Twenty four.

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The wounds healed eventually and I was thankful for the countless amount of time my mom had to take care of me after many clumsy falls. I had obviously learned a lot from watching her apply cream on my scratches.

It was finally the big day; I was with Emma and we were about to put online the very first version of my blog. I was really excited about it; I had doubts, of course, but Emma was so excited about it that she managed to calm me down and just make me believe that things were going to work just fine.

I decided that the first piece of writing on it was going to be about love; love for your family, love for your friends, love for your soulmate, for strangers even... It was about the people we loved and the sacrifices we were all ready to make for them.

"But how are people going to find this blog?" I asked her for the millionth time and she rolled her eyes and took a sip of her coffee.

"I told you, I contacted the Glimmer Train Press and they're going to write an article about your blog on their website very soon" she announced before giving me a malicious smile.

"What?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"You know the newspaper your story was published in?" she asked and I nodded as I waited for her to continue; "well I called them and they would like to interview you, probably by e-mail, about it" she announced and I opened my eyes widely before getting up from my chair and jumping up in excitement.

"Oh my god, Emma! This is amazing! Emma!" I yelled in excitement before taking her in my arms for a hug; "I hope you realize how important you've been in this project! Like it's not even MY blog, it's OURS" I said and she shook her head as she pulled away and held me at arm length.

"Huh huh, no! It's your blog, you're the writer!" she protested and it was my turn to roll my eyes as I took my phone and started typing a text to Ashton.

That's it! It's ooooon xx

"You wanna eat something?" I asked Emma and she nodded as I walked toward the kitchen and started making sandwiches.

I heard my phone buzz as we both sat on the sofa and started eating like hungry teenagers and I wiped my hands on a tissue before grabbing it and opening the text.

That's amazing, baby! I'm so proud of you! What do you say we celebrate tonight?xx

I smiled as I started thinking about a restaurant we could go to. My phone buzzed two times and I carelessly opened the text as the smile immediately disappeared from my face.

Going out with your girl friends seems like a much more appropriate way to celebrate - Chris xx

Oh and it's not an excuse! You should really go clubbing with your friends tonight - Chris xx

What? Did they have access to my phone? Could they read my texts now? I tried my best not to let out a big sigh as Emma was still seating next to me. It was getting really frustrated; I just didn't really have any control on my life anymore and that would drive any human being crazy. The problem was I knew I was going to hurt someone else; whether I wanted it or not.

"You're okay?" Emma asked, bringing me back to reality.

"Yeah!" I hurriedly answered as I forced a smile onto my face, "I was just thinking maybe we could go and celebrate tonight? With Lynda, Mary and Jon?" I offered and her eyes lit up as she took her phone out of her pocket and started texting everyone.

"Is it okay if I bring a few other friends?" she asked and I nodded as a little giggle left my lips. I then remembered I had to tell Ashton.

Oh huh, we already planned on going clubbing with Lynda and Emma, I'm so sorry, baby, tomorrow? Xx

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