentle lips on mine.

“Ashton?” a small voice called behind me and I pulled away before turning around as his eyes searched the space behind my head. Right before me was standing a very pretty brunette; she had light brown eyes and her little nose made her whole face cuter than anyone’s in the room. She was wearing heels that made her legs look like she’d been working out for the past twenty years and a black top was hugging her small waist perfectly.

“Helena” Ashton greeted without any sign of enthusiasm, which really wasn’t like him.  His hands left my body and he buried his fingers in his pockets while chewing on his bottom lip.  I furrowed my eyebrows and my gaze went from Ashton to the girl as I tried to figure out why everything seemed so awkward suddenly.

“I… I’m sorry, I thought maybe you’d want to go back to mine tonight but-” she started but Ashton immediately cut her off.

“Helena, I want you to meet my soul mate, Katy” he hurriedly said before cautiously placing a hand on my waist again. She looked at me for the first time of the night and her eyes widened as I awkwardly stretched my hand out for her to shake; which she eventually did.

“Oh, right…” she let out after a few seconds. She looked back at Ashton, her lips parting slightly as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“You… You should have told me it was a goodbye fuck” she eventually said before playfully punching Ashton’s shoulder and walking away from us. My mouth was wide opened and I tried to find something to say but I didn’t even know how I felt. When I finally looked at Ashton, he was already looking at me and his eyes seemed full of worry and remorse as he waited for me to say something. I suddenly became aware of his hand on my waist and I took a step to the side so that there wasn’t any more contact between our bodies.

“Katy…” Ashton started but I started to feel a burning sensation in my eyes and I lifted my hand up to stop him.

“Just give me a minute” I asked weakly before turning around and making my way over to the front door. I leaned against the frontal of the bar and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and rested my head against the cold wall; I was confused and needed to clear my thoughts before doing anything else.

I was shocked by what I’d heard. It was weird for me to think that Ashton had been having fun this whole time even though he knew and believed that every of the girls he had sex with would never be anything more than unimportant love affairs. It pained me to think that even though I’d never really believed in having a soul mate; I’d waited for the countdown to come to an end to have sex with anyone, just to be sure… And all this time he was sleeping around and having fun and I should’ve done the same thing. But it wasn’t what was really hurting me, if I was being honest with myself…

“Katy?” he called and I opened my eyes to see him walking toward me. I let out a sigh and decided that it was probably best for us to talk about this; we were still getting to know each other, after all, that was part of the game, too.

“I’m so sorry about what happened back there…I-” he started but I decided to cut him off by lifting my hand up and I gave him a small smile.

“Don’t apologize, it’s fine… It’s just that I wasn’t expecting it. I huh… You have your past and I have mine, that’s a cool thing… I think now may be the time for us to be completely honest with each other” I told him and he let out a relieved smile before nodding energetically.

“Okay, let me start! I huh… I feel completely stupid right now. When I was 16, I knew I still had 2 more years to go before meeting you and I wanted to have fun and I started having sex with random girls… I always made sure they hadn’t met their soul mate yet, I didn’t want them to be cheating on anyone with me and Helena was one of those girls. She may have seemed a bit inconsiderate back there but I swear she’s actually a really nice girl and she didn’t mean to hurt anyone… I feel stupid because if I’d known even for a slight second I’d feel this way with you, and I mean when I’m with you, and when I’m not… Just… You make me feel a million kind of wonderful and I now realize that whatever I felt with those girls was nothing… I’d saved myself for you if I’d known” he let out and I reached out and brushed my knuckles over his cheek before cupping his face and brushing my lips over his.

“You don’t have to apologize, I understand… It’s fine! Now, it’s my time to be honest I… I was really confused at first but it actually makes sense and I’m okay with it… I’m just… I just can’t help but picture you with those girls and frankly… I don’t really like it” I answered as my nose scrunched in displeasure.

“And also I’m totally inexperienced when it comes to sex and I kind of wish I wasn’t… Because if we ever do it, you know…” I started rambling on but he shushed me by slamming his lips down on mine, his whole body backing me up against the wall, his hands on my waist, mine on his biceps.

“Don’t say that! You don’t know how happy it makes me to know that no one’s ever touched you that way yet and I wish I could make you happy the same way… But don’t you worry, I’ll teach you everything there is to know” he ended with a cheeky smile and I let out a loud laugh as I felt my cheeks start to redden.

His eyes were on my face the whole time and a small smile was playing on his lips. His right hand traveled to the small of my back and he pressed my body against his before leaning in again; he placed his lips on my cheek and I felt his breath hit my hear as he talked.


AN : A big, big thank you to Calumornia for being such a sweetheart and a great support. She's also an amazing writer and her story make me weak so I suggest you go read it, you'll love it, I promise xx

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