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"Can you promise me you won't interrupt me?" I said first and Ashton cocked his head to the side as he sat beside me.

"Can you trust me, please?" he said back and I smiled before reaching out to grab his hands as I took a big breath.

We had decided to go for a walk in a park near Ashton's apartment, and I was as nervous as I'd ever been. Things were good between me and Ashton, not perfect, but good, and I was afraid that this was going to mess it all up.

On the other hand, I knew that if I didn't tell him, things would only get worse. I knew he'd find out and I needed to learn to communicate with him. Besides, I had to take a decision, and I knew he would help me.

"I saw Greg yesterday" I announced and his smile immediately faded as he took his hands out of mine. That saddened me, but I knew I had to carry on. I opened my mouth again but Ashton's voice cut me off.

"Why would you want to meet up with him? They told you not to do that! He's harassed you for weeks and you go straight for it?" he angrily asked and I felt my mouth get dry as my eyes widened. I had to tell the whole story now or I would never be able to do it.

"No, no! I didn't meet up with him! He was at the club yesterday! He must've seen my Instagram picture and he went there and when I was going to the restroom he kind of dragged me into a quiet place to talk to me." I said and his jaw was still tensed as he waited for me to add something.

"What did the fucker want?" he said in-between greeted teeth and I ignored his tone as I told him exactly what Greg had said.

He stayed quiet for what felt like hours. His eyes were on the grass around us, and he just wouldn't look at me. I eventually dropped my gaze to the floor, too. The silence was unbearable. I could hear him breathe heavily beside me and I started to wonder if this was all a good idea. Of course it wasn't. Of course not.

I should've kept it to myself, I should have taken a decision on my own and not involve him in this. I knew what I wanted to do anyway; if Greg was telling the truth, if he had really been blackmailed into doing this, if he was really addicted to drugs... Then I was going to do everything I could to help him. He was my best friend, after all.

"I just need to figure out whether he's telling the truth or not" I murmured after a good ten minutes and Ashton threw his head back before closing his eyes.

"Great! How are you going to do that?" he sarcastically asked and I felt as if I had just been stabbed in the heart.

"Ashton, please, I-" I started but he scoffed, which made me stop.

"Are you seriously considering it? Not charging him?" He accused and I felt the air leave my lungs as I tried to find the right words.

"If he's been b-" I started but he cut me off again.

"No, just tell me, are you really considering it?" he asked, annoyed.


"Okay, thank you very much" he replied as he got up and started walking away.
"Are you being serious?" I breathed out as pain and anger started to spread throughout my whole body. "Are you fucking serious?" I asked, louder this time.

"Dead serious" he muttered without turning around.

Ashton's POV :

I walked back to my apartment and ignored Michael's questions as I went straight to my bathroom and quickly undressed before getting under the shower. I had to find a way to get this anger out if I didn't want to burn this place down.

I started with cold water, and then switched to really hot to make the fury go away. It kind of eased the anger, even though I knew it wouldn't just go away like that. It wasn't her I was mad at. I was mad at Greg. I was happy I didn't have any idea where he was right this moment, because I would have paid him a visit, and it would have been really ugly.

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